Published at 18th of June 2024 08:06:34 AM

Chapter 210: Chapter 210: Playing with Little Baby_1

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Chapter 210: Playing with Little Baby_1

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The three dogs were conscientiously fulfilling their duty, their mouths curved affectionately, their small eyes squinted into slits, trying their best to look cute and dumb like pet dogs.

Grey One, Grey Two, and Grey Three are obedient and wont bite. Theres no need to be afraid.

The Little Prince was intrigued by the six children close in age and wanted to strike up a conversation with them. He peered out from his sisters embrace and started talking.

Woof woof.

The three dogs cooperated by expressing themselves with low purring sounds from their throats. Their mouths curled even higher, grinning like flowers.

Their fur is really soft, you can touch them.

Boosted by the support of the three dogs, the Little Prince gained more courage. He stretched out his tender hand and happily petted the dogs.

He happened to pet Grey Three, who was the closest to him. With an outstretched hand, he could reach the dogs neck.

Grey Three was comfortable and enjoyed the affection from the little friend.

Big doggy, hug me.

The least afraid of the big dogs among the six children was actually the youngest girl. The cute little girl climbed to Grey Three, stretched her arms around the dogs neck, and gave the dog an incredibly assertive bear hug.

Woof woof.

Grey Three was startled. He hadnt expected the seemingly unremarkable little girl to have such strength. She tightly hugged his neck, making it difficult for him to breathe.

Hehe, Grey Three, she really likes you.

Su Qingluo found it amusing, as she patted Grey Threes head to signal him to handle the situation.

Woof woof.

Grey Three emitted a low purr from his throat, suddenly lowered his head, and freed his neck from the little girls grip.

Big doggy, hug me.

The cute little girl was relentless and chased Grey Three to play.

Grey Three played along with the good temperament, allowing her to climb and crawl around him and occasionally pet his fur.

The five boys were eager to join, inching closer to Grey One and Grey Two, extending their small trembling hands.

Grey One, Grey Two loved the children. With five little boys around their age to play with, their hearts were overjoyed, and their tails wagged happily.

The Little Prince was fascinated by the six little friends, and he secretly joined in the fur-petting fun. He tumbled around with the dogs, laughing cheerfully.

With the three dogs helping to watch the children, Su Qingluo found some free time to organize the medicine box and prepare essential drugs, planning to send them to the two masters tomorrow.

Sister Yu, there are more people in the cave now, and we dont have enough food. What should we do?

Li Xiue took advantage of her daughters free time and whispered her concerns to Su Qingluo.

Su Hus family of eight brought food for ten days up the mountain.

With so many stranded people, feeding more than sixty people was becoming unsustainable after only a couple of days.

Mother, dont worry. I still have some food.

Su Qingluo gave Li Xiue a calming look and brought her to a secluded corner without anyone around.

A flash of spiritual light from her right hand, and five large jars appeared in front of both of them, along with a small bunch of scattered sweet potatoes and potatoes.

Li Xiue recognized the familiar jars as their own food storage jars, one of which contained pickled vegetables.

Sister Yu, do you really have a treasure that can move things?

Li Xiues eyes widened in astonishment, and her heart raced uncontrollably.

Mhm, Mother, you must keep this a secret for me.

Su Qingluo, acting spoiled, tugged at Li Xiues arm.

Aiya, Ill definitely not tell anyone, not even your father.

Li Xiue vowed solemnly.

Hehe, thank you, Mother.

Su Qingluo affectionately rubbed against Li Xiues arm.

Whats there to thank me for? Im your mother.

Li Xiue was full of indulgence and affection.

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