Published at 25th of June 2024 05:22:54 AM

Chapter 220: Chapter 220: Chapter 220: Pretty Sister_1

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Chapter 220: Chapter 220: Pretty Sister_1

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Li Xiue loved her children and selected the finest fabric in the shop to make clothes for her siblings.

Furong Town, although a small town, was situated at the foot of Foshou Temple and saw a constant stream of devotees all year round, many of whom were prestigious families from the Capital City.

The clothes and fashion in the town followed closely to the trends in the Capital City; whatever was popular there, the shops in the town would also carry it.

Seeing such big customers walk in, the proprietor of the clothing shop beamed with joy.

He endlessly praised the brother and sister for being smart and handsome, and having a unique elegance, which delighted Su Hu and his wife.

After choosing the fabric for the siblings, Li Xiues gaze landed on a soft, floral fabric.

The light pink fabric adorned with small, goose-yellow flowers complimented Su Qingluo and Li Xiaowan. The two young girls appeared as pretty as the first blossoms of spring against it.

Mom, this fabric is beautiful. I like it.

Su Qingluo draped the fabric around her and spun a few rounds.

Beautiful, sister is beautiful.

The Little Prince clapped his hands giving a hearty vocal praise.

Sister is beautiful, beautiful.

Heidou always followed his little brothers lead; whatever the little brother said, he also repeated.

Mom, lets buy this fabric. Sister Wan will also look pretty in it.

Su Ziqin noticed Sister Wans envious gaze and also fetched a piece of fabric to hold up against the girls face.

Sister Wan blushed, her big eyes sparkling as she cautiously extended her hand to feel the soft fabric.

If both kids like it, well buy the whole roll.

Watching the pair of sisters, Su Hu waved his hand generously and declared, Make a set of long and short sleeves each. Keep the leftovers for next year.

Right, kids grow up fast. They need new clothes every year, so lets just buy it all.

Li Xiue happily agreed.

The Su Clan today was no longer the impoverished family of the past. Now that they had money, they were socially standing straight; she also derived great pleasure from spending big on shopping.

You two customers are indeed fortunate. Every child in your family is intelligent, handsome, and well-behaved.

Having wrapped up the floral fabric, the shopkeepers mouth was practically dripping with honey, praising them to the skies it was as if he could hardly contain himself.

Thick fabric is best for Brother Mengs clothes. Black suits him.

Li Xiues eyes crinkled in a smile as she became more enthusiastic about choosing the fabric: The clothes for the three little ones should be made of fine cotton. Xuaner will look nice in light blue, Maodou in dark blue, and Heidou, being small, should wear red for good luck.

Buy one roll for each color, and make a few more sets for each of them.

Caressing Heidous small head, Su Hu chuckled, The little rascal loves to play in the mud. One roll in the dirt, his whole outfit is dirty. He could go through three changes of clothes in a day.

Youre right.

Convivially agreeing, Li Xiue pointed at a few bolts of fabric and told the shopkeeper with a smile, Ill take all these.

Very good, dear customers, hold on a moment. Ill have someone pack these up for you.

The shopkeepers face was almost distorted with glee. After directing his staff to wrap up the fabric, he personally delivered them to the carriage.

Having paid his bill, Su Hu left the shop satisfied. Seeing that it was still early, he decided to take a detour to the Treasure Emporium to buy some jewelry for his wife.

Unable to resist the encouragement of their children, Li Xiue delightedly entered the Treasure Emporium and chose several pieces of jewelry that caught her fancy.

Thinking of their relatives who had been frightened in the flood, she also picked out a few pieces for her old mother, sisters, and sisters-in-law.

Having the rare occasion with the whole family together, Su Hu decided on a whim to dine at the towns best restaurant before heading home.

The children were all very happy.

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