Published at 25th of June 2024 05:22:52 AM

Chapter 224: Chapter 224: Chapter 224: The Little Tiger Cub Becomes the Groups Favorite _1

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Chapter 224: Chapter 224: The Little Tiger Cub Becomes the Groups Favorite _1

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A tiger cub was brought into their home, along with a litter of puppies.

Grey One, Grey Two, Grey Three, three single dogs, were obviously stimulated. They clung to the corner with their tails tucked in, grumbling in protest.

The tiger cub hadnt opened its eyes yet. Positioned among the puppies, it received no favors. Within no time, it was pushed aside, whimpering pitifully.

This will not work. The mother dog doesnt like the tiger; it cant compete against the puppies and isnt able to drink milk. How will it survive?

Su Qingluo squatted by the dog nest, resting her chin in her hands, sighing deeply in worry.

Why dont we buy a milking sheep from the town?

Little Kingfisher suggested, A ewe is gentle and more suited for nursing the cub.

Sigh, seems like we have to buy a sheep then.

When the mother dog was not looking, Su Qingluo sneakily ruffled the tiger cub into the pile of puppies, but it wasnt long before it was pushed out again.

For tonight, itll just have to make do. It wont starve from missing a few sips.

Little Kingfisher reluctantly fluffed its small wings, gradually losing patience.

It wont work, the tiger cub is so weak. Without milk, it definitely wont survive.

Su Qingluo refused to give up, repeatedly tucking the tiger cub under the mother dog.

Her persistence gradually showed results. Perhaps the mother dog was tired, her eyelids heavy, she couldnt hold on and fell asleep.

The woman and the bird exchanged a smile, stealthily withdrawing one puppy and replacing it with the tiger cub.

Finally getting to drink milk, the tiger cub puffed up its cheeks, sucking forcefully with gusto.

With an added tiger cub at home, the children were delighted. The next morning, they all gathered at the dog nest.

Su Ziqin and Su Zixuan interestingly widened their eyes, monopolizing the best spot at the dog nest. They gawked at the cub, never getting enough.

Brother Zixuan, Soybean waits for you. Hurry to ride the horse.

The Little Prince couldnt squeeze in. He promptly dragged Su Zixuans sleeve towards the stables.

Su Zixuan was great friends with Soybean, with their camaraderie quickly warming up since his return for the summer break.

Whenever Su Zixuan had time, he would take Soybean out for walks, groom his fur and feed him hay, without any assistance.

Soybean was now a year old and had grown into a sturdy horse.

Su Zixuan would also, occasionally, ride him around the forest, breathing in the fresh air and frolic around to his hearts content.

Heehaw, Heehaw.

Upon seeing Su Zixuan, Soybean happily lifted its forelimbs, neighing softly.

Soybean, have you been waiting for me? Lets go for a run.

Su Zixuan cheerfully dashed towards Soybean, forgetting the tiger cub for a moment.

Sister Ziqin, didnt you say yesterday that you were going to visit Sister Li Meng at grandmothers house? Its time to go, or you wont be back by noon.

Having sent off Su Zixuan, the Little Prince now tried to coax Su Ziqin into leaving.

Right, I forgot about that. I should get going.

Su Ziqin was very close with Li Meng. The two sisters often met and always had things to talk about whenever they were together.

After a long look at the tiger cub, she left, feeling reluctant to part.

At last, the Little Prince got his wish fulfilled. He brought over a small stool and took the best spot, sitting in front of the dog nest, and stayed there all morning.

Maodou, Heidou, sister Wan also copied his actions, each carried a small stool, gathered around the dog nest, propping their chins to watch the tiger cub, growing more fond the more they looked.

The tiger cub is so small, I want to touch it.

Heidou sneakily stretched out his small hand towards the dog nest.

Hey, there, little master, you cant do this. The mother dog doesnt want you to touch them, she could bite if she gets upset.

Grandma Liu came out from the kitchen, catching this scene and quickly dashed over in a few strides, pulling back Heidous hand.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!