Published at 27th of June 2024 06:12:55 AM

Chapter 225: Chapter 225: Chapter 225: It Looks Like a Cat_1

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Chapter 225: Chapter 225: It Looks Like a Cat_1

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Heidou, sister said that we cant touch the little tiger cub. If we do, it will have the smell of humans, and its mother wont want it anymore.

Little Prince was very serious as he made a solemn face and lectured Heidou.

I want to touch the tiger cub, not the puppy.

Heidou muttered softly in defense.

You cant touch the tiger cub either, its drinking milk.

Sister Wan gently advised.

Heidou, listen to Sister Qingluo. Whatever she says is always right.

Little Prince put on a serious expression and supported his sister wholeheartedly.

Yes, listening to Sister Qingluo is definitely the right thing.

Sister Wan and Maodou, who were slightly older, remembered that Su Qingluo had saved them from the flood. They nodded vigorously in agreement.

I wont touch it.

Heidou was convinced by his siblings and sheepishly put down his hand.

Early in the morning, Wang Meng was pulled out of bed by his Master and urged to rush off to Furong Town to buy a milking sheep.

He knew how to ride a horse, and he wasnt scared to go to Furong Town by himself.

After a hasty breakfast, he rode away like the wind on Black Wind.

By noon, Wang Meng had made a round trip to Furong Town without stopping, and returned with a milking sheep as promised.

As soon as he entered the door, he was greeted by a warm cheer from the little ones.

The milking sheep had just given birth, and its milk was plentiful. Seeing the little tiger cub, it did not reject it but gently licked its fur, lovingly caring for it as if it were its own child.

With a goat as its mother, the little tiger cub no longer had to be bullied by the puppies. It happily drank milk by itself.

Su Qingluo returned the mother dog and the litter of puppies to the village chiefs house and gave them a wild chicken as a thank-you gift.

Dashans wife happily accepted the wild chicken and, out of curiosity, went with Su Qingluo to see the tiger cub.

Aiyo, its so small. How come it looks like a cat to me?

People who had never seen a tiger cub found it strange.

Arent tigers just like big cats?

Li Xiue entered the room to welcome the visitors, standing beside Dashans wife.

Its not just a bit bigger, right?

Su Hu couldnt help but laugh at his wifes words.

What does this little thing eat? Will it eat people when it grows up?

Dashans wife exaggeratedly exclaimed, much to the displeasure of the little ones.

The little tiger cub wont eat people.

Heidou, who was too young to know politeness, spoke up first to express his discontent.

Sister Qingluo said that a tiger raised by us wont eat people; it will only bite bad people.

Little Prince put on a serious expression and stated his opinion.

What Sister says is definitely right.

Sister Wan and Maodou chimed in agreement.

Ai, I didnt say anything.

Dashans wife blushed, feeling a bit wronged, and awkwardly left.

Haha, well done, little ones. You are truly Su Clan people, always protective.

Su Hu laughed heartily inside the house.

Mother, I want to go into the mountains this afternoon.

Su Qingluo was worried about the mother tiger and wanted to visit the tigers den again.

Alright, just be mindful of the time and dont come back too late.

Li Xiue naturally wouldnt refuse, and agreed with a smile before returning to the main room.

She wanted to make clothes for her children and hoped to finish them before the end of August, so that Su Ziqin and Su Zixuan could take them to school.

Mom, its too tiring for you to make clothes by yourself. Why dont we ask the villagers for help?

Su Qingluo was concerned for her mother and followed her into the main room, suggesting, The village chiefs two daughters-in-law are good with their hands and can make childrens clothes. With their help, mother can take it a bit easier.

Theres no need to trouble Li Clans daughters-in-law.

Li Xiue thought for a moment, Lets ask your First Aunt for help instead. Your sister has been visiting grandmothers house these past few days, so she can ask First Aunt if shes available.

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