Published at 27th of June 2024 06:12:54 AM

Chapter 226: Chapter 226: Chapter 226: The Hearts Desire_1

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Chapter 226: Chapter 226: The Hearts Desire_1

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First Aunt surely has some free time.

Su Qingluo moved next to Li Xiue, smiling and giving her a shoulder rub and back massage. Li Xiue felt completely relaxed and her heart warmed like a pool of water.

When your first aunt comes over, well ask her to tailor a dress for you with that new cloth. Her hands are very skillful and the clothes she makes always fit perfectly, making you look even better.

Li Xiue looked at her youngest daughter with more and more affection, her face full of love.

I dont like wearing dresses.

Su Qingluo didnt care much: Wearing a dress, I cant ride a horse or go fishing in the river. Its too inconvenient for everything.

What kind of young girl doesnt like to wear dresses? Dont be like your sister, always thinking about becoming a female official, never giving people a peace of mind.

Whenever Li Xiue thought of Su Ziqins Marriage Luck Lottery, her heart ached and she felt annoyed.

What does wearing a dress have to do with being a female official?

Su Qingluo, who felt wronged, touched her nose and closed her mouth with embarrassment.

With the lamb taking care of the little tiger cub, Su Qingluo felt relieved and went to the tigers den again in the afternoon.

The mother tiger was recovering well, and Big Tiger, who loved his wife, caught a big wild boar for her to eat.

Two little tiger cubs were happily drinking milk, their little unopened eyes narrowed into slits.

Su Qingluo fed the mother tiger a Spirit Pill and left the den, realizing it was still early. She then changed direction and went to Mystic Canyon with Little Kingfisher.

The herb garden in the canyon was lively, with thousand-year-old medicinal plants bearing abundant fruits and flowers, filling the air with their fragrance.

The newly planted medicinal seeds sprouted under the nourishment of the rainwater, poking out tender sprouts.

Su Qingluo picked flowers for brewing wine and selected some fruit, extracted their seeds, and planted them in the new herb garden.

Little Kingfisher loved to eat the fresh medicinal plant fruit, happily eating one after another. Its small belly was rounded, and it still licked its mouth, flapping its small wings and flying away.

Su Qingluo kept busy all afternoon, planting new medicinal seeds and brewing wine, finally burying it in the valley. It was only when the sun set beyond the western mountains that she reluctantly left the canyon to return to Woniu Village.

With the little tiger cub and three same-age little cute companions around, the Little Prince spent less time sticking to his sister.

With her newfound free time, Su Qingluo visited the tigers den for three days in a row and then took a detour to the Mystic Canyon to tend to the herb garden.

Ever since the talk about the upcoming Autumn Martial Arts Examination in September, Wang Meng had been very focused on martial arts training.

Su Qingluo understood his intentions and guided him whenever she had time.

Both were tacitly aware and did not deliberately mention whether they would send Su Ziqin to study in the capital.

Upon hearing her sister-in-laws invitation to make clothes, Li Liushi, Li Mengs mother and the first aunt of Su Ziqin and her siblings, readily agreed.

The very next morning, she brought Li Meng to visit her sister-in-law, accompanied by her younger son, Li Jian.

Li Jian was the same age as Su Zixuan but did not perform as well academically. He only ranked more than a hundredth in the Provincial Examination and could not go to study in the county. So, he went to a nearby college in the town.

Li Jian was also very fascinated by the little tiger cub, squatting in front of the tigers den for the whole afternoon.

Li Meng and Su Ziqin chatted in the main room while helping their mother sew clothes and do embroidery, happily enjoying their time together.

With their help, Li Xiue had a much easier time and was able to sew the clothes more quickly.

Almost one garment per day, they soon prepared enough clothes for Su Ziqin and her brother Su Zixuan.

Having a little tiger cub at home made it even livelier.

Li Jian pestered his mother, insisting on staying at his aunts house for a few days and sharing a room with Su Zixuan at night.

Seeing her brother playing, Li Meng followed suit and insisted on staying as well, wanting to spend time with Su Ziqin.

Li Liushi, unable to resist their demands, finally agreed.

After dinner, they happily agreed with Li Xiue that they would come again the next day. Su Hu then sent them home.

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