Published at 27th of June 2024 06:12:54 AM

Chapter 227: Chapter 227: Chapter 227 Li Mengs Concerns_1

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Chapter 227: Chapter 227 Li Mengs Concerns_1

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The residence in Xuzhou City, under Su Ziqins insistence, was eventually entrusted to Jufeng Trading Company for sale.

Luo Zhan assisted in negotiations, fetching a good price, a third higher than the original purchase price.

With the profit from the price difference, Li Xiue was even more determined to buy a house in Capital City. In her spare time, she discussed with Su Hu to take all their available funds and buy a slightly better residence in the Capital City.

Su Hu, always obedient to his wife, naturally would not disagree.

Once the couple made up their minds, they sent a message to Luo Zhan through someone asking Jufeng Trading Company to help in finding a suitable house in Capital City in advance.

Li Meng was very close to her sister Su Ziqin, inseparable every day. Seeing that her sister was about to go to Capital City for study by the end of August, her mood gradually became low.

Su Ziqin, sensitive to her changes, probed, finally asking the words in her heart.

Li Meng didnt like studying and dropped out early, staying at home learning embroidery from adults to supplement the family income.

This was not noticeable when they were young.

But as the two sisters grew up, Su Ziqin was admitted to the Imperial Academy and became increasingly vibrant, the gap between them gradually appeared.

Li Meng occasionally regretted.

She regretted not being diligent and giving up her studies too easily.

However, there is no medicine for regret in the world, and regret is useless.

Now, Su Ziqin was going to Capital City for further studies, and it would be hard to return home in a year or half.

If she graduated successfully and became a Female Official, she would settle down in Capital City.

The two sisters would be far apart and it would be difficult to meet.

Li Meng felt suffocated in her heart, she was reluctant to stay in the countryside and wanted to follow Su Ziqin to Capital City, but she was afraid that her parents would not agree.

The more she thought about it, the worse she felt, her mood gradually declined and she didnt smile all day.

Su Ziqin knew about her best friends troubles and felt worried for her.

Li Meng was a stubborn girl. If First Uncle and First Aunt really disagreed, there would be a grudge between father and daughter, and she would certainly have a hard time at home in the future.

One night, after dinner, Su Ziqin, burdened with heavy concerns, told Li Xiue about this matter. The mother and daughter discussed the feasibility of the matter and reflected for a long time.

Su Ziqin, out of concern for Li Meng, begged her mother to ask First Uncle and First Aunt for their opinions.

Li Xiue wanted to find a companion for her daughter, so she wouldnt be too lonely in Capital City, and after much hesitation, she finally nodded in agreement.

First Uncle of Li Clan had three children. The eldest son was a carpenters apprentice in Xuzhou City and had learned a good craft.

The youngest son studied at the academy in town. Although his academics were not outstanding, he had passed the examination and become a scholar, promising a decent future.

Only the daughter, who didnt like studying and had dropped out of school to stay at home, wasnt capable of either literary or martial arts, and didnt want to labor hard to learn a craft. She could only embroider a few handkerchiefs to supplement the family income.

The couple, First Uncle and First Aunt of Li Clan, knew their daughter wasnt promising and had long planned to arrange a good marriage for her in the countryside. Living close to her parents would provide a safety net for the future.

When Li Xiue brought up the matter with her big brother and sister-in-law, their first reaction was disapproval.

They knew their daughter well.

A country girl who had never left the mountain, knew nothing about etiquette and social rules, what could she do in the Capital City, where nobles and rich families gathered? What kind of family could she marry into?

Forget about marrying into a wealthy family as a primary wife, even the sons from poor families would disdain her for her lack of education and inability to make a decent appearance in public.

Upon learning that her aunt had been rebuffed by her parents, Li Meng, in her stubbornness, decided to fast.

She locked herself in her room and cried for a whole day and night, refusing to eat even a grain of rice.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!