Published at 10th of June 2024 09:12:06 AM

Chapter 656: Chapter 656: Ancient Classics, Spreading to the World!_2

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Chapter 656: Ancient Classics, Spreading to the World!_2


Translator: 549690339

Li Yueming was silent for a long time. After making a draft in his heart, he said word by word,Teacher, this world is a cage. You and I are all prisoners!

As for who is controlling all of this behind the scenesNot to mention that I dont have a definite answer for the time being, even if I really do, I cant tell anyone!

Looking at the quiet Li Yueming in front of him, Wang Ziwei was obviously stunned. After a moment, he suddenly smiled and said,Yes, yes, yes.

As soon as he finished speaking.

The two of them fell silent.

Wang Ziwei was no longer in the mood to continue chatting. He opened the door of the living room and took a few steps out in the wind and snow. Suddenly, he turned around and said, Even in my dreams, I wanted to destroy the Great Zhou, but I didnt expect that this matter would be done by a disciple like youlve lost my goal to work hard for. I guess this is the end of my life. I

hope these things can help you!

After saying this, Wang Ziwei did not look back and disappeared through the door in the wind and snow.

Come in the snow, leave in the snow.

Only a few broken books and the fading footprints at the door proved that he had really been here.

Li Yueming stood at the door and watched Wang Ziwei leave. He knew that if nothing unexpected happened, this would probably be the last time the master and disciple would meet.

When Wang Ziweis figure completely disappeared.

Li Yueming then closed the door and opened the remnant of the Book of Changes in his hand to study.


Spring passed and autumn came in Northern Glacier Town. Time flowed like water into the sea and never returned.

It had to be said that Northern Glacier Town was probably the most experienced governing body in the world in terms of how to pacify the land after the war and re-establish order.

After spending about two years, the entire regime of the Great Zhou was basically taken over by Northern Glacier Town.

At this point, if the two old monsters that Ji Tian had mentioned did not wake up, the Great Zhou Dynasty would have been completely destroyed, both in reality and in name.

Northern Glacier Town took over the order of the entire Great Zhou territory and began to reform this devastated land in an orderly manner.

After enduring the painful period of the first two years, the Great Zhou towns under the command of Northern Glacier Town had begun to regain their vitality in the third year.

After dealing with the most difficult problem.

Next was the expansion of Northern Glacier Town and the change of its name.

Northern Glacier Town was the capital that the Star-Moon Army had initially established. Previously, they could still use this title when they were in the northwest. Now that the Star Moon Army had already broken through the capital of Great Zhou, it would be a little unclear if they continued to call him by this name.

Therefore, after a heated discussion among the higher-ups of the Star Moon Army, they unanimously decided to change the new name to the Star Moon Empire.

The proposal passed through multiple rounds of review and was finally placed in front of Li Yuemings case.

After Li Yueming saw it, he couldnt help but laugh.

Star Moon, Star Moon

This seemed to have become the exclusive symbol of his activities in the various reincarnation worlds.

Basically, every world would be simplified at the end, condensed into the two characters that were closely related to him, the star and moon.

Of course, he did not reject it.

He just let his subordinates do as they saw fit.

After all, most of his energy was currently focused on studying the remnant of the Book of Changes.

According to Wang Ziweis description, the Book of Changes was one of the highest scriptures practiced by the natives of this world during the ancient Da Qian era. The individuals power during the ancient Da Qian era was not as simple as Qi Refinement as it was now. It was a combination of body tempering and Qi Refinement.

Cultivate the Book of Changes to the extreme.

Not only could he see the endless mysteries of the world, but he could also obtain the powerful power to travel through space.

In other words, the so-called peak of glory in the ancient Great Qian Dynasty should be a powerful civilization of Immortal Cultivators.

Judging from the fact that they could travel through space, the ancient Da Qian might have opened up more than one world.

It was a pity that Li Yueming had obtained the incomplete volume of the Book of Changes. There was no complete cultivation plan recorded on it. Moreover, because the incomplete volume was too powerful, even the infinite deduction talent could not completely restore it.

Li Yueming could only imagine the whole picture through a limited view.

Then, the problem came.

Since the ancient Da Qian Dynasty was so powerful, it might even be an advanced civilization that had established other worlds as their breeding grounds.

Why was it suddenly destroyed overnight?

How powerful was the hand behind all this?

Li Yueming didnt know, and he had no way of knowing.

The only thing he knew was that through studying and deducing the incomplete book of the Book of Changes, he had successfully broken through the Nirvana Realm, and his understanding of the human body had become deeper.

If he continued to delve deeper into it, he might even be able to unlock a brand new human body treasure.

This was the most realistic thing for Li Yueming.

Otherwise, even the old monsters of the Six Nations would not be able to resist.

So what if he knew the true intentions of the mastermind?

It was useless.


Many major events had happened in the past year.

The first to bear the brunt was naturally the inevitable relocation of the Star Moon Army headquarters from North Ice River Town to Haojing.

Northern Ice River Town was also officially renamed as the Star Moon Dynasty from an armed independent force, changing the Great Zhou Royal Calendar to the ideal calendar. At the beginning of the same year, the people officially abolished the Great Zhou Royal Calendar, and the first year of the Star Moon Dynastys ideal calendar began..

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