Published at 8th of November 2021 11:37:39 AM

Chapter 132: 132

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Somehow, I had a hunch.

I knew someone would have come here forcefully the moment I felt a severe shake... and there is no other way, such as on the minds of someone who would do that.

Of course I didn't know that Soma was here or anything, but rather, I'm talking about why he's here... and still, considering that Soma was there, I was so convinced.

But anyway, that's it, this is this, is it.

I don't ask what you're doing here, etc.

I wouldn't even have to ask that...... well, it wouldn't be the kind of thing I'd ask now, although it would be a lie if I said I wasn't interested in how I got to do that.

Whatever Sheila does, it doesn't change, and that's just one thing.

"Hmm... you seem very motivated"

".................. naturally"

'Cause this is Sheila's job.

Sheila's role alone, entrusted directly by her brother, who is also the chief.

It's like I couldn't have thought of it myself that used to just take care of everyone, and then I wouldn't be able to not fulfill it.

"Hmm...... I see. Oh man, this is going to need another hit..."


When Soma, who sees how this one is doing, squeals something she doesn't know well by accident, she exhales.

It's a distracted atmosphere somewhere... but soon afterwards, it changes.

Though I never tried to fit in, the eyes I saw in my sight were much narrower.

"... eh"

Moments later, I could tell that Soma's consciousness had switched, even though I didn't like it.

It's like they've eagled my heart... or they're attacking me with that illusion, like they're sticking a blade in my throat.

There is a clear death, in itself.

"But if that's the case, there's no way I'm serious about it."

That being said, Soma has not taken any particular stand.

But Sheila knew.

That's what Soma is all about.

In other words, as the word goes, Soma is seriously going to do it.

"... n, where I want it"

Rather, that's what it is.

It has to be.


"... eh"

Look at the situation without alarm, breathing slowly and repeatedly to calm your mind.

My distance is about ten meters.

But the distance is the same without.

Even Sheila does, so it would be an exaggeration for Soma.

The size of the battlefield is about twenty meters in diameter.

There's no room for petty work, and Soma deserves it, neither has this one done anything.

In short, overwhelmingly, this one's at a disadvantage by one side.

There is no such thing as local interest.

As for the difference in strength, it's too much now.

But... even if you don't win, you can't lose.

I managed to contain my body that was about to tremble and put my right hand in a knife pattern.

A forward leaning position with your right foot forward and your body protruding forward.

No more words, I don't need.

Exhaling sharply, he kicked the ground with all his might.

"- Discretionary."

- Knife Art Extraordinary, Forest Spirit Protection, Mental Concentration, Living Together, Mind and Eye: Discretionary.

Zero distance after less than seconds, swinging through your right arm at the same time as you step into the ground.

No spare time, it's all from the beginning.

Instead of handing it off, he's even going to kill it, and a blunt slash runs...

"... eh"

But the response that came back was, naturally, rigid.

It sounds tall... but that's what I knew.

So Sheila had already taken the next step by then.

"- Cloud spraying"

- Knife Art Extraordinary - Protecting Forest Spirit - Mental Concentration - Accommodation - Mind Eye - Intuition (False) - Continuous Strike: Cloud Mist Eliminating Machete.

Moments, Sheila scratches out.

It's not about blocking signs, it's about the nature of the move itself.

I've shown it to Soma once, but I can't believe I just saw it once and I can't see it all through.

Disappeared and made him think of himself as a rear assault, slaughtering him from the same position.

Slightly cut the carp of the knife that has already finished the knife, and grabbed the right arm with the pattern...


- Knife Techniques Superior/Forest Spirit Protection/Sign Detection Intermediate/Intuition (False): Hazard Detection.

Instant instinct screamed, "That's no good.

Something resembles a chill in your spine runs and, without defying them, forcefully defeats your body to the right.

It's almost at the same time as falling to the ground like rolling and something sharp passing just above it.

If it had moved slowly even for a second, it would have been slashed.

But I'm relieved there. I can't afford it.

When I got up trying to jump up instantly, I swung through my right arm holding the pattern.

- Knife Techniques Superior - Forest Spirit Protection - Mental Concentration - Heart Eye - Signal Blocking Subordinate - Continuous Strike: Remnants of Shadow Tai - Xu.

It's too forceful an attack, but it can't be shaped like hatred.

That blow cuts the sky as a price for the fortitude, but it is also within the assumption.

The slaughter unleashed to hide in its trajectory approached Soma - but it was still prevented as a matter of course.

"... eh"

It's like I can't stand my teeth...... no, I don't even feel like I can fight.

He said he was standing around for just a few seconds, but he felt like he was slowly taking his mental powers.

I can imagine for a moment that if I lost my mind, I would be lying on the ground.

This made me realize that Soma meant it, even though I didn't like it.

I have met with Soma many times before.

I meant I knew it wasn't serious.

But I guess that was really all I meant to do.

And while this makes Soma serious, it's not all he can do.

If he had come with all his might, Sheila's head must have said goodbye to her torso, by the way.

But that's why Soma can't come at all.

If there was only a gap in it, it would be there.

Though Soma says something, she is sweet to those who deem herself in her body.

That's amazing, too.

And for once, Sheila thinks she would belong there.

Or else you'd be mercilessly beaten to death by now.

Thinking about it makes me worried that my brother would have been okay now...... clumsy, but the principle is about a good brother.

I just have to believe that it will be okay there.

Or there are no shards left to care about that in the first place.

Once away from Soma, he breathed in an instant and stood up again.

Even if I'm just doing this, my strength is shredding more and more, but I can handle it with my right hand holding the knife pattern.

Instead of looking at one point or another, we concentrate our consciousness so that we don't miss every step of it, while trying to look at the whole body of Soma.

You can do it if you lose your mind in a moment, which means you just don't have to lose your mind in a moment.

So to the extent that we can do something about it, Soma hasn't been able to help.

Of course I know that's not as easy as saying it with your mouth, it's too much.

Now it actually did, albeit for a few seconds.

There's no way I don't get it.

But still.

"... yet, I..."

You can't just give up.

"... eh"

I squeezed my lips and jumped all the way to Soma.

From there, the sight of an earlier re-bake is repeated several times.

You don't need to do it properly.

No, you can't do it properly.

What Sheila needs to do is let Soma stop here for even a second.

Better in the meantime the ritual is complete, but the seal should have been unsealed earlier.

Then I won't say luxury.

At least if you're in a situation where you can't do anything with soma.

In that case... in that case...


In accelerated thinking, Sheila just waves a knife.

It's all for one purpose… to complete this ritual.

I know what I'm waiting for at the end of it, and I don't need anyone to tell me now.

I understand, accept, and am prepared for all of it… I have made up my mind.

Three brothers and sisters, together.

There was no other way.

This world is not as gentle as it exists.

If that's what you have...... I'm sure my sister didn't become a witch or anything from the start.

This never happened.

So this is the utmost resistance.

In the worst case scenario, my brother thought desperately to achieve a slightly better end.

It is a problem that involves all the species called elves.

Where I chose what, there's bound to be a retrieval.

In it, the way to do it with minimal sacrifice. Now it was my sister who would make the sacrifice.

It's just that.

If you disrespect that, it will be easy to impeach you as ruthless.

But it wasn't just us, everyone in the same family understood.

I never explained a word, but that's why it's extra.

And I figured out that maybe I was more troubled and suffering than anyone else, so I thought I'd help out a little bit.

Just as our own parents were.

Most of all, I'm sure those people were meant to live, not die.

But there was nothing I could do.

Even Sheila didn't think about it.

There's no way I didn't think about it.

My power is for times like these, and it's times like these that I've been polishing up.

But such tiny confidence was shattering just because I felt the power.

Only a small amount of residue leaked from the seal.

It was too much for anyone to realize before that that they were helpless, heartbroken and convinced that their brother was still right.

- Or.

Yes, or... I still might be able to do something about it, and if someone seemed to be on the spot at that time, I might not have known yet.

Though I don't think it would be possible, nevertheless, if I could see that invincible figure, another determination could have been made.

But he wasn't there then.

I just got out, I'm already...

With that in mind, I eat my teeth off.

I raised my face so that I could not lose the weakness that sprang up from the bottom of my heart.

"- Ah."

Moments, my eyes met.

It's pitch-black, it reminds me of darkness, it envelops everything, and I'm fascinated by it in an instant.

The eyes that stared straight at this one seemed to look as if to the depths of this one's heart as well.

I remember that feeling, like being exposed to everything I was hiding, like everything I was holding back would be rampant.

- That's why I didn't want to look at you.

Because I knew that if I put these straight eyes in front of me, I would stop lying to my feelings, etc.

Moment after moment, a tall noise sounded on the spot.

Along with that, the weight disappears from Sheila's right hand.

What I was gripping there disappeared and something blunt was dancing at the edge of my sight.

Looking up at it, I think.

My sister told me she's changed, but I'm sure nothing's really changed.

Sheila hasn't changed a thing since Doris took her out of the woods.

I wanted to live up to everyone's expectations.

I wanted to be useful.

I wanted to live up to my responsibilities as a royalty.

It's my thoughts, it's my greed, it's my wish.

From the bottom of my heart, it is what I always thought.

Naturally, it's what I thought again this time...... but.

Most importantly, I didn't want you to die.

That's for everyone.


And to Soma.

But of all the people who don't want me to die, my sister, as a matter of course, is also included.

Plus, I wanted you to play more.

I wanted you to talk about all sorts of things.

I wanted you to cook.

I wanted you to laugh, and I wanted you to laugh.

I wanted you alive.

- Help me.

"... help my sister"

If I noticed, my aspirations were falling zero out of my mouth.

Vision seeps and distorts...... Still, in the pitch black that you can clearly see among them, mouth what you want.

Because I can't do it myself.

Though it's an unsolicited wish.

Although it's too convenient.

- Still.

He tried to open his mouth further, but it was blocked by the impact that struck his head.

It's gentle and powerful, and it's a hand that's put on your head.

"- You should leave it to me."

Listening to the words and remembering the senses...... Sheila noticed that Soma's back, which was about as good as hers, was somehow beyond herself.

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