Published at 8th of November 2021 11:33:52 AM

Chapter 221: 221

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The moment we saw him, we realized that Lars and Helen, instead of being useful to ourselves, would only be a foothold.

That is why we were able to take the means of escape immediately, and in a sense we can say that choosing it is a sign of growth in itself.

At least if it had been before, I wouldn't have been able to choose.

Nevertheless, the very fact that they were able to escape is probably because they weren't interested in this one... either way, the Lars left it to Hildegardo and Lina later to leave the scene.

And as it was, Lars and the others went toward the king's capital, because it seemed that Hildegard had felt something from the king's capital just before he appeared.

Lars and the others didn't get it, but there's no reason to doubt it now.

Though it was possible that Lars and the others could have gone for nothing, if we didn't know what happened first, we wouldn't even know that.

And I didn't have to do anything else... so they headed toward the king's capital.


- Swordsmanship Intermediate, Mental Concentration, Mind Eye (False): Tsubaki.

With the tongue slashing, Lars jumped off the spot as he slashed and threw away the flying demon.

Shortly afterwards, about three meters of wolf-like demonic claws pass through the space where Lars was until just before, but by then Lars had not already seen the place.

Or he also says he just can't afford to watch... but if you check left and right quickly, the next decision was quick.

"Frozen and atmospheric, gather according to my will, and wear my enemies. - Ice needle!

- Magic Guide Intermediate/Spiritual Concentration: Magic/Ice Needle.

When multiple pieces of pointy ice pop out of a ragged palm, they shoot down a bee-like demon that came from the left side, wondering if it was about the size of a person's head.

Naturally that makes it impossible to deal with demons coming from the right... but that worry was useless.

- Stonewall.

The moment I heard the whine, it emerged from directly under the bear-like demon wondering if there would be five meters.

It's a stone wall...... it's supposed to be for defense, but not this time it's used.

And as it went up, and the stone wall came up on the spot, the demon that was directly above it was pushed by the momentum of the wall, and it went up into the air with Pawn.

It was too unexpected, or the demon movement stopped completely ahead of the launch, but that doesn't end there.

"- Stonelance"

As it fell, the stone spear that grew from the ground ahead skewered the demon.

From the mouth of Lars who saw it, the whistle leaks half reflectively.

"Hiu... as always, it looks plain at first sight and every now and then..."

"Oh, yeah...? So, but it's effective, right?

"No, I'm pretty sure it's effective... I don't know how to use it, or use defensive magic like that, at least I don't know it besides you, do I?

"Oh, yeah... that's, yeah, maybe. My use, magic, basically, is plain, so what should I do?"

"That's the one who taught me... if you don't think I've seen it before by reason. Well, if it's used in a college like this, it won't be stylish in the first place."

With such a light slap at each other, look around without alarm.

Or there's no way I can be alarmed.

You don't have to explore the signs, but there are demons there, so naturally.

In this way we were also having a conversation in order to maintain a moderate amount of tension.

People's concentration doesn't last that long, and excessive tension drains them of strength in vain.

For this reason, conversations pretending to be as usual are conducted as possible, thus distracting once and for all at the right time.

And then if you straighten your mind right away, you'll feel less nervous and less nervous when you change your mood again.

Most of all, that was what the Hildegards taught me... Although I was half-hearted when I heard about it, Lars and the others realized how effective it was.

I think it's been about an hour since we started fighting, but we're still going to be able to do it at all.

He said he volunteered to be helpful, but instead of being helpful in the end, the Hildegards just taught him a lot of things... but if there was now because of it, it would never have been in vain.

Nevertheless, it is doubtful whether this makes sense in the first place.

What Lars and the others were now in was a forest near the king's capital.

The reason I came there was simply because I would push the shortest distance from where the Hildegards took me to the King's Capital... and so Lars and the others discovered it.

For some reason, we're headed in the direction of the king's capital, a bunch of demons.

That shouldn't have been possible.

Demons don't travel much because they each have their own territory, just like animals, and even if they ever move more and more, there's nothing like moving with other demons.

Because it doesn't make sense.

At least from the common sense of Lars and the others, it is not possible, and it is even more unlikely that it is headed toward the king's capital.

It is said that the thing of demonic avoidance boundaries is not only inner than the boundaries of the boundaries of the boundaries, but also has some influence on the outside.

Especially since the more powerful demons it becomes, the greater the impact, and the lack of demons with powerful powers near the city is due to that reason.

And that's why it can't happen, such as moving towards you.

But the Lars didn't get too upset there because they immediately remembered Hildegard.

In other words, I wondered if this had anything to do with what was happening in the Wang capital.

Even if not, it was an anomaly that could not be missed, and even the number of demons was high, but given the strength of the individual demons, even Lars and the others seemed to be able to do something about it.

After thinking about what to do, we have come to the conclusion that these demons should be defeated here, and this leads us to the present.

Well, there's one strange thing about it.

"Well... by the way, it doesn't look like the number of demons has decreased in my eyes, does it?

"Ugh, yeah... to me, too, yeah, can you see, can you?

"Right... Damn, what the hell happened to cancer, really"

Yes, that's the odd thing.

Lars and the others have already been fighting for nearly an hour.

Nevertheless, while we have not been able to destroy the demons, the number does not appear to have changed from what we can see in the eyes.

Although we can still fight physically, it's mentally challenging to have a situation where we just don't know how long to fight.

And if it's not my fault, it's like the quality of the demons is a little higher than it was in the beginning.

- Swordsmanship Intermediate, Mental Concentration, Sign Detection Lower Level, Mind Eye (False): Hazard Detection.

"Oh, Helen!

"... Huh?

It was all a flash.

And it is only half coincidental that we could notice.

When a chill ran on his back and he glanced reflexively, he realized that it was there at some point, further behind the demons who had distanced him from wondering what was going on.

It looked like a person.

But at the same time, it can't be people.

In addition to a giant larger than five meters, both legs look like snakes.

Lars had never seen it before, but he knew what it was called.


It is said that more than one person with advanced skills is needed to repel it, it is a demon.

There is only one person with advanced skills on this occasion, but it is enough if only one person is defeated.

I guess they knew that too.

Giggers' hand was loaded with a giant rock about as much as a man's torso, and it was already shaken.

Lars was screaming when he recognized it and popped out in front of Helen aggressively - that's all he was aware of.

The next time he noticed, Lars had a big tree on his back and severe pain running all over his body.

I soon realized that it was a moment of unconsciousness, but that would not be any consolation.

Beyond Helen turning around and screaming this way, because the demon began to arrive and, further behind it, Giggers was about to shake a giant rock again.

But even though I knew it, Lars couldn't do anything - still, eating up his teeth and gripping his fist, he ignored the intense pain running and invested in his whole body.

I made up my mind.

I took an oath.

I have to make a mistake.

Whether you know you're not gonna make it or what you're not gonna do, it doesn't have to mean anything.

- Still.

"-Ice javelin!"

- Magic Guide Intermediate and Spiritual Concentration: Magic and Ice Javelin.

It was the spear of ice that was released from the outstretched palm.

It went right to Giggers... but when I saw it, I felt like Giggers.

The ice spear, which clashed shortly afterwards, smashed as it sounded the clash, reflecting the intact Giggers on the other side of it.


The magic of Lars, who doesn't chant much, can't hurt you.

It's just a matter of time, and all you've earned is a few seconds.

Although Helen turned forward in the meantime, I'm sure Helen would have just remembered despair.

How many advanced skills can you use in this situation, but what can you do?

Only a few seconds have elapsed before he died, just knowing the despair that might have been done without him knowing.

Instead of making sense, maybe it was just evil...

"Still, I...!

"- No, it was too much."

"... what?

What I felt instantly was a glimmer of light.

The only thing I could feel for Lars was that it passed from the other side of the woods to behind me -

- Flash.

The moment I heard a whine from the rear, all of the demons in my sight had disappeared without a trace.

What was approaching Helen, what was still going on...... of course, Giggers.

None of this, without one exception, was pruned, equally, by the blade of death.

What I saw in my glaring, retrospective vision was the appearance of a man I knew.

"Hmm... it's been a long time, Lars. Looks healthy and above all."

Too much of that appearance leaked a grin.

But as you remembered the next moment, severe pain strikes your whole body.

"What... for what? How do you look at me?

"Ooh... you're absolutely right. So, can you not move the scene? It could be crazy at hand. And by the way, I paid for it because when I told Aina, she responded quite well."

With that said, Soma has basically stabbed the sword he had in his hand.

Sometimes I didn't react to it because I had experienced it, but I was right that it was too abrupt to react much more than that.

Lars watched as some other HR somewhere as the sword plugged into his body slowly pulled out.

"Well, now what do you say?

"... oh sure, no more problems, but let's do this bullshit as usual"

Why does stabbing the sword heal the wound and make the pain go away?

As usual, I don't know what that means, but I shrugged my shoulder because it's soma.

"Even so, did you come back? Damn, it's a good time."

"La, Mr. Lars, it's okay......!?

While I was doing that, Helen came over here in a hurry.

Most importantly, the response to the words remains to be seen, shrugging the shoulders again.

"Oh, for some reason - thanks to this guy"

"Oh, yeah... that's, good, that's good. And, uh... earlier, yes. And twice, too."

"Don't worry about it. You didn't do much good in the first place. I owe it all to him."

"No, wouldn't that be true? If Lars doesn't do anything, I don't know if I'll make it. I think it served more than enough."

"Ugh, yeah, yeah, I am. Oh, and, soma, thank you, too. And, hey, Ri... So, okay?

"Hmm... right. There still seems to be some work to be done, but for now, it's just happening."

and it was when we were having such a soothing conversation.

Thomas accidentally turned his sharp gaze to the back of the woods.

Something happened and Lars and the others turned their gaze reflexively... with a startled look on their face.

"Become...!? You're lying......!?

"Soma, you defeated them all... demons..."

Yes, Soma should have defeated them all, but once again there began to appear a bunch of demons.

It didn't come from anywhere, it just seemed like a sudden appearance from there.

"Hmmm... this is another strange thing or something that seems familiar to me, but well, I just need to take it down again, so it doesn't seem like a problem. I know the solution."

But with that said, Lars took control of Soma, who tried to defeat the demon quickly.

Step forward.

"... Lars?

"... Lars, you?

Even Helen made a strange voice, but shrugged her shoulders back.

"... I don't know much about it, but something's going on in Wang Du, right? So, maybe this is just a fraction of it. There's something else that needs to be done, and then Temeer stumbles across us on his way to the king's capital to do something about it, right?

"It's a coincidence, because Hildegard asked me, and even if I hadn't asked you to, I probably would have headed here... Hmm, does that mean it's not a coincidence after all?

"No, I don't care about anything. One! Than that, you mean Temeye has something else to do!?

"Hmm... well, you are"

Then it would be decided what action Soma should take.

And what Lars and the others did, too.

"Then go. Temee's wasting her time here, isn't she?

"No, but..."

"But shit too. Eh.... Oh yeah, well, then I'll tell Temeer to know better too. - We'll take care of this place. Temeer goes first."

Was that some internship?

It's a word I heard from Soma...... I felt signs of a bitter laugh leaking from the rear.

"... that's sloppy. That's the kind of dialogue I'd like to say someday, right?

"Ha, you can't do it to Temeye. Temeer will always be on your side.... better get going."

"Ugh, yeah... right, right. Go, Soma, you. We may be unreliable, but... here, work hard, do something, let it happen."

"Hmmm... if that's what you two told me, can't you help it? The solution to this, by the way, is to break the magic formations that will be somewhere. It seems somewhat different from that one, but it would be basically the same. So that's what I'm here for."

So Lars exhaled as he really felt Soma leave on his back.

At the end of his gaze, the number of demons continues to increase.

Still, it doesn't make a difference what you do.

"Well... after being entrusted with it, they even taught me how to solve it. Whatever you do, we'll do it alone."

"Ugh, yeah...... good luck, man!

Rarely does Lars strain his mind too, as Helen lifts up her voice and responds to it.

And he stepped into the herd of demons, all at once.

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