Published at 8th of November 2021 11:24:29 AM

Chapter 484: 484

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"That's why I want you to tell me all sorts of things"

It was an after-school incident at the corner of the training ground.

Soma, who was with Aina and the others, would lean his neck to that word that was released from Sylvia, however.

"Hmm... leave all the scratches behind. So what is it in the first place?

"Oh yeah, it doesn't make any sense, because that's what you told me the other day, Soma, and I got confused. Just the right opportunity, so I thought I'd give it back."

"... that's what you were doing again...?

I can turn my eyes from Aina like I'm frightened, but I shrug my shoulders back to it.

Honestly, I didn't want to be told by one of the culprits who caused the noise, even when the Somas went to the labyrinth, who had yet to show any signs that it would fit in.

"Oh, that... that wouldn't have been something I could have done in the first place...!

"... I couldn't do anything about it"

"That was honestly our responsibility, so hey..."

"Remain, sort of... calm down, huh? What... so I can teach you a lot...?

"Oh yeah, right...... the explanation there needs to be just right"

If that's what Sylvia talked about, in short, because she wants to be able to do a lot more.

Therefore, I want you to tell me what you can do and so on.


"Uh... well, yeah... I know it's an unsolicited story..."

"Well, do you mind if I'm a senior for now?

"Right, right? But do something about it... Huh!?

"Yeah? What's wrong?

"What's wrong... eh, okay? Really?"

"At least I am. It's up to each of us to decide what the others will do."

"Hey, when they say it that way, it's harder to say no, right? Well, I'm not gonna say no, either."

"I don't either!

"... welcome"

"Well, let's do our best..."

"Ah...... yeah, thanks, guys. To be honest, I was surprised because I just thought you'd say no... but I'll do my best, thank you."

On their lowered heads, the Somas smiled bitterly as they looked at each other.

Because it's not enough to be done, and I don't think I can make a big deal out of it.

What we were doing here in the first place is in itself a similar thing from the beginning.

Get together appropriately, do what you want to do appropriately, and put it in your mouth if there's anything you can think of appropriately.

I'm never out of hand, but that's how each was doing it with ease.

As much as I joined one there now, there was nothing to be said about it.

Well, it's not like I dare, and then I'll grab it on my own.

"... by the way, I need to ask you one quick question, okay?

"Hmmm... well, if it's something we can answer, it is"

"Oh yeah, it's okay, because it's the one I can definitely answer.... the two of them there, what?

The gaze directed with the words was directed to the rear of Soma.

That's all I knew who I was talking about, because there was nothing else to ask.

There's no way I'm going to mention Eina or Helen now, and if so, the rest is inevitable.

"Sylvia didn't know about the two of us, did she?

"No, I know... I rather know, so what? This is a training ground for magicians, isn't it? Why is a swordsman..."

"My brother asked me the same thing, but I knew you didn't know it... well I've never heard of it before"

"... Well, it's for Magic Guidance, but it doesn't mean it's for Magic Guidance only"

"Or you have to tell me. That. From what I've learned, I'm also talking about whether there are people who usually come."

Yes, those two - that's why Lina and Sheila are here.

Still, Sheila, anyway, we're talking about whether Lina is okay, but she says she's been here since she got the job done properly! I guess it's okay because that's what it is.

If not, there is still no problem because the person is just pissed off.

By the way, the two of them started coming here a few days after Soma started coming to the training ground.

Two people who had heard the story from somewhere said it was bad to keep them out of company.

I didn't mean anything like that, but the increase in the number of people means more can be tried.

That's why I had no problem accepting the two of them, and that was one of the reasons I accepted Sylvia again.


"So what does Sylvia want to teach you first?

"Huh...? Um... we all do whatever we want, right?

"Well basically it is, but I wouldn't mind about the first time. So did the two of them."

"Uh... it sure was like that"

"... it was like that"

Note that what the two of us wanted was to go with Soma for the first time in a long time, so it's not strictly what we wanted to teach, but it would be something quite similar.

"Even though you do whatever you want in the first place, it's mostly soma."

"Well, that's... there may be, but..."

"If you're going to follow me, would you at least stick with me?

I laughed bitterly and shrugged my shoulders because it was something I knew I was doing.

Then if you turn your gaze toward Sylvia, you will hesitate and still keep that mouth firmly open.


"Well, then, the..."

Aina watched with interest the sight of Soma's voice echoing.

In fact, that's terribly rare, and that would also be obvious from the fact that everyone on the spot is looking at Soma.

And, Soma's voice stopped abruptly, and his gaze was directed here after he exhaled.

"... this is what we do here, so you can do whatever you want there, right?

"Yeah, that's not how I like it"

"... that's the one, don't worry about it"

"I'm watching over your brother, so you don't have to worry!

"Oh, um... I'm sorry. So, but I figured, you know... I'm curious."

"... well, I don't mind. I'm sorry, I don't think you're comfortable, but I need you to be patient."

"Yeah, that's what I asked you to do from here. It's okay, I'm pretty used to people looking at me."

"Hmm... is that so? Well, let's continue."

The story of how it was resumed is like how you feel about progressing through the labyrinth.

It's something that was touched upon in class for once, but Sylvia has said that she wants me to tell her what she thinks and cares about from Soma's point of view.

Aina and the others have never heard such stories from Soma.

When it came to soma, there were still things like stereotypes, like swords or magic, and the rarity went hand in hand, which resulted in listening to soma with Sylvia in this way.

"- Well, I didn't mention a few things to note, but in the end, I mean, always assume the worst."

"Oh, that's what they said in class, right?

"Whatever you say, it's where you end up. Everything we've just talked about, everything we've been told in class, it's only meant to make it easier to assume the worst."

"Hmm... to be honest, you don't really come pin"

"Well it would be like that. I've only been to the labyrinth once. I think it's only from now on that we will feel it."

"Reality...... I don't feel it. Are you sure you're going to do this?

"Mm-hmm? What do you mean, Eina?

"Thank you..."

'Cause you can think about it.

There's Soma at Sylvia's party.

On the contrary, given the party members, their fighting power will probably, no doubt, be missing more than one head among those undergoing internship.

There was no way it could have been conceivable, such as in a situation where a problem would have arisen.

"Uh... I do feel like my brother is going to do something about it before something happens, and even if it does, my brother will solve it immediately, and it won't even come to a real feeling in the end"

"... Mm, I agree.... you need soma to pull out to make you feel it?

"No, no, my seniors can't do everything either, and maybe something like that will happen. Well, it's not something I'd like to welcome if I could."

With that said, nature and all that ever comes back to life behind Eina's brain.

Even if something actually happened, Soma has solved it... and no, there was a time when I could feel it, should I say?

Well, I wouldn't be able to say that... but more than that, if something unexpected happens, I feel like soma is the reason for most of it.

including resolving matters.

"Honestly, I'm out of my mind?

"Brother, I'm a little bit impossible to follow up on that matter."

"... I am in a position to give my full consent"

"Oh, you know, I'm sorry, Mr. Soma. Well... I don't know so much about you, Soma, but... I honestly agree with you, don't I?

"Ugh, um... sorry, I'm in a teaching position, I guess I kinda agree"

"Shit... you don't have an ally, so...!?

"Before you mourn, skip what you do."

"Hmm... I saved it, but there was nothing to reflect on."

"That can't be...!

Damn this guy, and he sighs, but Soma just lets him shrug his shoulders.

Although the current exchange is half a joke, Eina had to exhale again because she also knew that what Soma was saying was serious.

"The truth is, though, that things are rarely going to happen the way they were supposed to."

"Oh, yeah, that's right"

"Hmm. Usually something even worse happens than that."

"... Huh?

"'Cause would it? What happens should also be unknown, more than going to a labyrinth or an unknown place. Then it's only natural that what happens there will be worse than the worst of known information."

I just figured that out.

I remember a few things about Einah, but the real worst is what comes from the unexpected.

Even if I had imagined the worst, I couldn't have imagined that myself back then.

... Well, at the same time, I couldn't imagine there being a salvation from it.

"Uh... I mean, assuming the worst doesn't make much sense?

"That doesn't mean you don't have to assume the worst, does it? It is important to always assume the worst and also assume that things will happen above and beyond, so that your mind is ready to take the best action no matter what happens. Since this is only my theory, I don't really need to take it. Still, there may be times when it helps, so I want you to keep it in one corner of your mind."

"... yeah, I get it. Thanks for everything."

"I don't know how useful it is."

That's what makes me laugh bitterly, Soma, maybe I'm serious.

But that's what Soma said.

There was no way to take it lightly, and Aina engraved the word firmly into her heart.

"Nevertheless, the best course of action requires an increase in the number of actions that can be taken. Fortunately, there are three people here with extraordinary skills, and if there is anything we can do, we can teach them like this one. So, well, I guess we just have to work hard."

"Oh, yeah...... thanks. Thank you again, everyone."

It would be a lie if I told my head, which was lowered so again, that I did not remember envy.

Nevertheless, Aina herself, I have the consciousness that I have had Soma do various conveniences, so I don't deserve to be able to say anything there.

And maybe Soma had something to feel from Sylvia.

Eina also thought something was different about Sylvia today, and Soma probably saw something a little clearer.

The reason for that attitude must be that… but even with that in mind, what Aina said next was something else.

"Hey, by the way, Soma"

"Yeah? What is it?

"Isn't it time to give him a voice, too? If we got here, we'd be here by now."

"Uh... well, you are. I've been waiting to hear from you, but surely it's time."

Shortly after, the two gazed at the same place, one boy there waving his sword silently.

I can just tell from the occasional disturbance of that movement that I'm distracted by something.

For example, the most disturbing thing recently was when Sylvia talked to me, and while Soma was talking earlier, it was always slight but disturbing.

Well, I mean, that seems to be the case.

Still not speaking up is around self-esteem getting in the way?

To be honest, I don't have a problem with letting it go, but since it is clear that I care about this one, it is somewhat about springing a heart of mercy.

Or someone would have said it one of these days if Aina hadn't said it, or even if she hadn't said it, Soma might have been on her way.

Aina and the others are not so ruthless that they can ignore the person who occasionally looks at her as if she were one of them.

As Soma walked out that way, but everyone exhaled a sigh similar to relief, only one Sylvia was strangely tilting her neck.

Aina found it only slightly amusing and loosened her mouth.

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