Published at 8th of November 2021 11:19:31 AM

Chapter 636: 636

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What is magic?

If asked so, Karine would almost certainly answer this way.

Magic is a form of skill.

Or he also says it's too vague to answer otherwise.

Of course it's possible to talk as much as you want to.

However, if we were to give only a few more step-by-step answers on it, magic is a technique for using magic to interfere with the world.

For the most part, that is also the answer as Carine.

No wonder I got a completely different answer if I asked another lecturer, or researcher.

That's not because Radius is lagging behind in his magical research, but the other way around, one way or the other.

If you go to another country, you will probably get even more varied answers.

Maybe some people prepare multiple answers on their own.

And that happens because in the end, no one understands exactly what magic is.

There are quite a few who can use it, and there are numerous researchers.

But there is not a single person who understands how to use it and how to do so.

"I don't know what to say, it's like I'm declaring a loss, but it's a fact, so I can't help it."

Looking over the scene with that said, Karine exhaled small.

The sight that is spreading there is the sight that has become the earliest routine.

Royal College of the Kingdom of Radius, during its magical instruction class.

Moreover, even though it was in the third grade of the middle school, the students seemed to be busy as usual.

Of course, other than taking classes.

In terms of which part of the school year the lecturer of the college will take, it is equivalent to how much the class of the person is appreciated by the college.

That would mean that Karine, at least, has the highest reputation among instructors with a Magic Instruction class… Five years, no, as she has been for more than that, she is still hardly expected from her students.

Considering that there are seven people sitting in the front row, compared to the first days, it's the difference between cloud mud.

"... when it comes to my accomplishments, it's subtle."

Roll the whine just in your mouth and sigh again.

But I got my mind back there.

Now I'm in class, and it doesn't make any difference that there are people who listen to me.

No matter how depressing the sight was there, the instructor would be disqualified if he didn't continue with the class.

"Well, but something called magic is something else from its beginnings... something that draws a line with swordsmanship and stuff like that, so I have somewhat of a choice. I'm not denigrating swordsmanship or anything, of course. Okay? Because mankind wasn't able to use something called magic from the beginning. It's just, you know, in that sense, okay?

Its beginnings are about five hundred years ago now, just when the presence known as the Evil God was wielding fierceness.

The power of miracles, conveyed by one wise man at that time.

That's magic.

"At least that's what they tell us in modern times, and they also say it's unlimited right again. There's a solid body of literature left behind that kind of description, and most importantly, in the times before that, there's no trace that something called magic existed."

This neighborhood is a natural thing for a wizard, or if you are at all interested in wizards and magic, you know and deserve to know it.

So, uh, do we even start talking about something interesting? and those who were interested can be seen there returning to their usual tasks as discouraged.

Nevertheless, that is only natural.

There is no such thing as someone who is happy to hear something like what he did when he was a minor ministry.

Even they, who are in the front row, look somewhat bored.

Of course we're talking about it now because we need to, and they'll understand that, but that doesn't make boredom confusing.

Well, that would be it, too.

"Nevertheless, there are theories that the magic that was passed down at that time and the magic that we are now using is actually different."

The moment I said that, there was a reaction from there in the classroom.

Even though they all say something, they listen to me for once.

This may also be said to be a difference from the beginning... but only if it is accomplished by its own power.

They are turning their attention slightly only because they have a presence in the front row that they see at a glance.

It's never something I can be proud of.

Either they reacted in the first place, or, oh? That's what it is.

Pure surprise and interest in those who have begun to do something different than they expected.

It's small to call curiosity, like it might disappear in trivial things... but that's why this was the place to be.

To be able to draw attention at once depends on the following words:

Because he understood it, Carine shook her throat with strength in her feelings voice as she inhaled her breath small.

"Because, as a matter of course, magic was still being studied at the time, and some of the materials that are the fruit of it remain in the modern era. But between what's written there and what we know right now, Tsuji often doesn't fit."

So it is that claim, and it is based, that you secretly substituted it for something similar along the way.

And when I mouthed that far, there was an even clearer reaction than earlier.

It wasn't just the stirring, it was their gaze that turned this way clearly.

That was the first time, and I almost held my fist by accident, but I managed to contain it.

Because I'm in class, and this isn't where I'm happy, it's where I fold up.

If they don't, they'll soon lose interest again.

We must avoid that.

"By the way, but this isn't something absurd, is it? Because there are real examples."

The reason I continued to do so was probably because I thought it would go on in the same way that fewer people were pushing, although there was such a theory.

Surely that's what we should do if it's normal.

Because I dug into stories that are not mainstream and basically don't make sense.

I mean, what the hell would it be like to hear stories that don't help?

but if you say normal or something in the first place, you shouldn't be telling this story itself.

And as a result of that normality, until now they had not turned their interest at all.

If so, it is definitely a success at the point where they were able to react, even if the majority of the reactions there were surprising.

I turn my gaze for a moment toward the corner of the classroom, aware that my mouth will loosen.

There was also a small temper there, but it was somewhat different from that in other places.

Especially around where the gaze is not this way, and is suitable for one of them, or where the type is the so-called gytoid eye.

The voice was small, but it sounded strange.

"... hey, are you in wisdom?

"... I have no idea what you're talking about?

Then look me in the eye and tell me.

"I don't know if I want to, but I'm in class right now. Hate and find nothing."

"I can't find anything else, can we have a chat?

"Would Eina be a little pathetic daughter if she hadn't returned it? So I have no choice."

"... eh"

"... well endured?

"I know I did endure it well, but I think that's a good place to be angry right now"

Most of all, wonder and nothing, I'm using the magic of sound collection to turn my consciousness to you, so it's obvious to hear.

However, from the standpoint of instructors, such pre-construction is necessary.

Either way, I decided to keep it that way because it didn't seem to react badly either.

"And when the real example says something, it can actually be about magic. Yes, the magic itself, supposedly passed down five hundred years ago, is replacing something else."

Even before magic was transmitted, there existed in this world the art of creating phenomena similar to magic.

That is, what was called sorcery.

However, magic was inefficient and far-fetched compared to magic.

It was necessary to draw a magical formation, chant a long time, and even mediate substitutes.

The material still exists today, but for the time and effort it takes, it is less effective than magic, so it could be said that the user eventually disappeared as a natural flow in some ways.

Good money drives bad money away.

It was only natural that magic, far more user-friendly than magic, could be replaced.

"But that's why the same thing didn't happen to that magic, I can't say enough. For the sake of finding something more user-friendly, the name magic stayed the same, and the contents were just as different, so it could be anything."

Again, I'm not saying this unfounded.

Because there is still a real example of a name being replaced with its contents as it is.

This is the magic.

As the word suggests that sorcery materials exist, in fact, it is still possible to use sorcery that was used around that time if the procedure is followed.

But there's no reason to dare use something that's not user-friendly.

That's why magic, which no one uses anymore, was to reveal its name.

"Yeah, I know we all know, but what we can remember in the Book of Magic didn't turn out to be called magic."

It is also said that it was originally used as a generic name.

of alternatives inferior to magic.

And since there was essentially only one thing that meant it, magic turned into something that could be remembered in the Book of Magic.

"And I've said this so far, and I think everyone's probably wondering - Surely they have been replaced, but how can we know about them? But I've never heard of magic being replaced by something else along the way."

In fact, because there is no such thing as magic has been replaced, there is no such thing.

Or that's the mainstream.

"So, su... aren't all the smart people already figured it out? Yeah, that's only a story if all the material is properly passed down to modern times. Anyway, it's been presumed to have happened almost three hundred years. Even if some unfortunate event led to the loss of that material, we don't even know where it is today."

Of course, it can be anything to say that.

It's possible to talk about extremes, existing materials, even if what was fabricated at the time stayed in modern times.

That's why, rather than being mainstream, it's even being treated like a Yotai story.

"Well, I just told everyone that there are stories like this. For now, it's important that you know whatever the story is. Okay? Because that's all the more options when it comes to things. Well, it's up to all of you to believe what you believe."

When I told him that, some of them looked indescribable.

It's like being betrayed by someone you believed in, or knowing that the story you were hearing because you thought it was a true story was a fabrication.

But this is Royal College, and Karine is the lecturer there.

There's no way I'm going to tell you to believe Yotai or anything.

"By the way, what does the teacher think?

And, to the question accidentally released from the front row, Karine grinned Ugh.

I don't have to say I don't have to answer that.

"Well...... for now, it's not true that the use of magic has changed with galleries, using it as a frontier about three hundred years ago. But there is no material about it, so the prevailing idea is that people didn't realize it at the time."

Research has been going on for a long time, and that was a little bit reduced to a magician.

That improves the magic a little bit, and it continues at this time.

So, slowly, but later on, there was a dramatically different kind of study, and it is thought that it might have been applied to the magicians.

Although magic is mostly remembered and used by the senses, few people are able to use it entirely on their own.

For the most part, you grasp that feeling by seeing someone using magic.

For this reason, applied research often affects future generations as it is… or there may have been something dramatically changed at some point in time because the interaction there was sensory.

"Whatever it is, basically, the claim that magic has evolved as a result of research has become like something else is mainstream. Whatever the difference is, the parts are roughly the same."

Nevertheless, if they were mainstream in the first place, they wouldn't talk about these things, nor would they do things like that in class after theorizing and explaining magic.

Although I didn't say anything about it, nor did I end up answering the question itself, it seems that I still communicated what I should say or want to say in general.

"Hmm...... I see. Let me help you."

I smiled bitterly at the way I said that and nodded.

Then I looked around the classroom to try it out, and they also passed it on quite a bit.

Someone with an indescribable face was there in a slightly different way than earlier.

Most of all, as much as I care about it, I'm talking about whether to talk about it from the beginning.

On the contrary, Karine made the decision from that reaction that she could still go.

If that's not the case, I was going to stop this story here already, but if it looks like this, it'll be fine.

"Oh, yeah, I'm with Yotai, do you know this story? There are two things you can't ignore when talking about magic in earnest."

For a moment, I even lost my temper from inside the classroom.

What is in the expression floating there is that, no way.

But Carine smiled with a grin.

To reassure everyone.

"Yeah, I think we all know the name very well, but by spells and spells."

But he uttered his name, which he would have thought of in unison.

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