Published at 8th of November 2021 11:39:49 AM

Chapter 86: 86

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Finally, there was.

Finally, this wasted time will come to an end.

Well, technically, it's not over, and I have some concerns.

But if we get this far, all we have to do is leave ourselves to the flow.

I hit the hand I could just hit, and there's nothing more I can do when this wasn't working.

Just quietly think of another hand then.

Is it because it reopened that way?

Usually the ambient stirring that was just annoying seemed just a little better.

"... I guess it's just my fault."

Turn your gaze toward it as you roll the words in your mouth alone so that they don't sound around you.

Thinking ahead and squealing again that it was finally, it hoisted the edge of my mouth just a little bit.

At the corner of the training ground, a large number of students were gathered.

That number is really high and I would say that Soma is the biggest I've ever seen, except for the admissions ceremony.

But that's natural, too.

This is where all the first grades of the Royal College are now gathered.

Practical training in labyrinth exploration, it was about that day.

"That's a lot of people..."

"Well, you can't help it today."

"Ugh, yeah... I need a face-to-face, but"

Soma looks over the spot as she engages in such conversations with Eina and Helen, who has grown accustomed to this one little by little, because she has recently become a little facetious at the training ground.

Of course, most of them are strangers, but it's interesting to see that there are different people inside.

It was quite interesting considering that someone in this and someone is going to the labyrinth together.

Because, as I mentioned earlier, there is now a gathering of all first-grade students on this occasion, but that is because the labyrinth internships take place jointly in the school year.

Well, if you think about it, you'll see.

What happens if you challenge the labyrinth exclusively in the discipline?

Especially the Magic Guides are deadly.

Challenging the labyrinth with only the rear guard or something is very different from suicide.

Of course, some of them will be able to do the avant-garde as well, but that's definitely going to happen more than a lot.

And that's pretty much the same thing if you're throwing a party only at the avant-garde.

grade-joint to avoid such things, was that

"Still, you're all enthusiastic."

"Though we're talking about once we can throw a party by the end of the day, in short, something that wins early. Then we'll all hurry."

"Well... if we can throw a party soon, we can go straight to the labyrinth, it seems."

Even as I say that, there is a solicitation match going on there.

Yes, actually, classes have already begun, and now it's time to make a party decision as we go on with this internship.

Yet the soma is not in a hurry, because at worst nobody has to get together.

It doesn't mean I'm unmotivated by this internship.

Sure, Soma is already able to go to the labyrinth regardless of class, but that's why I'm looking forward to this class.

So why don't we just get together?

"Uh... so, Aina and the others don't have to solicit, do they? Or they're all waiting to move, but..."

"Nevertheless, one party has a basic minimum of four and a maximum of six. Given that there are already three of us here, wouldn't it be necessary to move?

"What, three......? Um, that's..."

"And it looks like the fourth one is here."

"... I'm here"

Sheila was the one who nodded when it was coming.

I wasn't meeting him, but I thought he might come.

If we are going to have a party anyway, between those who know each other well.

It would be natural to think so.

Now the two guards of the avant-garde and the balance.

And then.

"And the fifth one came too!

"Okay, get back to work, it is"

I knew it was coming from behind Sheila, and I had some anticipation of saying it, so I cut and threw it away with the most opening, one word.

"Hey, why!?

"Well, you're the lecturer."

"... naturally"

That's what they both say, and a stunned look on that face would be too obvious.

Too bad for my sister, Soma exhales.

Yes, it was Lina, who was there as Soma's sister and at the same time a lecturer in swordsmanship at the Royal College.

Well, to be honest, I'm still not used to Lina being an instructor... but there's nothing more I can do than be true.

Besides, he didn't use Conne or anything, but purely passed the lecturer's exam, so it's all the more complicated.

By the way, Lina was next to Camilla at the entrance ceremony.

That was amazing.

It just didn't seem surprising that Eina and the others knew or came with us.

Damn, it is troublesome in many ways.

Well, anyway...

"So, did you have something to do?

"Oh, yes, it was."

Around Kelloggy the moment I said it, I guess that was just a joke.

... No, I snorted and it was really going to get there, so maybe I meant half of it.


"My brothers, we're about to throw a party, right?

"Well, it's best if you're used to it."

"I know that very well, but my brother, Aina and Sheila are all going to fall apart."

"... to?

"... why?

"Hmm... Surely there should have been no restrictions, etc. when organizing a party?

Leaving it to the autonomy of the students, even the six polar guards should be accepted without any problems.

That's the first thing they said, so there's no mistake.

If so, why can't the sommers put together?

"Well, it won't even be an internship if you guys put together, will it?

"Is Mr. Camilla here, too?

"I figured I should explain more than I decided. I've been looking around a little bit, but sometimes it doesn't seem like a big problem at the moment."

"What do you mean, the teacher decided?

"Technically, I just suggested it, but it's the same thing I decided to do more than go through, right? And the reason I made that suggestion is just like I said. If you disagree, I ask you once, can you argue with me?

"That's... that's not going to happen."

"...... hmm.... you're absolutely right"

Even as a soma, I had to convince myself.

Even Soma could have made it to the tenth tier.

Besides, I still could afford it.

Aina and Sheila can go as far as they want. It's not what I know.

That's why...... if they do ask if that's right as something to do as part of the class, maybe it's not right.

"Hmm... well, there's no choice, is there?"

"By the way, Soma and Sheila are not allowed to work with other avant-gardes per se. Aina is forbidden to work with the guards on the contrary."

"Uh... I mean, I have to work with the avant-garde for the rest, right?

"... I'm only with the rear guard?

"That's what I'm talking about. The reason is pretty much the same as earlier. If you guys had the same part, you'd definitely eat that part, right? Then it won't be another internship."

"You two know... I'm a magician for life?

"Do you have a wizard like you?"

I just want to say it's discrimination, but it doesn't make any more noise than magic can actually be used.

So I had to accept it very much.

"Nooo... I see."

"You have no choice. Well, I'll be there. I'm totally late, so I need to find at least three avant-garde people."

"... Me too"

To put it that way, Aina and the others moved quickly.

Most of the people around me waited for it, and people immediately gathered together, so I don't think I should worry about getting blurred.

Instead, it seems like you should worry about yourself.

"Well, I just want to look for you, too... Sheila's place is going to take a while until it's over, otherwise, who will be available..."

"I mean, why isn't anyone coming to your brother? Rather, I think people should get together best at my brother's..."

"Those two are spreading premium as soon as possible, but it doesn't seem to be spreading about Soma. That would be the difference."

"Hmm... I'm not convinced"

"There is no difference between trying to be convinced and having to look for it for now. So, Helen, do you have any idea who the other two are?

"... Huh? Wow, me...?

After a decent amount of time, I started looking around, but the only person in front of me was Helen, who I knew raw hatred and Soma.

Or why do you look so strange?

"Yeah? I thought that staying meant you were going to continue working with me... was it different?

"Well, I'm just, I'm just late... I mean, I'm not annoying..."

"No, if I mention Helen as annoying or something, there will be no one I can form..."

Anyway, according to what I've heard, Helen has advanced magic skills.

Except for Aina, even the top of the college, and you can't possibly call someone like that annoying, etc.

"I've been meaning to do that since the beginning."

"Oh, no, I knew I was... you know, are you sure...?

"In other words, you're on my side. I want you to work with me."

"Ah... uh, yeah... well, thank you..."

"Mmm... I envy you..."

"Look, it's time for us to get back to work. I have two feelings there's going to be trouble right now."

When the two of them headed to the two places where the confusion was occurring, only the Somas were left there this time.

Now what are we going to do from here...

"So, this is a continuation of the question just now, does anyone have any idea?

"Uh... I don't know if I can say I have any idea... but, you know, Soma, from earlier on, they've been watching you... haven't they?

"Oh... um, I was aware of that... well, do you mind"

Looking back as I said it, I was staring at this one jizzily... no, I saw the person I was staring at.

The boy shudders his shoulders for a moment, but keeps staring without distracting himself.

I've always noticed you do that, and I've been wondering what you're going to do, but it'll be just fine at this point.

"Hmm, so there's the... huh? What did you say your name was..."

"It's Lars Hoffmanstal......! Temeye, come on. Remember the name......!

"No, that being said, this is the first time you've been named again, right?

Every time I showed my face to the training ground, I knew I had seen it, and I knew I was staring at this one, but seriously, I've never heard the name before.

No, technically, although we all introduced ourselves during the first face-to-face meeting, I just don't remember that.

"Shit... So, what?

"Um, we're talking about a party."

"Ha, what do you want me to come in? But I don't know... I've been invited by others, and it depends on how Temeer behaves -"

"Oh, I don't know why, but if you have an appointment..."

"- I can't help it. I'm coming in!

You have a troublesome personality, but it may be easy to understand in a way.

Well, the tone is rough, but you don't seem like a bad person, and you won't have a problem with it.

"Um, do me a favor."

"Hey, nice to meet you...?

"Shit, shaggy!

Word is backwards, its mouth is loose, but I dare not touch it and go through.

Anyway, now we're at least one more person.

"It's about time we started to wrap up... there's no sign of wrapping up about two places, but it looks like we should leave that alone now."

"Ugh... the three of us, the four of us, but it seems like a lot... mostly, there's avant-garde everywhere, right...?

"Am I supposed to have an avant-garde?

"Didn't you hear what I just said? They told me not to work with other avant-gardes. That's why I spoke to you." Thou art a wizard who can do the avant-garde. "

"Huh, you know what... you thanked me for not working with anyone yet!

"Um, I really appreciate it, don't I?

"... Shit!

If you want to tongue, the boy who turned away - leave Lars alone for now, next time.

Although, as Helen said, there are a lot of places in the threesome, but there just doesn't seem to be anything like just a rear guard.

They are all equipped and it is easy to understand that because they may enter the labyrinth soon after this.

Okay, but really, what's wrong with this?

It was when I thought that I would have to wait for that stinging to subside and solicit it from there... etc.

"- Hey."


"Look, there's one more over there. What... Isn't that just fine?

"Uh... duh, where...?

"There it is, there it is. You're standing there alone with a potpound, aren't you?

"... Ah. It's true... but... he said..."


If you turn your gaze toward Lars' indication, there was certainly a girl standing in the middle of nowhere.

Besides, the girl is definitely a guard.

I can assure you so for a simple reason.

Classmates... or because they knew each other.

"Well, it's certainly just fine."


"Oh, um..."

"Yeah? Is Helen the opposite?

"Well, that's not what I'm saying...... Ugh, yeah. I agree..."

"Then it would have been good. Then go and speak up quickly."

That's what I said. I also knew the name of the girl ahead of me, that's just soma.

Girl who often sits next to Soma during class.

Silvia Heydrich Radius.

She was the princess of this country.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!