Published at 1st of May 2023 06:50:46 AM

Chapter 72: Be stunned

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Early the next morning, Lin Qin and Meng Chao went to the studio early because they had an early show.

Almost a child, Meng Ke came over, but the interest was not high, and it seemed that the downcast was hit hard.

When Meng Chao rested, he leaned over to Meng Chao, "I went back at noon."

As soon as Han Zhi left, he also had to leave. After using his brother, he left. He also knew that it was Meng Ke who loved his brother very much when he came to say hello to Meng Chao.

Meng Chao glanced at Meng Ke and ridiculed, "Why? Didn't you borrow wine from the wine yesterday?"

Speaking of this, Meng Ke sighed for a long time, "Don't talk, don't talk." A look that didn't want to mention much, it looked a little mournful.

The Meng dynasty "tipped" and sympathized: "It's really pitiful."

Meng Ke, however, changed his ardent expression in the next second, "Do you still have work after the filming?"

Meng Chao immediately went into a state of alert and moved away from Meng Ke a little bit.

Meng Ke continued to join the Meng dynasty.

Meng Chao reached out and pushed him away, keeping the two people at a certain distance, "If you have something to say, don't be sticky."

"Are you saying that you still have work afterwards?" Meng Ke didn't say that, he must wait for a definite answer.

Meng Chao stared at Meng Ke for a long time, and suddenly sneered, "I know what you want to do, give you three words ..."

Meng Ke tightened his mind, "Don't talk!"

Meng Chao also slowed down slowly, saying one by one: "I, no, empty!"

"I asked your agent to send me your schedule. After the movie is finished, you are at rest!" Meng Ke complained. He wanted Meng Chao to go back to the company and sit down. He had time to chase his daughter-in-law, and if she didn't chase her any more, her daughter would be gone.

"I'm right to rest." Meng Chao admitted generously, "but my rest does not mean I have nothing to do."

"What is important for me to chase my wife?" Meng Ke asked back, his tone urgent.

Meng Chao smiled, "Of course, I took my wife to travel."

Meng Ke vomited blood three liters, you have a wife, you are amazing! !

Meng Chao patted Meng Ke on the shoulder, "You may be able to let the old man sit in town."

Meng Kegan smiled and said: "Do you think it is possible?" If the old man knew he was not doing work, chasing his wife without breaking his leg.

"Then there is no way." Meng Chao shrugged, looking helpless.

Meng Ke also wanted to try to persuade the Meng dynasty, the field affairs there were already shouting.

"Anyway, you come on!" Meng Chao encouraged with a smile, turned around and filmed, leaving Meng Ke stunned.

At noon, Meng Ke was called back by an urgent phone call from the secretary, and he temporarily rested to persuade Meng Chao to return to the company to sit down in the company. Send a text message to Meng Chao, the content is tossing and turning is you willing to return to the company?

Meng Chao refused more, the tone behind Meng Ke's text messages became more and more mournful, and Meng Chao couldn't enjoy reading SMS every day.

In the end, he still pity his brother. On the day before the "Dark War", Meng Chao finally agreed to Meng Ke return to the company to sit down, but only half a month.

Meng Ke excitedly transferred a large sum of money directly to Meng Chao.

Meng Ke: "Take the money. This is a tourism fund for you and Lin Qin. Anything you like to buy at that time will not be enough for me."

Meng Chao: "If you want to transfer money to me in the future, all will be transferred to this card number. Xx Bank: **** ......"

Meng Ke: "When did you get a new card?"

Meng Chao: "This is Lin Qin's card."

Meng Ke: "..."

Meng Chao: "In the future, all my money will be Lin Qin's money."

Meng Ke: "..."

Meng Chao: "You can also give the entire legacy to Han Zhi."

Meng Ke: "..."

Meng Chao: "Oh, I forgot, you haven't caught up with Han Zhi yet."

Meng Ke: "..."

Meng Chao: "I intend to formally propose to Lin Qin during this trip. Brother, please give me some suggestions to see where the proposal will be more romantic, and where will the wedding be held at that time?"

Meng Ke: "........."

Meng Ke, who had been showing a look, dropped his mobile phone in anger and no longer responded to Meng Chao. Is it great to catch people? Believe it or not to give him a few days, he also chased Han Zhi! He also had to transfer his assets to Han Zhi's name, and he had to propose to Han Zhi!

Seeing that Meng Chao no longer responded, Meng Chao put away his mobile phone with a smile, and his eyes fell on Lin Qin, who was still catching up with the night show, and became extremely gentle.

Tonight this scene is the last scene of "Dark War". Time flies so fast, more than five months have passed, and the weather has gone from scorching heat to severe cold, and today the studio is still snowing.

There is heating in the studio, but it wo n’t be very cold. Lin Qin is wearing a thin shirt and has already entered the role. No one of his movements, every expression, is no longer Lin Qin, but in "Dark War". That role.

It is said that the serious person is the most handsome. Meng Chao feels that this sentence is also applicable to Lin Qin. Anyway, Meng Chao feels that he has been fascinated by Lin Qin, and his eyes are full of Lin Qin. Can't tolerate others.

This scene is the scene of Lin Qin and male second Huang Wenkai. Huang Wenkai as an ambush under the police, finally revealed his feet at the end and fled late at night.

Lin Qin found Huang Wenkai's trail and followed along.

Huang Wenkai's acting skills are actually not very good, but the director has no way to refuse this actor, because he is the one who is invested in by investors. Fortunately, the acting skills of Lin Qin and Meng Chao in the whole shooting process can bring other actors into the scene. In addition, the director is a famous director and can train people, which makes Huang Wenkai not to hinder.

But tonight Huang Wenkai's state is really not good, a shot has been NG more than ten times, Huang Wenkai just can not perform the feeling that the director wants. And Huang Wenkai either forgot the lines, or forgot to step on, and even interrupted Lin Qin's lines.

No one expected that a film was shot smoothly and smoothly, and even stuck in the last scene, the director was so angry that Huang Wenkai broke his tongue. Originally, the work will be closed at ten o'clock according to plan, but because of Huang Wenkai's reasons, the student was dragged to one o'clock in the morning, and the scene was not finished.

Today everyone has been busy for a day. At this time, it is sleepy and tired. The key person who makes everyone get off work is not knowing. The staff can only swear in secret. After the director shouted the action, it is still stronger. Get up and shoot well.

Among them, the most tired one should belong to Lin Qin. Huang Wenkai couldn't pass the play. Lin Qin has been with him and repeated the play repeatedly. If he had a bad temper, he would have exploded long ago.

Lin Qin was very patient one by one, and none of them devoted himself to the perfect level. The director felt distressed for Lin Qin in the end.

"Resume!" After the NG again, the director said with a black face.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!