Fight Me! - Chapter 1

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:50:18 PM

Chapter 1

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Jason walked down the alleyway holding a map, with a look of absolute concentration on his face.

Drops of sweat rolled off his forehead as five words constantly passed through his mind. "Where in Luxio am I?!"

He had a map which was sent in the mail as part of the 'Spirit Sage Rookie Pack'. The map gave basic details of the layout of the city that Reluxior Academy was located.

The name of the city itself was Lumitania, the city of senses. When he was an infant, a rogue Spirit Sage had tried to murder his entire family. His parents died in the attack, his father had tried to distract the killer whilst his mother took him by hand and ran out by a back alley.

The killer was a Spirit Sage, albeit a roque one and sent his Soul Manifestation after Jason and his mother. Luckily, their next-door neighbour had some experience in Spell Craft and managed to hold off the rogue until the authorities arrived.

He would never forget the sense of powerlessness, all he could do was watch his family die. Ever since then, Jason was raised by these neighbors, Uncle Ferris, Auntie August and his sister like figure and childhood friend Fiona.

Since the incident happened when he was young, Jason could not fully remember much about what happened, but he did notice the rogue wearing a patch on his shoulder.

It was in the shape of a skull, with a wolf standing on it. The mark of the Bone Fangs, a low-down assassin's organization. The trouble was, Jason didn't know why anyone would want to assassinate the family of some nobodies in the countryside.

The assassin could have just been going rogue, to satisfy his bloodlust or maybe he was requested to kill, but whatever the reason, Jason wanted to find out the truth and get revenge on whomever was responsible.

His hometown was far from the city of Lumitania, in the country side, a month's travel by cart and longer by foot. The town was called Heroes' edge since it was near the countries' border and that was also when the first hero was born.

Originally, the world was just a normal medieval sort of place, swords, spears and nobility and corruption. However, the first hero arrived and with the help of what was now called Spirit Sage Craft, he united some nobles and formed a country.

He was also the person to introduce the current SS teaching system. The heroes' name was Luxio, or at least, that was his alias. This is the story that every person was taught from childhood. The mighty hero Luxio was the role model of every aspiring Lux Spirit Sage.

The world was split into six nations and each one, every ten years held a global tournament for Spirit Sage Craft. Within each nation, was also a nationwide tournament which selected participants for the global tournament.

Since there were often skirmishes between different nations over territory or resources, many Spirit Sages became part of the military or mercenaries and due to Spirit Sages' strength, they were often paid lucratively for their services.

Jason wanted to become a Spirit Sage because he wanted the strength to fight for himself, protect those around him and ultimately avenge his parents.

"Good morning ma'am, sorry for bothering you but would you mind pointing me in the direction of Reluxior academy please?" Jason asked a lady setting up a store on the side of a road.

"Oh, lost, are you? Hahaha no need to worry you lad, just follow the signs to main st. From there, you should be able to see a large shining spire, that's the city defence artifact."

"Keep walking towards it until you reach a crossroad and then take a right. Then you just need to keep walking down the road and eventually, maybe ten or fifteen minutes you should be able to see the academy."

"Thank you very much, have a nice day!" He thanked her for the directions The reason he was being polite was pretty much common sense. If he was polite then the lady would have no reason to not tell him the right way.

Whereas if he acted like a hooligan, she might give him some less accurate information. This was something that Fiona made him do since they were children. But he doubted whether that really was the case.

The roads were vibrant and buzzing with the hum of citizens getting on with their daily activities. More people setting up stores and some people setting off for work. Ether powered carts were cruising along the even main road.

Ether powered carts were generally expensive since they ran on ether crystals, which were very popular amongst those practicing Spell Craft. This is because Spell Craft drew power from the Ether Realm, in order to conjure Magic. Spirit Sage Craft, however, drew power from the user's soul to manifest their abilities.

In general, Spirit Sages used Spell Craft as a backup when they were in tight spots, the most powerful dangerous spells required a lot of energy and as such, were quite impractical. They were good for last ditch efforts to save oneself though. Each element had their own basic spells.

Jason stopped walking suddenly, as he laid his eyes over Reluxior academy. It was huge. Really Huge. It took all his willpower in order not to drop his jaw and gape at the sight of his new school.

What he saw were massive buildings which were gold and marble, that rose higher than the already gargantuan walls. Along these walls were the rare flower, Lux Roses, which had the quality of emitting light during the night. On the walls were watchtower like buildings, each with pointed spires that skewered the clouds.

"Halt!" someone emerged onto a platform on the tower. He was clad in pearl white armor, a helmet that looked somewhat like a knight in chess but with a single long horn that rose up, like a unicorns.

"Y-Yes!" Jason stuttered, completely surprised by the entrance of this random side character.

"State your name and student I.D.!"

"Does this guy really need to scream? Pretty sure he is the reason why everyone on this street wakes up every morning." he thought to himself before responding.

"Jason - Braveheart - #333, Sir!"

"Hm... Very well!" The guard's conformation calmed Jason down a little, the whole conversation had happened within five seconds, the guard snapped every line like he was in a screaming match.

The gates swung open and the sound of the gate setting into place sounded like an angry golem jumping up and down, the grating noise reverberated in Jason's ears. Another man came down the back of the tower.

"After me please! I will lead you to your dorm, where you can unpack." He said.

"Yes sir." The path they walked on was smooth, it looked like someone had made a pathway and then used the most expensive soap in the realm to scrub it.

"Ahh, you must be in awe of our beautiful paths, the reason they look so nice is because they are enchanted with durability and glitter spells." The guide looked proud of this excessive waste of ether crystals.

"Er.. Right thanks for explaining." As they walked on, Jason examined the buildings they walked past.

"Mr. guide, what's that?" Jason pointed towards a large Amphitheatre like building.

"That's our academy's arena built by the third headmaster by hand. It is said that he spent 6 weeks, the third headmaster was a legendary figure. Not only was he a master in Spell Craft, but also had the unique ability to fuse his Spirit Surging with his Spirit Armament. This allowed him absolute inhuman strength."

Again, the guide puffed his chest out, as if he created the arena himself. As they continued walking.

"Holy crap, we've already spent over half an hour walking to the dorms, if it takes this long, then how am I going to get to lessons on time?! Do I have to run or something?" he pondered as they continued forward.

"Aha! Here we are. This is the male student's dorm. In case you want to know, the female's dorm is on the other side of the academy."

The guide said that last part as if it were some close guarded secret.

The guide continued, " You have an hour until you need to go to the arena for orientation, feel free to unpack and relax! You are a bit early, so you get longer free time."

"Wait a moment... If this is early and it takes me half an hour to walk to the arena... Then how the hell is anyone else who is 'on time' going to make it if they unpack?"

"Thanks for showing me here Mr. guide!"

"No problem. If you need any help, you can find the administrator. It's about two hours walk from the arena"

Jason walked through the front garden, filled with a variety of fauna.

"Knock, knock, knock!"

"No answer... Let's try shouting."

"Hello?! Anyone home?" Jason waited for a few minutes before someone wearing PJ's lazily opened the door.

"Aha! A recruit!" The mysterious person yelled.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Ah, sorry, I was just excited for a moment. I'm Jenga, nice to meet you!"

"Oh, how come you're here so early?" Jason asked.

"I'm a fourth year here, I volunteered to mentor soma you newbies, I'm kind of like a Spirit Sage tutor."

"So, you're my senior then, nice to meet you. I'm Jason, I'm new."

"Great, I am your senior, Jenga. Any problems ask me! Don't bother with the admin, it's way too far for trivial matters!"

"Thanks very much, where do i unpack?" Jason asked. He felt at ease after finding solid evidence that not everyone here was a nut job like the gate guards.

Jenga led him in, Jason took off his boots and walked in. Contrary to the building's exterior, the inside had a homely look. This took Him by surprise as he expected some grandiose looking chamber, this wasn't bad though. A grandiose dorm would just be plain uncomfortable.

"Hang your door keys on this board here." Jenga said.

"Sorry what?"

"Your door keys. D O O R K E Y S. The ones that came in the welcome mail thingy."

Jason panicky, fumbled through the welcome pack. He hung the keys on the hook which had his ID on, #333.

"Up here buddy." Jenga hopped up the stairs like a nimble rabbit.

After many rooms, which for a change failed to surprise him, they reached room 666. "Hahaha devil's number. Ok, unpack quick and I'll take you to the arena. It'll take a few minutes by Spirit Summon, by the way, there is a machine in your room that lets you check your soul status."

He entered the room. A homely room, that was larger than Uncle Ferris' living room. Unpacking his things, he dumped his backpack on the floor and did his bedsheets. He filled up his excessively large wardrobe with clothes. Emptied out his washing items into his en suit.

Jason changed into the uniform, which made him look like a badass. The dorm he was staying in was the Demon's dorm. The dorm's patch was just over his heart, a muscular demon with blue skin and black tattoos holding his dual blades in the en guarded position.

His horns spiralled over like a ram's. Clover shaped Hooves and bulging biceps made the badge look intimidating, yet it complimented the whole uniform well. The uniform was a blazer, black with shoulder pads and cuffed sleeves.

It didn't restrict movement, instead, made Jason feel full of energy when he wore it. He felt like he could run five marathons with energy to spare. He glanced at the machine in the corner of the room, the Soul Status machine.

"Oh crap! I'm going to be late!" Jenga then took Jason up to the top of the building. Said some fancy spell and a screech rang out through the sky. A massive bird flew down, black feathers, a gold feathered crest and adult men sized talons that could shatter a soldier's plate armour in a single swipe.

"This is my spirit summon, Marduke." Jenga said with pride.

"Damn, that's amazing."

"Hell yeah, hop on buddy."

Marduke flapped his wings, rose up into the side whilst swaying side to side. "Hold on tight Rookie!"

The overgrown bird suddenly tipped forwards and before Jason could realise what was happening, he was buffeted by wind that threatened to blow him back to the town he came from. After two minutes or so, Marduke slowed and eventually landed. The ground shook as the spirit summon landed.

"Thanks for the ride Jenga."

"Well, I had to be here too, makes it more convenient for both of us!" Jenga chuckled. They entered the arena and were given a pamphlet by the man at the entrance.

"Thank you very much sir!" Jason politely thanks the man who grinned back as if they were best friends.

"Buddy, usually, the older students get the front seats and rookies like you go to the very back, but since I'm so kind, I'll grace all the newbies with my presence" Jenga joked.

They took a seat at the second last row.

"Attention! An announcement from the Female student's representative!" A girl with a slender figure, silver hair that literally sparkled, a full chest and beauty that could charm on sight emerged from behind the velvet curtains. Jason gawped.

"Big sis?!" Jason thought as he listened closely.

"Greetings, I am Fiona Braveheart, representative of the 33rd year. Welcome all to the start of a new academic year."

As Fiona continued to talk, Jason was contemplating how his 'Big Sis' was a Spirit Sage and he had no clue whatsoever.

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