Fight Me! - Chapter 13

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:49:29 PM

Chapter 13

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Harmony Spirit Released into the Magic pistol, causing it to change shape. It had a dragon's head at the front of the barrel, jaws agape. Black and white miniature scales lined the metal. Illian could feel the Ether radiating off of the weapon, it had just increased by tenfold, meaning that the amount of soul energy he would have to apply would also multiply by that amount. However, he could also draw on Harmony's soul energy as well, making it more equal.

There weren't only draw backs though, the good side was the weapon's offensive capabilities had increased too. Spirit's couldn't handle releasing into two different weapons, however, perhaps Harmony was an exception, having two separate minds and all that. Now, however, was not the time to experiment.

Pointing his pistol at Vulcan, gauntlets at his waist, Illian moved towards the downed Elena. He was about to speak to her until he realised that she wasn't conscious.

"Delens Dolor" He cast a basic healing spell of the Lux element.

"Haah!" Vulcan used that moment to leap up, war axe raised.

Illian couldn't afford to dodge, Elena was right behind him. He couldn't block either, his pistol was a ranged weapon. He panicked as he wrangled his brain for solutions other than taking the hit and becoming mince meat.

"Magic Pistol Art: Hollow Shot!" He fired a hollow shot powered only by soul energy at the foe.

Hollow Shot had 0 penetrating power, it did ,however, explode on impact, like a water balloon hitting a wall. The unstable beam of energy landed on Vulcan's chest, it burst, sending him out of the air and into the dusty floor. Not wanting to put himself into a similar predicament again, Illian put on his left gauntlet. This way, he could protect himself in melee whilst still being able to fire at a distance.

Illian was very angry. This despicable b*stard had tried to force him to take a blow, a fiendish yet clever move. The thing that angered him the most was his lack of care for the current situation. That was twice in a single evening he hadn't thought of what he was doing and acted recklessly.

"Dammit. OY OY! Judge! The match is over, I got their captain didn't I?" Vulcan shouted desperately.

"Unfortunately for you, she isn't. Regret your actions in the infirmary!"

Illian ran forward, activating his Fastfire art before firing off a few shots. He hadn't practiced too much when it came to aiming, most of his time had been devoted to practicing his newly created techniques. Since he was more adept at hand to hand combat, he didn't really need to be able to hit accurately at long distances.

Vulcan, having decided that the shots were too dangerous to block, summersaulted side ways to avoid being hit. A few Hollow Shots had been fired into the mix, making the after effects of each beam somewhat unpredictable. This was because Hollow Shots exploded on contact and looked identical to Power Shots. Both were brighter than normal shots which didn't require any soul energy, just Ether from the loaded crystal. He then charged forward, swinging out his war axe.

He ducked under a horizontal axe swing, feeling the wind pressure as the weapon brushed past. Jumping up, he fired another Power Shot which pierced through Vulcan's left arm.

"Ack! Sh!t" He screamed in pain.

Using the moment where his opponent was distracted, Illian dashed forward, sending an uppercut into his jaw. He flew upwards, flying in an arc before hitting the ground with a 'whump'. Dust rose up around him as he tried to sit up.

"B-Bashtarhd!" Vulcan said, blood coming out. It seemed he had bitten his tongue. Tears let themselves out.

"I'll clean out that dirty mouth of your's before you can offend anyone else. How about I remove that tongue of yours? The job's already half done." Illian taunted.

He walked menacingly toward the sobbing senior. Of course he wouldn't really do that, if he did, he'd probably get expelled. It seemed that the academy didn't care about most injuries, as long as they weren't life threatening and could be cured with magic. Permanent injuries on the other hand, those were treated much more severely.

Illian decided that Vulcan was injured enough, since he had almost bitten off his tongue. He surveyed the area. Everything had been wrecked, the tents were in tatters. The nearby trees had been felled too. He spotted Eva, with blood running down her fore head. He walked over briskly and inspected her condition.

There was a dent in the tree just above her head. Quickly casting another God's Heal spell, he picked her up before gently setting her down next to Elena. Both were still injured, Elena being more injured due to her being tormented by Vulcan. Hmm. I took out four, Vulcan is here meaning they sent three after Alex. I should probably check on him. Illian made sure to cover the two girls with what remained of their blankets. He noticed that Elena's clothing had been removed in certain places, but now was not the time to be focusing on such things.

"BLOOD PACT: THE STRENGTH OF ALL DEMONS IS SUFFERING!" A sudden cry rang out from behind.

"Sh!t, this guy's still aching for a fight."

Raising his pistol, he saw Vulcan get up, a blood red aura cloaked him. He moved quicker than before, his war axe looked weightless in his hands as he charged forward. His eyes were bloodshot.

Illian poured a large portion of his soul energy into a pair of Power Shots, aiming at his feet. They landed, a squelching sound as the beams pierced through flesh and bone. This caused him to fall over, but he wasn't done yet. Dragging himself over, Vulcan was determined to settle his new score with Illian.

Somehow, he managed to bend backward and swing his war axe out. The dust shot up like a mini sand storm. Illian jumped over the attack and stomped on Vulcan's arm making him lose grip of the weapon.

"Give it up. You can't win in that state."

"Gaargh!" His mouth foamed as he clawed at the ground.

"At this rate, he might actually die from loss of soul energy." Illian mused.

He raised his left gauntlet before smacking Vulcan over the head, instantly sending him unconscious.

Illian quickly jogged in the direction Alex had gone to gather wood. After a few minutes, he came across four bodies lying on the floor. Casting a heal on the more heavily wounded, he slung them over his shoulders and went back in the direction of his camp. Surprisingly, the girl he was carrying weighed more than Alex and another person combined.

After putting all the other people down, he went to retrieve the four that he had defeated too. It was a bit awkward, having a large group of people just lying there on the floor asleep.

"Now that I think about it... Don't I have to wait until tomorrow until they pick us up?"

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