Fight Me! - Chapter 17

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:49:10 PM

Chapter 17

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Gone. Everyone was gone. Illian looked around, he was slightly annoyed that they had left without him. They had probably gone to get help since I didn't return, but that brings up the question, did they even search for me in the first place?

Illian decided to go somewhere away from the battle site, that way the search party would not be able to link him to Mortimer.

He eventually found a peaceful lake nearby, the water looked crystal clear. I wonder if it has healing properties? He jumped over to a small island in the middle, only 50 by 50 meters in size.

Sitting down cross legged, he began training his sun resistance. In Mortimer's memories, when he was younger, he exposed himself to sunlight for 5 minutes 6 minutes 7 minutes 8 minutes and then 10 minutes with a 1 minute break in between. He then had to repeat this five times. One whole cycle of 40 minutes.

Illian quickly removed all of his clothes except from his underwear and the cloak. Taking a deep breath, he put the cloak aside and lay down on his back, stomach to the sky. As soon as his pale skin was touched by the sun, a fizzing sound could be heard. Smoke slowly began to rise. It wasn't too bad. He just had to wait and wait.

Eventually, he had completed two of five cycles. Although he felt tired and a little sore, he knew that his body was getting stronger. The third cycle went by quickly but during the forth his body felt like it was on fire. He knew that it was supposed to hurt, he couldn't stop himself from wincing. Illian already had some tolerance to the sun as a human which also made him more resistant as a vampire.

"If I'm in this much pain right now, what would it be like for a normal vampire?"

He grabbed the cloak and covered himself up quickly. He had just completed the 8 minute section. He held the cloak just above him with his hands as it was painful to touch anything. Being exposed to the sun was like having five sunburns at the same time and then having mosquitoes bite you everywhere. Certainly an unpleasant feeling.

The last cycle was the most painful of all. Illian has scrunched his face up and balled his fists in an attempt to quell the pain. It took all of his will power to not leap under the nearest tree.

Finally, he was finished. There weren't any sudden changes but Illian had completed the exercise. He got up and jumped into the water. It was like jumping into an ice bucket, but this feeling was better than being in the sun. He relaxed his body and floated, almost falling asleep. He couldn't help but grin.

The vampires had a power system which was very different from humans. Vampires were divided into ranks.


-Rank 1

-Rank 2

-Rank 3

-Rank 4

-Rank 5

Middle Class

-Rank 1

-Rank 2

-Rank 3


-Rank 1

-Rank 2

-Rank 3

Each rank increases physical strength. After Count, one could become an Adept, who start to narrow down their vampire forms. Only Noble vampires can become Adepts, normal vampires are physically unable to. This is because of the ancient bloodlines which nobles possessed. Each Noble had unique Adept abilities but they were divided into different power strengths.





Most nobles would peak at Intermediate or Expert Rank but a few managed to go even further.


Half god


These are the highest ranks that a vampire can reach. The reason why they can become gods through training is because they are descended from gods. Each time a Noble vampire gained a level they unlocked more of their ancient bloodline.

Vampires didn't practice Spirit Sage Craft because they had their own racial strengths and physical ability which dwarfed ordinary humans.

Along with Mortimer's memory came training techniques which would be useful to Illian. The sun resistance technique was just one that all nobles used.

Currently, Illian was just a Rank 1 Commoner. He decided that he would train his physical abilities and if he wanted to rescue Mortimer's daughter he would have to become a lot stronger.

In order to train his Devourer bloodline, he would need to bite many different creatures to obtain their power. This meant that for now, the most efficient way to get stronger would be hunting.

"I can go back whenever I want, I may as well go hunting and drain some blood."

Illian summoned Harmony and flew across the forest. After two hours, he found a herd of Steel Bison. These creatures had hide that was tough like Steel and had deadly charge attacks. They could be turned into spirit summons but were too weak for anybody to do so.

He landed on a tree nearby and surveyed the herd. There was a single male, twelve females and five calves. Although he could get Harmony to stomp them to death, Illian knew that he would become stronger by gaining battle experience.

He gripped the Magic Pistol and loaded a crystal. He put on a gauntlet in his left hand. Spirit Releasing would be a waste of soul energy, thus he decided to beat the beasts on his own.

He aimed in between the male Steel Bison's forehead and fired.

"Magic Pistol Art: Power Shot"

The white beam penetrated through the animal's head and came cleanly out the back. The herd started to panic, calling out and stomping around. Illian jumped up, fired two shots, killing two Steel Bisons before landing on one and stabbing his Kopis deep into it's eye, pulverising the brain.

The beasts tried to escape whilst protecting the young but Illian jumped over each one, firing a shot into their heads or pummelling them with a gauntlet. Soon, there were only calves left. He spared them no mercy and ended them quickly with a single punch.

He stacked them up and began feasting. Each time he drank their blood his soul energy increased whilst his skin became tougher. After the second Steel Bison he felt like he could head butt a tree and demolish it instantly.

In his mind, there was a small flask. Each time he drank blood it filled up little by little. It seemed that once it filled up he would gain a level.

"Let the feast begin!"

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