Fight Me! - Chapter 22

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:48:46 PM

Chapter 22

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Days and nights flickered past as Illian was being carried like a rolled up mat. A pounding pain in his head made him unable to speak, he was only capable of growling or making inarticulate noises.

After an unknown length of time had passed, he finally managed to move. He was in a dark cave lying next to a black haired sleeping beauty. He put his claw over his forehead as he tried to remember what had happened.

"Grrrr. That's right, I lost." He found it hard to speak in his werewolf form.

Illian had no clue how to transform or why he was a werewolf.

"Oh, maybe it was because I bit Aragon." He speculated.

He didn't know too much about the Devourer bloodline other than the fact that he could steal powers by biting his target and drinking their blood. Since it was such a powerful ability, he knew it must have some kind of weakness.

Orucos leaned over him, very, very close.

"Morning Sunshine." She greeted him playfully.

Illian almost jumped and collided his head with hers. Although this was an interesting situation, she was his enemy. He growled. It was easier than speaking.

"Calm down, I'm not going to eat you." She laughed before sitting up.

"Grrrr, where are we?" Speaking was getting a little easier but he couldn't help growling.

"We are almost at our destination! You won our little bet so that means your friends go free! You on the other hand... belong to me now." She looked at him possessively, like a collector looking at a rare item.

Illian looked at her before saying, "where are you taking me?"

"The Midnight Compound." She answered.

"I'm going to recommend you to the staff there so that you can get stronger."

"That seems like you're helping me train." Illian asked in a puzzled tone.

"That's because I plan to make you my body guard but with your current strength, it's not a possibility so I'm going to get them to beef you up a little."

"Do I get any say in this?" He asked hopefully.

"Nope." She grinned.

Illian slumped back, resting his head on the tough rock. He realised that his werewolf form looked different from Aragon's. His was pale white whereas Aragon's fur was bluish black. Perhaps it was because he was a vampire as well.

"Now that we're out of range of the city guard, I've called the transport team. They'll pick us up by portal." She explained.

Orucos was leaving herself open, as if she thought Illian could do her no harm. He wanted to attack her badly, however it would end up even worse than last time. Before, she has gone easy on him, only striking back at the last minute, he feared that if he tried to escape she would show no mercy.

Suddenly, a dimensional portal popped open and a group of people came through. They wore black robes but each one was lined with white and had white runes engraved on them.

"Lady Orucos, we have opened a portal to gate 4." The one in front said respectfully.

She just nodded as she pulled the still transformed Illian up and pulled him through into the swirling blue vortex. The black robes followed behind.

The world turned black and Illian felt a nauseous feeling in his stomach. He held his furry stomach as he tried not to throw up. He felt as if he were in a washing machine, spinning around. Finally, after a long period of time light returned to his eyes.

He was met with a massive complex, he stepped out of a large stone archway before falling on his hands and knees. It looked like a massive prison, rooms lined the walls and spiralled downwards. There were four other archways which Illian assumes were for opening portals as well.

"First time's the worst time." Orucos said sympathetically.

He just looked at her with displeasure and a growl.

"Say, shouldn't you revert to your human form? Your speech seems hindered like that."

Illian just shook his head before attempting to stand up, failing miserable and landing on her. He swayed like a drunkard and fell like a draw bridge.

"Watch where you're going you oaf!" She shouted, blush faintly visible on her cheeks.

"Grrraah, sorry." He said with a dry throat.

"Please follow me." The black robe said.

He led them down the flights of stairs, 1, 2, 3, 10, 20 The number continued to increase. Illian saw that most of the cells had anywhere from 1-3 people sitting in them. There were no mixed gender cells for obvious reasons but it seemed that the floors were separated by gender. 1-10 were male, 11-20 were female, 21-30 were male and so on. There were a total of 100 floors in this complex, apparently there were more spread around the country.

Most of the people in the cells were reading, training, chatting but most of them were staring at the mass of fur walking by with an important figure.

Eventually, they reached a metal door, black and 10 meters high. Orucos scanned her hand on the panel by the door and it slid upwards, allowing them to pass through.

"Where are we going?" He asked with curiosity.

Clearly, the place they were going was special compared to the cells they passed. There was a metal door and a hand print scanner, what other proof do you need? They walked past several doors, each one was decorated differently. The first was an oriental themed one, the next, a very modern one. It seemed that the Ether technology in this compound was very developed, even more so than the academy.

"We're here. This is my room, the one opposite is yours." She pointed first at a room that looked like the most luxurious door before pointing at the one opposite, a dingy wooden one which radiated bankruptcy.

He looked at her with a disbelieving look.

"It's worse then those cells up there!"

"At least you've got privacy." She shrugged.


"Nope, we've got observers."

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