Fight Me! - Chapter 7

Published at 19th of January 2019 01:50:02 PM

Chapter 7

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They sat in Demon dorm, room #666.

"That's what I said, this is ɱყ body. Jason was just borrowing it."

"So we call you Illian then?" Eva asked, brows furrowed.

"Mmhhmnn." Illian replied. He was sitting with his knees up, hands resting on them. Rocking back and forth, a grin on his face.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this." Elena said.

"Me neither." Alex confirmed.

"Well, nice to meet you all. Also, Jason says thanks for buying us time during the duel!"

"Wait, you can talk with him?" Elena suddenly piped up.

"Well, only when I enter a little dark room inside my head. When we switched he asked me to say that. I haven't seen him since."

"Ah." She said, a little crestfallen.

"I'm technically your senior now. Anyways, I'm gonna go see someone, ciao." He hopped up and left, with a spring in his step.

He was wearing The Devil's Advocate blazer. He summoned Harmony.

[I remember now Master Illian.]

(Yeah. That technique you developed is really something. Don't use it again please.)

"Don't worry you two, it was a last resort. I don't plan on losing control again." He said out loud.

"Well, I defeated that noble fellow, now I'm rank #8. First place from there seems easy."

They flew across the school towards the girl's dorms.

"It's been a long time since I felt this feeling!" He sighed. "I guess I should start getting serious."

They landed outside Sakura dorm. Illian stepped inside, breaking the lock by accident.

"I guess I need to readjust a little."

He walked past a board with keys. He scanned the names.

"Bingo." He quickly walked further into the hallway. He was about to walk up the stairs when a sudden shrill scream caught his attention.

"AAAAHHH! What is a boy doing here?!" A somewhat short girl with pink hair and red eyes yelled at the top of her lungs. She pointed an accusing finger at Illian.

"I've got no time for this." He walked up the staircase, ignoring the screaming child.

Eventually, when Illian had made it to the fourth floor, a larger crowd of female students had gathered around him.

"Hey! Get out of here, this is the girl's dorm!"

"Yeah perv, piss off!"

Showered by rude comments, Illian continued on, up the never ending stairs. His ears were filled with the clamour of angry women. He climbed and climbed until he finally reached the seventh floor. The crowd following him had tripled in size, so did the angry comments chasing after him.

"Hey! What's going on here?" A girl said from above.

"Yeah! Quiet down!" Said another.

Fiona, flanked by a pair of ladies wearing white coats which were open at the front came down from a higher floor. Illian's mind quickened as he saw his childhood friend.

"Yo, Fiona. It's been nearly ten years, miss me?" He asked cooly.

Her eyes widened before she muttered.


The flock of followers whispered amongst each other.

"Hey, does Miss Phoenix know this perv?"

"How should I know?"

Fiona looked lost.

"No, how are you here? You..."

"Relax, everything is fine. I need to talk to you." Illian comforted her.

Her face hardened.

"Fine. Follow me. The rest of you, nothing's happening, go back to your rooms." She commanded like her usual self.

He followed her up to her room.

"Liz, Clara, you can leave now."

"Are you sure?!" Liz shouted.

"Yeah, what if he's dangerous!" Clara added.

"No, I've known him since childhood. Go!"

"Y-yes." They said in unison before disappearing into a different room."

Illian followed Fiona into her room. They sat. Fiona's look softened.

"I thought you died." She said on the verge of tears.

"Not really, if anything, it's Jason who died." He said, wearing a solemn expression.

"What do you mean?"

"I almost died. He went berserk and at that time, I wasn't strong enough to beat him in that state. I had to use an unfinished spell to stop him. I merged his soul into mine and as a result, he gained control over my body. The events traumatised him, causing him to forget them and erect a... how should I put this? He blocked me off, I only managed to meet him when he was on the verge of death, he had unconsciously removed the barrier and focused everything into fighting." He explained patiently.

She's probably confused right now. Well, there isn't much I can do other than tell the truth.

"Anyway, you won't be seeing Jason around anytime soon. I'm only going to stay at this academy until I fulfil his wishes. It's the least I can do." He shrugged.

"Where will you go after accomplishing what Jason wants?" She asked, slightly panicked.

"Oh, I might go around finding strong people to challenge, or I might become an explorer. Who knows?"

"Wait! If you want strong people to challenge, enter the national tournament!" She was desperate to keep her former 'little brother' at her side.

"Oh, don't worry. Jason already set his sights on the nationals. Soon enough, Jason BalanceBreaker will become

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