Published at 17th of May 2024 01:34:34 PM

Chapter 755: Purse World

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Chapter 755: Purse World

The Inner Rim of the Galaxy, Purse World, Cato Neimoidia.

This is one of the earliest Colonized Planets in the Galactic Republic. It joined the Galactic Republic 25,000 years ago and can be said to be the earliest member.

This is also the first Purse World established by the Neimoidians.

The so-called Purse World is a Planet with a Beautiful Environment and Rich Resources. To ensure that the Planet is not polluted by industrialization and enjoys the purest natural beauty, there are almost no polluting factories and industries on such a Planet. Even for energy, it mainly relies on input from other Planets, and it only has some Wind Power and Solar Energy as a backup.

By the way, when Sev'rance Tann attacked the Energy World of Sarapin, Cato Neimoidia was one of the Planets that suffered a blackout in the Core Worlds. At that time, the Trade Federation also pretended to lodge a serious protest against the Confederacy of Independent Systems.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

Naturally, only the top rich can settle on such a Planet.

Among the many Purse Worlds, Cato Neimoidia is the oldest, most luxurious, and noble one.

Millionaire? Roll!

Multimillionaire? Go aside!

Billionaire? Goodbye!

People who can live in a Purse World must not only be rich, but also powerful and have a very High Social Status. They must undergo numerous checks before they have the opportunity to enter.

Here, you can have a Professional Team to help you manage your finances, Beautiful Maids to take care of your daily life, a powerful Army to protect your wealth, and you can build as big a house as you want. It can be said that everything on the entire Planet serves this small group of people.

In order to facilitate the wealthy people here to better manage their Industries and Planets, there are also the most Advanced Management Systems and Hyperspace Communication Equipment. Through Communication Signals propagated through Hyperspace, they can communicate with any corner of the Galaxy.

Therefore, there are only 8.5 Million Residents on this Planet with a diameter of more than 10,000 Kilometers. Excluding Service Personnel and the Military, only 100,000 people actually enjoy everything here.

100,000 people, which is the upper limit of residents set by the Purse World of Cato Neimoidia.

And Cato Neimoidia is within the jurisdiction of the Second Army of the Republic.

According to the instructions of the Republic's Supreme Strategic Command, the Second Army must capture the Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray alive without destroying the Planet.

Naturally, it is absolutely impossible for the Trade Federation to allow anyone to touch their Purse World. After all, the money stored in these Purse Worlds has reached a level that makes people dizzy just by looking at the numbers!

Numerous Fleets immediately protected these Purse Worlds, and they confronted the Fleet of the 2nd Army without hesitation.

However, as the War progressed, the Republic's Fleet suffered heavy losses again and again, so several Armies at the rear had to allocate some New Warships to the Frontlines.

In order to continue to maintain pressure on the Purse Worlds of the Trade Federation, the Republic's 4th Army White Cuirass Command, which was Headquartered in Alderaan, and led by Governor Praji and Jedi General Ki-Adi-Mundi also sent a Fleet to participate in the siege of the Cato Neimoidia.

No one would have thought that there would be Separatists trying to attack Cato Neimoidia.

No one would have thought that the Second Army of the Republic deep in the rear would actually be attacked.

The Hyperspace Lanes in the Galaxy are complicated, but the Hyperspace Lanes leading to the Core Worlds are all under strict surveillance. Only some Small Spacecraft can pass through, and these Small Spacecraft are impossible to shake the Defense of the Planets in the Core Worlds.

Even Sev'rance Tann's raid on the Sarapin had some objective reasons. Because the Defense of the Energy Planet was not strong, and the War had just begun, the Galactic Republic had not even found its direction yet.

But now, with the 20th Armies of the Republic having been established, the War Zones strictly divided, the division of labor clear, and the Supreme Strategic Headquarters constantly deploying them, it is completely impossible for the Core Worlds to be raided.

But...this just happened.

For the second time!!

On the Bridge of the 8,000-Meter-Long Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught, the Flagship of the 7th Squadron, which belongs to the Second Army of the Republic and is responsible for encircling Cato Neimoidia, a piercing siren sounded.

"Large-scale Hyperspace Jump Signal detected! Unknown Identification Code! Confirmed to be an enemy attack!!"

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