Published at 17th of May 2024 01:34:33 PM

Chapter 756: Beheading

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Chapter 756: Beheading

A White Light Flashed extremely violently, and the figure of the 14,100-Meter-Long Ragnarov-class Titan Battleship suddenly appeared in the Universe.

At the same time, the Bridge of the Golden Light 8,000-Meter-Long Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught, the Flagship of the 7th Squadron of the 2nd Army of the Galactic Republic, was already busy.

"Hyperspace confirmed! One Enemy Warship!"

"Length 14,100 Meters, Mass, 900 Million Tons! Database comparison completed! It's the Plague!" the Radar Soldier shouted loudly.

The Staff Officer rushed over and looked at the screen, "Are you sure it's the Plague?"

"Confirmed without a doubt." The Radar Soldier said with certainty.

"How is this possible? Why can the Plague sneak into the core circle silently?!" The Staff Officer screamed.

"Instruct all Warships to prepare for Battle immediately! Pay attention to the Plague's Hypermatter Railgun!" Fleet Commander Admiral Rivers issued the order.Folloow current novÊls on nov/3lb((in).(co/m)

At the same time, the Plague was also completing its final preparations for Battle.

"Hyperspace Jump successful! Current location, Cato Neimoidia!" the Navigator reported loudly.

"The entire Warship enters Combat Status! Raise the Deflector Shield!" the Staff Officer issued the order per the combat rules.

"Stop!" Admiral Sev'rance Tann, who was sitting in the Captain's seat, looked serious. "All Energy is to be supplied to the Hypermatter Railgun! Enter Overload Mode! Start charging immediately!"

"Yes! Stop the Deflector Shield System! All Energy is concentrated to supply the Hypermatter Railgun! Overload mode is turned on!' The Staff Officer repeated the instruction, and all departments immediately began to implement it. He looked at the System Feedback, and then said: "After giving up the Deflector Shield, the charging and overloading time has compressed to 40 seconds!"

Sev'rance Tann had a cruel smile on her face, "Adjust the shooting angle, target... the enemy Flagship."

The Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught is 8,000 Meters long, and its hull is a rectangular parallelepiped shape commonly used in Battleships of the previous era. This is to accommodate the 43,000 Crew Members necessary for the operation of the Battleship. Although it is a Backward Warship of the previous era, it is a Huge Battleship built for War. More than 1,100 Laser Cannons are installed on the Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught, and its Firepower and Armor are extremely powerful.

But now this Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught has been directly blown into scrap metal by a single shot from this Hypermatter Railgun!

The Bow of the Warship was completely blown up, and a huge hole with a diameter of more than 600 Meters was punched in the middle. The Large Hole was filled with Melted Metal, and the Flames in many places had not been extinguished, reflecting a Red Light, making it look like a passage connecting to Hell.

At the bottom of this passage, the Huge Shell still burning at Ultra-High Temperature is a new Light Source, illuminating everything around this Hellish Scene.

Although the Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught's Powerful Armor and Structure prevented the Battleship from being directly disintegrated by this Railgun Shot, under the powerful impact, the Battleship was pushed back more than 200 Kilometers in an instant! The Terrifying Impact caused all surviving Crew Members on the entire Battleship to suffer secondary injuries, either seriously injured or in a coma.

But even the comatose Crew Members could not survive more than 2 minutes after the Life Support System failed...

Including Admiral Rivers, Commander of the 7th Squadron, none of the 43,000 Crew of the Golden Light Mandator-class Star Dreadnaught were spared!

Just like its previous debut, the Plague directly aimed at the enemy's Flagship under the guidance of the Dark Side of The Force, and then directly destroyed them with this Extremely Terrifying Firepower!

This method of fighting, which was completely different from the Galactic Republic's Tens of Thousands of Years of history, left everyone dumbfounded and at a loss as to what to do.

They don't know that even in "Sins of a Solar Empire'" the Weak Fleet of the Emergency Traders Coalition often relies on the Super Firepower of Ragnarov-class Titan Battleship to destroy the opponent's Capital Ships in a short time after the War begins, and then their own Battleships swarmed up to bully the remaining Small Warships.

Beheading is the Standard Tactic of the Ragnarov-class Titan Battleship...

It was only then that the Battleships of the 7th Squadron woke up from a dream. With full firepower, the Starfighters took off and rushed towards the Plague with confusion and anger as the Flagship was destroyed!

"Raise the Deflector Shield! The Starfighters take off! Replace the Shell with Scattering Projectiles and prepare for the second launch!" Admiral Sev'rance Tann gave the order.

Almost at the same moment, dozens of Turbo Lasers fell on the Titan Battleship, exploding directly on the Armor without Deflector Shield Protection! The Continuous Explosions caused the Battleship to shake violently, but Sev'rance Tann watched it all with an expression on her face.

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