Published at 25th of April 2024 07:35:50 AM

Chapter 27: ' A United North ' Part I

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Chapter 27: ' A United North ' Part I

POV Duncan;

Torrhen's Square.

The day after discussing Roose Bolton.

"So, are we all in agreement? Any objections, on how to act against House Bolton?" I asked. My father, Uncle Leobald and Ser Qyburn, looked at each other for a moment. They all nodded a few seconds later.

"Well, I'd say let's get down to business: Night's Watch. Father?" I said, turning to Helman.

"We already have the shipment of grain, medicine, weapons, blankets, woolen clothing, enough for at least a year. There should be about 1500 men at the barrier at the moment. The Lord Commander Jeor Mormont, has already accepted our request. Three hundred of our soldiers will be trained by the best Rangers they have, for the duration of the Fall." My father said.

"Good. Maester can you tell us the estimates for the duration of this Fall?" Uncle Leobald asked.

"Comparing myself to the citadel and studying the various historical accounts, a conservative estimate would be a year and a half, my Lord. Winter should last two years, at the very least..." Qyburn.

"We make preparations for at least four years with a year to spare." I said.

"How much will cost us, Leobald?" Helman.

"Oh Ancients help me! I can't stand reading numbers any longer. I'd rather start sword training all over again. When will Ronan return from Braavos?!" Leobald.

"Not for another two years, Uncle... Sorry to torture you like this, but we still don't have an accountant with unquestioning loyalty..." I tried to console my Uncle. The poor man spent at least 6 hours a day among papers full of numbers.

" that standard of living...about 100,000 golden dragons... .200,000 if we want to have the reserves to help at least three big houses in the North." Said Uncle. Then he asked:

"Any ideas for the tournament we're going to set up?"

"Yes Uncle. I think we should set up four competitions..." I took a sheet of paper with a list I had sketched out earlier and read:

"Jousting: For first place, 6 Dothraki Thoroughbreds, 1 Deluxe Chariot and 5,000 G.D.

2nd 1 thoroughbred and 2,000. G.D.

3RD 800. G.D.

Melee: For 1st place: 5 vouchers for complete custom-made plate armour sets, to be collected as soon as we launch them on the market. + 2,000 G.D.

2nd 1 set of armour and 800 G.D.

3RD 300 G.D.

Archery: First prize = 5 GoldenHeart Bows + 2000 G.D.

Second prize = 1 GoldenHeart and 800 G.D.

Third prize = 300 G.D.

Josua of Jhala, was kind enough to give us her contact details for the bows...but I'm afraid she did it more for her own purposes. She wants to participate in the tournament...

Tug of war: The 10-man team representing each house will win:

1st 100 barrels of Vodka and Whisky + 20 barrels of 'Taileys' and 5 barrels of Absinthe.

2nd 20 barrels of Vodka and Whisky + 5 barrels of 'Taileys' and 1 barrel of Absinthe.

3 10 barrels of Vodka and Whisky.

For the preparations of our guests including: banquets, bards, fittings and gifts, Paul has estimated about 10,000 G.D. of expenditure. Obviously, the sum is estimated on the basis of 'if all the nobles of the North were to turn up'.

We could set up a betting centre, to get back a few Golden Dragons, set up markets of: jewellery, sweets, clothing and armourers ."

"Queen Cercei, will demand the head of my future child, should Robert arrange a minor celebration for the birth of the first prince..." Said Uncle, in a worried tone massaging his forehead.

"Not to mention Catelyn Stark, Uncle! AHAHAHAH!.....I beg your pardon...Master Zick is infecting me." I stopped the laughter as soon as Uncle glowered at me.

"I'd say preparations are going well. Maester Qyburn how are you getting on with collecting the healers to train?" Helman.

"It is proceeding well, my Lord. Thanks to the census, now completed, throughout the territory, we have found about 400 candidates, with knowledge: basic and intermediate. I am confident that we will be able to instruct everyone to learn to read and write within 3 months. From there, we will start with the training for essential healing and medication processes.

The process of copying and printing the citadel texts has already started. I should also be able to write, in time, an 'easier to understand' compendium of all the medical arts to be applied. Every village in House Tallhart's territory will have a 'competent' healer before winter comes." Qyburn said.

"Good work, Maester. House Tallhart owes you a great deal." Qyburn bowed and smiled at the praise he had just received.

"House Dustin and House Ryswell?" Helman.

"Lady Barbery have already begun to gather reliable workers. We will be sending batches of coal for the refining process shortly.

The Ryswells have promised us that, within three years, they will be able to sell us the promised new hybrid breeds. We have increased the production of coaches and transport wagons by 50%. In addition, we are already fitting the new 'snow chains' for the wagon wheels. If we succeed in the project of building roads all over the north, transport will no longer be a problem. He finished the report seeing my father nodding with satisfaction.

"So tomorrow we will leave and send emissaries to all the castles. We're all agreed, on the trade deals to propose to the House: Manderly, Karstark, Umber...and Bolton?" My father asked, making a final check before dismissing the council.

Both myself, Uncle and Qyburn nodded in response.

"Good...Then let's get on with it." Said Ser Helman Tallhart, Master and Protector of Torrhen's Square.

End POV;


POV: Lord Wyman Manderly.

White Harbor, New Castle.

One hour after the disaster...

The Lord of White Harbor, Warden of White Knife, Shield of the Faith, Defender of the Dispossessed, Marshal of the Manderly, Knight of the Order of the Green Hand, was sitting in his huge bathtub shouting orders left and right.

"Quick with that soap!", "Yes, my Lord."

"Brush harder boy!", "Yes, my Lord."

"Go on! Throw another bucket!", *Squoshh!!!* " Done, my lord."

"Are the towels ready?" "They are here, my Lord!"

"WHERE ARE MY CLEANED DRESSES?!", "They're coming right away, my Lord!"

"FAST! OUR GUEST IS WAITING!!!", "YES, MY LORD!!!" Shouted in reply, the ten attendants, tasked with rectifying...the 'unpleasant incident' that had occurred about an hour earlier.

Rickard Karstark was settling in as best he could. He didn't have time to change his clothes. A servant from the castle, was dusting him off from top to bottom as he kept a quick pace to reach the waiting room.

Arriving inside the hall, he found Helman Tallhart talking in a heated discussion with his wife, pregnant with their fourth child, Tasha Flint-Karstark.

"Yes, my Lady. It has been a joy for us, just thinking that I will soon have a nephew or a niece always brightens my day." Said Helman, they were standing next to two straw mannequins.

"Ah, there's my Lord husband! Rickard darling look who has come to visit us. Lord Helman Tallhart himself. He is soon to have an unexpected addition among his family. Isn't that wonderful?" Tasha.

"It is my beloved. Lord Helman, I beg your forgiveness for the long wait. All of Karhold welcomes you, my Lord." Said Karstark, giving a hearty bow.

"No, my Lord. It is I who must ask your forgiveness. Only my rudeness in not having warned you sooner must be reprimanded. The wait was practically nonexistent. Your Lady wife, she graced me with her company and hospitality, worthy of one of the greatest families in the North." Said Helman, bowing.

Tasha, felt relieved and happy to hear those words. She had feared she had bored Lord Helman too much, in these, almost four hours of talk.

"You honour me, my wife and my House, my Lord." Rickard said in a respectful and cordial tone.

"I hope, Lord Rickard, that I have not caused you any discomfort or trouble by this sudden visit of mine." Said Helman showing a slight tone of concern.

"No trouble at all, my lord. My son Eddard and I were just returning from our first hunt. Your visit can only be considered a happy coincidence." Rickard.

"I am heartened to hear it, my lord. I would never have forgiven myself for disturbing such an important moment between a father and son." Helman.

"That was not the case, my Lord. Please be seated. My beloved, would you have them bring us something to eat and drink, if you don't mind?"

"Of course, they will come as soon as possible. I will leave you alone now, my lords. Lord Helman, it has been a real pleasure to make your acquaintance." Said Tasha bowing like a perfect Lady.

"No, my Lady. The pleasure and honour has been mine. I wish you my sincerest congratulations and may your future unborn child be a girl. To close our previous discourse...Yes, Alys, that's a wonderful name. I may steal your idea, my Lady, if I ever have a niece." Helman.

"Thank you, my Lord." Tasha walked out of the room.

30 minutes later of: drinking, war stories, praise, courtesies, and jokes.

"So, Lord Karstark, you must be wondering why I have visited you." Helman.

"I admit, the thought has crossed my mind a few times, Lord Helman." Rickard.

"Originally, my lord. I was supposed to go to Castle Black...but since my brother did me the courtesy of donating another member to my House. I could not resist and wanted and needed to be able to celebrate the event. Before Winter comes, we should all be able to have some good times to remember. At least, that's what I think." Helman.

"I agree wholeheartedly, my Lord." Rickard.

"That is why I am organizing a tournament in my lands. I am inviting every family in the North to such an event. I would like us all to benefit from some fun. Especially after the past few years...

I have come here to personally invite you and all those you choose to bring, Lord Rickard." Helman.

"Lord Helman, you honour me with such an invitation. I assure you that this visit of yours was unnecessary. You should not have bothered for so little. I would still have accepted even if a raven had brought the invitation." Rickard.

"Nonsense. For so little, stretching the road for such a short distance, is not in the least considered in the word 'disturbance'.

Truly, my lord. Since I would have liked to speak to you in person anyway, in the months to come, I took the opportunity to anticipate such an event." Helman.

"In what connection, if I may ask." Rickard focused all attention on the next words that were about to be spoken....

"I would like, if possible, to see a lasting business relationship established between my House and yours. A business relationship that I believe will benefit us both greatly in the future." Said Helman, taking another sip of the double malt ale.

Rickard nearly burst into tears... He had to force himself to keep control.

For months he had been talking to his wife about the possibility of having a girl. In his heart he hoped that the next child would be a girl, because that would give him a better chance of bringing the Tallharts and the Karstarks together in marriage...

Lord Helman's son, Bloody Snow, was becoming the most sought after party in all of the Seven Kingdoms with each passing day.

House Karstark, like many other Northern Houses, had increased its trade revenue by at least a third over the past three years through the soap trade alone... and now Lord Helman Tallhart himself had come to his castle to ask for another trade partnership.

For about three weeks, a rumour had been circulating in Karhold. According to which, 'Bloody Snow' was blessed by the Old Gods and prayed daily in a lost ancient language. Rickard had managed to find out what the words were.

That 'Seraphine', was probably the name of one of the Old had to be, he thought...because he had personally started secretly praying every night before going to sleep.....And now 'Seraphine', had answered his prayers...

All his efforts were being repaid.

"The possibility exists, my Lord. Please continue..." Rickard.

"Thank you, my Lord. My family and I, have recently found a new method of treating leather...I think I should show you first, sometimes sight and deed, are worth a thousand words. You will forgive me, Lord Karstark, if I have ventured to arrange a small demonstration in advance." Said Helman pointing to the two dummies less than 30 feet away from them.

"There's nothing to forgive, in fact I'm glad you did. Please show me." Rickard stood up signalling the Lord to lead the way.

"Thank you, my Lord.

Yes, here we have two mannequins, this is the one covered with five shrouds of leather that your lady wife kindly provided for me, and here a mannequin with leather produced in my lands. I would ask you to strike with your sword both, with a slash of the same intensity if possible." Helman.

"Of course, my Lord... However, I must warn you that I sharpen my sword most mornings. I fear I may damage your leather perpetually." Rickard.

"No problem, my Lord. These, are only demonstration layers of leather. They are meant to be damaged. Strike without hesitation." Helman.

"I will do as you say." Karstark moved into position and drew his sword from its scabbard. The blade was well cared for oiled and sharp.

Karstark struck the first dummy sideways. The blade passed easily through the first three layers and locked onto the fourth.

Drawing the sword, both men noticed the mark left on the fourth layer, another millimetre and it would have touched the fifth.

Rickard struck the second dummy with an almost identical blow....Rickard pulled the sword out...only two layers had been cut...and the third was barely damaged...he was speechless...

"As you can see, my Lord. This treated leather is stronger than the first. I assure you that it too is made from cowhide and if you notice the thickness is almost identical. Touch it, my Lord, and tell me what you see. Helman said, removing one of the five layers.

"It's softer than ordinary leather... more mouldable..." Karstark said.

"Exactly, my Lord! This is absolutely the finest cowhide you will ever find in Westeros and Essos...and if you wish, my lord, your House will gain a monopoly on its trade. "Helman.

"Please, Lord Helman. Tell me, what could I do to reciprocate such an opportunity?...What does your House require?" Rickard.

"House Tallhart, would like House Karstark, to sell us all the hides you can hunt: deer, elk, cattle, boar, seals, bears and others too...we will buy it all without hesitation. The price for this disturbance will be 10% higher than the market price. In return, my Lord, we will provide you with lots of treated leather and furs that are stronger, warmer and more sumptuous than the average. You will be the 'Lord of Leather' from now on, guaranteed. If you resell the unmolded treated leather, you can safely resell it at three times the market price and 'everyone', my Lord, will be happy to buy. However..." Helman, paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"However?! Please, my Lord, finish your speech." Helman Tallhart's every word seemed to last seasons for Rickard. He was focused to the max, to: analyse, scrutinise, absorb, savour and process, every word of Helman's...

"However...coghu cough...I beg your pardon, my lord...I must have a sip of that's better...I was saying, my lord. However, we would like you to work that leather, to give it more value..." Helman, approached Rickard again, handing over some drawings.

"These, my lord. They are new designs, for: basic leather armour, studded armour, boots, leggings, belts, sword scabbards and quivers. I have brought illustrative samples below. My lord, we would like you to mass produce these components...and if possible you will pay us a tribute of 5% of the profits you make from will of course have, in addition to the designs, our leather masters who will come to instruct your workers, so as to explain the various operations in detail. You alone, my Lord, will be given the right to sell such articles...What do you think, my Lord?" Helman.

"Lord Rickard? Are you feeling well, my Lord? Shall I send for someone?"....

"I AM WELL, MY LORD! NO PLEASE!...No there is no need, thank you...I beg your pardon Lord Helman....just a little fainting...nothing more."

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