Published at 25th of April 2024 07:34:37 AM

Chapter 61: ' Lightning Strike or Love at First Sight '

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Chapter 61: ' Lightning Strike or Love at First Sight '

POV: Dacey;

Castle Mormont.

About three minutes before about two hundred men made a mutual agreement...

Dacey had never dressed like that before.

For the first time in as long as she could remember, she wore one of the dresses her cousin Jorah had made for her. In the hopes that the girl would wear them on big occasions.

After the first huge failure in that tent, Dacey decided to change her approach...

She was going to try to act like a real Lady.

Although she preferred the way she was, namely a fierce warrior of House Mormont, as her mother Maege, her cousin Lord Jorah, had forced her to attend dozens of mandatory etiquette classes.

Dacey knew how to be a lady, though the girl was grasped only on the theory...she definitely lacked experience in the field.

The 12-year-old lady did, thanks to the help of Emily, the wife of the head-attendant. When the girl went to her former etiquette teacher for help, Emily nearly burst into tears from happiness.

Dacey had been washed, improfumed, combed, styled, and well-dressed.

The torture she was willing to endure for him...

Few were the things Dacey really wanted during the course of her young existence.

The girl had no great demands or unattainable desires, but when a desire came, she would do anything to achieve it...

And her life partner, her Bear, the one who had made her heartbeat like that and made her feel emotions she never thought really existed. For that, she would fight tooth and nail...

Her light brown and emerald green dress was beautiful but also uncomfortable and stuffy. When Emily clutched her corset she thought for a moment that she wanted to kill her.... an assassin sent by an enemy of House Mormont.

Dacey walked slowly, taking care of every step.

The girl also had to dose her breathing well.

At least that pressure on her chest was calming her heartbeat...

About two minutes of careful steps later...

"Emm... Ser..." The Guardian failed to hear the girl's faint voice and continued to listen to her companion's story as she drank.

There was much commotion in the room. There was a need for a high tone to be able to be heard.

"Ser!... I beg your pardon...

HEY! I SAY YOU!!!" Dacey hit with a handful the shoulder of the boy who spilled the wine on his tunic...

"Ah...emm, I beg your pardon, Ser." Jed turned to stare at the girl.

"Never mind, my Lady...

I beg your pardon, do we know each other? I feel like I've seen you somewhere before..." A rather tipsy Jed asked.

"No, Ser... I...

I wanted to ask you... " Dacey was interrupted.

"No need to ask, my lady... Well yes, I am a member of the Winter Guardians.

It has been my pleasure and honor to assist in saving the home of this fair maiden of the North. "Said Jed taking a sip of wine.

Dacey was shocked for a moment...her inner self wanted to hit that pompous creep right in the Zebedee, but she steeled herself and moved on.

"No... here...

I thank you for your sacrifice and courage, Ser..." Dacey didn't know how to address himself.

" Jed, my lady. My name is Jed, and I am at your service." Jed unceremoniously took the girl's hand to kiss her on the back as she introduced herself. Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

"... Thank you 'Jed'...

Jed, I wanted to ask you the favor..." Dacey was interrupted again.

"My lady, please...before you make your request, which I promise I will try very hard to fulfill, please grant the honor of knowing your name." Jed heard a shriek behind him and recognized yet another toast to one of his companions.

The seventeen-year-old boy, along with twenty of his other friends and fellow soldiers, had vowed to drink to any toast offered at that table no matter what the cost and no matter what the circumstances.

Therefore, Jed took yet another sip of the Summer's wine...

"Dacey... Dacey Mormont, Ser Jed..." Said the girl with irritation, a vein beginning to throb on her forehead.

"SPRUZZZZ!!!!! THE...COUGHT...LADY DACEY?!!" A cloud of saliva and red wine ran right over Dacey...

"... My face... " Dacey whispered as she wiped her face and wiped her eyes.

"LADY DACEY!...couff!...I'm...coff!.... I AM MORTIFIED, MY LADY! PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU!!! SOON GIVE ME A HANDKERCHIEF!!!!" Someone handed a handkerchief to Jed... if only the poor Guardian had bothered to check it for a moment, he would have noticed the grease and gravy stains on the tissue...

Jed, panicked, began to rub and dab at the dress.


I MEANT A CLEAN HANDKERCHIEF!!! Jed yelled, throwing the handkerchief in the face of the fellow who had lent it to him.

It was at that point that Dacey burst out...



DON'T BACK DOWN YOU COWARD!!!" Dacey tried to bite Jed's throat as she tried to blind him with her fingernails.


IT WAS JUST AN ACCIDENT!!! ARGHH!!!" Three companions came to Jed's rescue. Two grabbed Dacey by the arms lifting her up, another dragged Jed backward.


"Lady Dacey... emm by any chance were you looking for, Lord Duncan!" Spat Jed looking for a way out of this mess.

As soon as Dacey heard that name uttered, reason and cold blood countered in good part her fury.

The two Guardians placed the maiden with her feet on the ground, loosening their grip slightly.

"... Grr... YES!... I WISH... ergh emm...

I would like to request an audience with Lord Duncan, if possible... Ser Jed." Dacey.

"AT ONCE, MY LADY!!!" Jed snapped to deliver the message. His life might have depended on this assignment.

About a minute later...

Dacey heard some inaudible shrieking less than sixty feet away from her.

She thought she heard at some point the phrase ' I will have you whipped! 30... no 40 lashes for each of you.... ' but she was not certain.

Then a body was carried in front of her. At first, that body tried to wriggle out of the dozens of holds that were dragging it in midair, then it calmed down and acted as if all that scene was normal.

Duncan Tallhart was standing less than five feet from Dacey.

"... Emm... Lady Dacey! It is a pleasure to see you again...

Thank you.

... Emm... you have a beautiful name, Dacey. " The tension was beginning to subside. Gram by gram, the weight of discomfort, which I felt in the presence of the Goddess, was getting smaller and smaller after every minute.

We were still 8 or 9 tons short of the count...

To give me confidence, I repeated to myself over and over again, that I had now passed one level:

[It is a pain for the eyes and ears to witness such a spectacle],

to an honest one:

[Watch everyone carefully, this is what you should never say or do in front of a girl].

The girl froze petrified.

'There I knew it! I had to necessarily shoot the first thing that came to mind!!!

Think before you speak Duncan! THINK!!!' I thought scolding myself harshly.

Then the miracle happened.

"...Thank you, Duncan.

I like you too...


YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL NAME DUNCAN!!!" ears were ringing and my heart soared in my throat.

Dacey covered her face with her hands and stumbled through her robes as she tried to sprint forward to getaway.

I still thank Zick and all his fellow masters for training me so hard over the years.

Managed me to grab Dacey before she fell face-first onto the stone floor.

Dacey's body turned, and the girl instinctively grabbed my shoulder and neck with her arms and hands for support.

Our faces were less than a foot apart... I could feel her labored breath caressing my chin and part of my neck.

The girl was crimson red.

' beautiful she is...

Her breath smells like a forest...

She has ocean blue eyes...

Her skin is clear and smooth...

Her hair smells like berries ...

Those lips that move hesitantly...

I want to kiss her... I can't resist!... '

The girl seemed to be uncomfortable and wanted to say something but didn't have the breath to do so...

Dacey could only pant and stammer nonsense letters.

Time seemed to have stopped...

My face slowly approached like a magnet forcibly held in search of its ideal half.

The closer I got, the more Dacey's whispering made sense.

'She wants to tell me something...

Before I kiss her I want to know what.' I thought, letting my instincts guide me.

" can you... Duncan... please... " said the sigh.

I moved another inch closer.

" Please, Duncan... remove... remove your hand... you...

...bottom...don't touch my... " The instant he connected the dots... the grip on his hands gave way.

"Aaa, Stugh! "... A small cry of surprise, followed by a loud crashing noise, caused all my boundaries to be broken.

I had just dropped Dacey...

She had passed out from the trauma to her head.

"LADY DACEY!!! MY LADY ARE YOU OK?!!" I shrieked like a panicked sissy.

'Fuck! Duncan calm down and fight back! USE BLESS IF YOU HAVE TO!!!' Shrieked a voice in my head.

'Right! Bless works for saving throws too!" I said aloud activating the spell before finishing the sentence.

A sense of relief and calmness partially counteracted the general panic that exploded within me.

Thanks to that spell, I was able to think more clearly.

While all this was going on, Dacey was lying there motionless...

"LAY OF HANDS!" I said, activating my power as I touched Dacey's face. I had used the same amount of divine energy that would allow a mortal wound to close completely.

A small trace of blood was present in Dacey's hair. The blow had been strong.

Although the energy did its job, and Dacey's skin color acquired a rosier tone, the girl did not wake up.

"Why won't she wake up! What's wrong with you Dacey?!!" Survival instinct, made me remember that I had another first-level spell that could help me solve the puzzle.

"[Detect Poison and Disease!]" I recited the spell's formula, activating it.

A swarm of information presented itself inside my head.

{ -Subject is in an unconscious condition.


- Lack of oxygen in the blood. Severe pressure in the chest hinders the proper functioning of pulmonary activity.

-Menstrual cycle. The maiden's first flower has been blooming for less than three hours.

Symptoms: fatigue, abdominal bloating, water retention, and headache.


The subject needs at least 0.4 liters of a 0.9% NaCl concentrated H2O saline solution.

-Lack of sleep:

The subject needs 10 hours of sleep to compensate for histamine deficiency in the brain.

-High emotional stress:

Caused by the high concentration of two hormones: Oxytocin and Vasopressin.

Sickness is also known as ' Lightning Strike or Love at First Sight'. }

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