Published at 24th of June 2024 06:33:15 AM

Chapter 107

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"Then... Does your majesty have an answer to the question just now?"

The bachelor was silent for a moment, watching the body of the prisoner who attacked wesselis dragged away by the guards, and then raised his head.

Wesselis was speechless for a moment, then nodded, and he understood what the bachelor meant.

In fact, the steps of conquering war are very similar. First, the use of force, and then the policy of carrot and stick.

The two banks of the upper Lorne River radiated from andalos are actually the territory that wesselis is developing.

The land here is flat and fertile, suitable for planting crops. Unfortunately, there are no mineral resources, so we can only do the most primitive agricultural economy.

Moreover, this place is mixed with ethnic groups, including andar and loina. Doslak people occasionally come here for grazing, burning, killing and looting.

For all these reasons, the three free-trade city states around this place did not start here.

Because for merchants and governors, the benefits here are small, and it is likely to arouse the vigilance of other free-trade city states.

"I see."


Autumn goes to winter, and then spring comes quietly again.

The Egan calendar is 290 years.

Since the rebellion broke out in the iron islands on the other side of the narrow sea, Baron grejoy was crowned king, first burning lannis port, and then frustrated in Haijiang City, damaging his successor Roderick.

Then the Iron Throne gathered a large number of troops, and the newly invested Royal Fleet also participated in the war.

In the battle of Fairy Island, the Royal Fleet led by Stannis baratheon collided with the iron fleet that had been invincible in the sunset sea.

A fierce naval battle broke out between the two sides. Finally, Stannis defeated the famous iron fleet by setting an ambush, which made Baron grejoy's third brother viktalion taste the taste of failure for the first time.

Barron's younger brother, Ellen grejoy, also fell into the sea in this naval battle, and was then captured and imprisoned in Kay rock until the end of this rebel war.

The iron fleet was defeated, and the form was already at stake for the iron islands.

Then Stannis, as the sea minister, conquered great wick island in the name of brother Wang, and the "fearless" Sir barristan selmi, the captain of the Imperial Guard, led the army to attack old wick island.

In the final battle.

King Robert and Duke ed stark personally commanded the battle, and the portley castle and King's port on pike island have been destroyed by the war.

Catapults bombarded pike city one after another, eventually smashing the main watchtower and part of the south city wall. Barron's second son, Marlen grejoy, died when the city was broken.

Soros, the red robed monk who believed in the king of light, rekindled the sword of fire again and took the lead in the city, followed by Jora Mormon.

Then the king's army occupied pike city. King Baron grejoy, who was crowned king, took off his crown again in less than a year and bowed his knees to King Robert.

His only son, Sean grejoy, who is only nine years old, was also taken hostage by Duke ed stark as an adopted son.

The iron islands rebellion finally came to an end.

The battle on Westeros was bustling, and andalos, as far away as ESSOS, was also not idle.

This is the most precious opportunity for development. When the iron throne was too busy to notice the situation here, he resolutely sent troops to seize the opportunity to sweep the loina settlements on both sides of the upper Lorne river.

Wesselis personally led the troops to set out. When the military front was farthest to the East, it pointed to novos, came to the Bank of the non River, and even alerted the monks and soldiers of novos.

The bearded monks in the temple didn't seem to expect that andalos would suddenly appear here. One by one, they were shocked and uncertain. They confronted andalos's army with axes for several days, and then both sides withdrew from the well water to avoid the river water.

Andalos went as far west as the velvet mountains along the upper Lorne river.

Touching the ancient varelian road from pantos to novos and then to kohol, the caravans along the way were surprised if they thought something was going to happen, but the andalos army did not make a mistake, and then took the initiative to retreat.

"Your Majesty."

"It used to be a city of loina people, a beautiful place, a city composed of green space and flowers, canals and fountains."

Wesselis was still riding his white horse.

Riding beside him was a loina guide named do Evan. He had olive skin and messy black hair.

He was one of the earliest loyans to surrender. He witnessed the assassination six months ago. At that time, Evan thought he was dead, but he never thought that the king did not implicate everyone but let them go.

And Evan charged ahead in the later battle, and was finally canonized as a knight by wesselis himself.

Such honors are rare. Wesselis has only canonized a few people so far, including his personal bodyguard Bessie knight. Therefore, Evan has always been grateful to wesselis.


Wesselis sat on his horse, heard Evan's words, turned his head slightly and looked around.

Step, step

The horse's hooves made a sound on the flagstone Road, and the surrounding soldiers shuttled back and forth.

However, there are ruins everywhere around wesselis, and the color of history is thick, but we can't see what it used to be.

More than half a year has passed since the beginning of sending troops to explore the territory. Andalos has almost restored the territory of the ancient andas kingdom.

Apart from the area south of the velvet mountain, the "flat land" now controlled by the pantos was once the southern frontier of the ancient andas Kingdom, which has not been captured.

Nowadays, wesselis led andalos expedition to explore these ownerless places, not only the andals who once migrated to andalos, but also the Andal villages that were not relocated in those years are now completely swallowed by wesselis, including a large number of loyna villages.

"This way..."

"Come on! Don't fall behind!"

The soldiers of the labor expedition are now walking through this ancient and abandoned loina city-state, checking everything in the city.

Now, tangaryan's soldiers are not only composed of andars, but also recovered a large number of loinas in the expansion war in the past six months.

Many of these loyalists have joined the banner of tangaryan. Now they have gone out to fight for half a year. The number has not decreased, but is rolling like a snowball.

At this time, a horse came running from a distance.

A loina soldier was sitting on his horse, with mottled blood on his body, as if he had inserted several arrows.

Then he shook and fell off the horse.

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