Published at 24th of June 2024 06:33:00 AM

Chapter 119

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The star flame has not been found.

And in the main hall of the castle.

The eldest princess of andalos is still on her first trial in her life.

Just now she suddenly joked playfully, which made the serious atmosphere in the hall suddenly not like that.

However, Mr. Gunther was helpless. Reneth was such a character. He couldn't control the lively girl, and the people who could scold her didn't come back for three months.

The man standing below didn't seem to come around this bend, and he scratched his hair.

Isn't your Majesty the princess's uncle?

How can your princess call him brother brother?

He didn't know whether he really heard wrong or something else. However, he didn't forget that he had something to do.

Then the man slightly brewed up his emotions, and the feelings rushed up in an instant, plopped on the ground, and then began to cry.

It turned out that the man's wife betrayed him, committed adultery with his neighbors, and even took his savings.

The man cried hysterically, and his nose and tears wiped on the ground of the castle one by one. The surrounding guards even couldn't bear to look directly at him, and reneth heard that she had goose bumps all over when she sat on the throne at the top of the hall.

"This... Master Gunther."

"How should adultery be punished?"

Then the girl quickly turned her head and looked at Gunther for help.

Before that, in fact, it had always been a bachelor to handle the government affairs in the city-state instead of wesselis. Today is reneth's first day on duty. However, she never thought how it would be such a trivial matter.

The bachelor also felt that his scalp was numb. He just wanted to find a little dispute for Renee to practice, but he didn't expect it to be such a thing.

Then the bachelor coughed and whispered to reneth that everything should start with small things and don't aim too high.

Then he opened his mouth to explain what adultery is for reneth.

"Adultery is not tolerated by the seven gods. The wife of the conqueror AEGON and her sister, empress Wang renis..."

At this point, Gunther paused slightly and then explained in particular.

"Your Highness, this respected queen has the same name as you."

Reneth nodded to show her understanding. In fact, she already knew that she had the same name as the queen Wang.

"Empress Wang Renes once sat on the iron throne to rule the country instead of her husband, and established the 'six strike law', which stipulates that adulterous women are only allowed to whip six times at most, and the wooden stick used cannot exceed the thickness of their thumb."

"Renice later persuaded her husband, AEGON, to legislate against forcible robbery of women and cracked down on the salt concubine system in the iron islands."

Gunther's bachelor is erudite and has a very comprehensive explanation.

A woman who commits adultery will be whipped six times, and the man in the green hat reserves the right to duel with the other party, even if he kills the other party, he will not be punished.

This is the default. It's up to you.

In the field of religion, the seven gods belief absolutely cannot tolerate the crime of adultery, and may be sentenced to the penalty of public display in the street.

However, it depends on how the local nobles flexibly master the judicial power of cases in the territory.

"However, your highness... Remember not to listen to only one family."

After Gunther explained it clearly, he told reneth that all things should not only listen to the man's words.

Then Gunther asked the man's wife and the other party of adultery to come to the hall.

In the following multi-party narration, the whole thing really took a series of subtle turns.

It turned out that the man had a habit of drinking and often beat and scold his wife in domestic violence, so his wife resented the man.

Finally, he had an affair with his neighbor secretly. The neighbor even took a lot of money from the man, but his wife didn't know about it.

Reneth, who sat on the throne, frowned when she heard that the man had the habit of beating and scolding his wife, and even saw the numerous scars his wife showed in court.

"Master Gunther, I remember that intentional injury should be sentenced to mutilation."

Reneth demanded that a finger on the hand of the man who beat his wife should be cut off as punishment.

However, reneth's sentence was stopped by Gunther.

"Stop, your highness. Please wait a minute."

The bachelor's face showed a bitter smile and hurriedly admonished the angry girl.

"In fact, there is a better judgment method for this matter."

Later, Gunther sat in his side seat and presided over the trial independently.

Because of the initial construction of the city-state, there was no law to rely on, so andalos only copied some simple laws commonly used among the aristocratic territories in Westeros.

Finally, the bachelor opened his mouth to make a conclusion for the case. In the name of the seven gods, he suggested that reneth adjudicated the divorce between the plaintiff and his wife. The man was not guilty of intentional injury, and the wife was not guilty of adultery. The two men were let go.

The neighbor who stole the man's savings and committed adultery with each other's wife was sentenced to take one hand as punishment.

Although reneth didn't understand why her teacher made such a judgment, she listened to his opinion and announced the punishment.

Then Mr. Gunther waved his hand and asked the guards on both sides to drive away several people present, especially the neighbor who was asked by the trial to cut off one hand. The loud cry made him a little upset.

When everything was quiet in the hall, Gunther turned his head and looked at the brown haired girl wearing the crown.

"Your Highness, do you understand?"

"See... What?"

Reneth sat on the throne all the way and watched master Gunther preside over the whole trial, except that the final sentence was in the name of wesselis and the seven gods, and then the whole process had nothing to do with her.

The girl blinked and was a little confused. I don't know what the bachelor made her see. She actually had some residual anger just now, but now she calmed down and thought for a while. Both sides seem to have made mistakes. How should a fair trial be conducted?

"Is your highness thinking about justice?"

The grey robed bachelor looked into the girl's eyes and then suddenly opened his mouth.

"Um... Um?"

Reneth was reminded by the bachelor's voice, slightly recovered, then looked at the bachelor Gunther and nodded.

"Master Gunther, shouldn't we enforce the law impartially?"

"There is no mistake in enforcing the law impartially."

The bachelor nodded and recognized reneth's point of view.

"However, your highness, as an aristocrat, you have the judicial power of cases in the territory. You can adjust freely within the framework and strive for a good outcome."

"Because the purpose of the law is not punishment, but persuasion..."

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