Published at 24th of June 2024 06:32:43 AM

Chapter 128

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The red comet crossed the sky and caused different reactions all over Westeros.

The iron species of the iron islands believe that it triggered the "anger of the drowning God", and the masters of the old town Xuecheng and the bishops of the starry Temple who believe in the seven gods jointly declared that this is just a normal astronomical phenomenon and "the sword of the seven gods killing the season".

The soldiers in Hejian looked up at the sky. They called the red comet red Messenger, indicating that the good news of victory in the future will be repeated.

People in the king's palace called it King Robert's comet. A flattering meal made King Robert's just won return elated, gave a banquet and drank until he was drunk and unconscious.

Finally, Sir James wasted a lot of energy and personally carried his majesty back to his bedroom. Therefore, Sir James had some backache in the next few days.

However, among the citizens of King's landing, some people call the red comet red Messenger, and some people call it dragon tail star.

The last embers of tangaryan gradually became the climate on the AESOP continent on the other side of the narrow sea, with several cities, towns and territory no less than a country, and these news gradually spread to King's landing with the exchange of caravans.

Although orders have been sent from the Red Castle to strictly block these news and catch these people who chew their tongues, the golden robes of King's landing are also jumping up and down and active everywhere.

However, for this densely populated giant city-state with more than 500000 people, there are still some weak intentions. So many people just can't clean up their excrement, urine and fart every day, not to mention trying to control so many people's mouths.

Some people think baratheon is good, others think tangorian is good, so the meaning of the name dragon tail naturally becomes blurred.

However, in a blacksmith's shop in King's landing, a little boy with black hair thought it was like a fiery red sword taken out of a forge.

But it doesn't matter.


And on the battlefield of Ge DoHo.

The war has reached the final stage.

"In the name of the seven gods and the mother river -"

Wesselis is wearing a helmet and hanging armor. The bright silver armor reflects gorgeous light in the sun. He is holding a long gun alone, and the long mane of the white horse floats.

"Defeat all invaders who try to plunder our wealth! Occupy our wives and children! Even want to sell us as slaves!"

The little king personally led more than 100 heavy cavalry to bypass the still burning fire, and then accelerated the charge and burst into the battlefield.


Now the morale of the doslak people has declined to a low point. Attacking the town itself is not their strength. Now they have been frustrated one after another, and they have been ambushed by the enemy after rushing into the town.

A fire divided the formation, and most of the people were submerged in the sea of fire or blocked in the town, becoming turtles caught in the urn. The doslaks who did not fall into the battlefield in the second half had no courage to fight.

Most of them are old people, women and even children with poor physical strength. These children usually follow the rear of the army and pick up the arrow weapons on the bodies as spare. However, they did not expect to become the forefront of the army.

And at this time.

In the distance, the earth vibrated slightly, and the dull roar was ringing in the hearts of every panicked doslak.

The doslaks without Cao are like wolves who have lost their leader. They don't know what to do at this time.

"Hey --"

The chaotic and noisy doslak language keeps ringing. They are putting forward their ideas one by one. However, no one has the right to command everyone.

Because their Cao is trapped in the sea of fire and hasn't escaped yet. He may be dead.

Seems to feel the danger coming.

Step on

The horse's hooves stepped uneasily on the ground. The doslak people sitting on the horse looked at each other and tightened the reins in their hands. Like their partners in their crotch, they smelled the disturbing smell in the air.

But the next scene tells them the answer.

On the high hill not far from them outside Ge DoHo, a group of knights in armor passed through the obstacles of the hill and reflected a dazzling light in the sun.

The heavy cavalry armed to the teeth of andalos roared, and the heavy hooves trampled on the ground, raising dust like a long smoke dragon.

The Silver Knight in front, riding a white horse with beautiful hair, stepping on the stirrup, holding the reins with one hand, leaned down slightly and galloped down close to the horse's back, and the other with a long gun, was the first to enter the doslak crowd.

Two doslak soldiers saw the knight, roared in their mouths, summoned up their courage and rushed up with yarac machetes to stop the intruder.


However, the pale purple eyes under the Silver Knight's face armor were only slightly frozen, and then squeezed the long gun in his hand.

With a quiver of the wrist, the sharp tip of the gun poked out accurately and stabbed into the neck of a doslak soldier.


A handful of the enemy's blood bloomed.


Panic stricken hoofs fled into the distance.

The owner on his horse's back has been overturned to the ground, the body hit the ground heavily, and his head has been almost completely broken off.

The machete in the hand of another doslak soldier who sandwiched viseris was close to his helmet.


Even the white tassel had been cut to his head, and then the little king turned his head slightly to avoid it.

Then came the curse in doslak language. He thought that this knife was sure to cut off the head of the iron can, but he was avoided by the other party.

But before he completely blurted out this sentence, he felt a heavy blow on his chest.


Wesselis stabbed an enemy with one shot and dodged his knife. The barrel of the gun scratched on the steel glove, making a noise, and the heavy gun clung heavily on his chest.


The body of the doslak soldier was knocked down from the horse and planted on the ground. Life and death are unknown.

However, before he got up again, he was trampled into meat and mud by the cavalry following wesselis.

The heavy cavalry armed to the teeth hit the light cavalry standing in place in a state of confusion and fear, which was a devastating blow.


Like lava flowing from a volcanic eruption, these doslaks melted in an instant.

Then they finally began to flee in all directions, and there were no such systems as CASS and kalasa. All the commanders had long been in chaos with Cao falling into the sea of fire.

The translation of the doslak people who left wesselis alive before finally came in handy.

Knight Evan grabbed the translator with a thunderous voice.

"Tell them!"

"Hand over drogo! Or none will stay!"

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!