Published at 24th of June 2024 06:32:31 AM

Chapter 135

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And now.

In the morning, the clear and brilliant sun penetrated the narrow window on the wall of the room and came in.

The eventful night finally passed.

Danilis, who had been sleeping all day and night, finally woke up slowly at this moment.

The girl lay in bed, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then she gradually opened her eyes, which were clear and bright purple eyes.

Then the girl supported the bed board with one hand and sat up from the bed. Then she felt some pain in her head, as if to crack, and her throat was thirsty.

"What's going on?"

Danilis's young face was full of doubts. She even couldn't remember what happened yesterday. Now her brain was only blank.

She only remembered that when she woke up yesterday, she opened her eyes and found that she seemed to be in a sea of fire, with raging fires everywhere around her.

However, she was not very panicked, because the picture in front of her was very similar to a dream she had had.

She dreamed of a dragon with milky scales all over her body, and golden horns, wing bones and ridge crown.

Its eyes were like molten gold, opened its big mouth and sprayed out a red orange flame, which was mixed with a little light golden light.

The fire burned her house and her castle, but she was undamaged in her dream.

"Sure enough... Is this a dream?"

Daenerys rubbed the temple as if it were about to crack.

However, since she can still wake up, it proves that the sea of fire she saw when she opened her eyes yesterday is also a dream.

However, the next second, the girl's little hand was stiff in place.

Because she suddenly found herself in a strange room.

This is not the bedroom she is familiar with. Except for the bright sunshine outside the window, she is still familiar with all the rest of the layout. Even there is a smell of dust in the air, just like a storage room that no one has lived in for a long time.

At the same time, daenerys also found that the 'veselion' she used to sleep in her arms had disappeared.

Lost your dragon egg?

And where is it now?

The girl was slightly panicked, and the fear that went deep into her back suddenly rose up. Danilis was very timid. However, she took a fancy to this dragon egg, because it represented her brother, and then quickly opened her quilt to look for it.

But her big move soon disturbed the girl sleeping next to her.


Danilis found that Renes was sleeping behind her.

When she just woke up, she was still trapped in the dream of the fire, and her head hurt too much. She didn't even find that behind her, there was a reneth with a snow-white thigh and a quilt.

"Eh, Dany?"

"Are you awake?"

And reneth rubbed her sleepy eyes slightly, and then saw dannilis sitting up alone, as if anxiously looking for something.

Then the sleepiness in my mind disappeared in an instant. I widened my good-looking eyes and got up from bed in surprise.

Danielle has been sleeping from sleep until she was rescued yesterday. Although her breathing and heartbeat have been very stable, the bachelor has also diagnosed that her royal highness is not what's wrong.

This is indeed a miracle.

As for why he can't wake up without a question, the bachelor himself has some scratching his head and can't give an answer.

But he said that if his royal highness had not regained consciousness, he would like to run back to the city to run his own teacher, and ask his teacher to study the doctor of the city. Dr. Ambrose, the owner of the silver rod, went for a long journey in person.

But now that daenerys is awake, she doesn't need master Gunther to go to Westeros herself.

Reneth was very surprised, and then regardless of the bad image of not wearing clothes, she directly opened her arms and hugged danilis.

However, reneth's surprise fell into the little girl's eyes, which was a naked ridicule. Danilis hasn't figured out her current situation yet, but she is still a little relieved to see reneth by her side.

Then she reacted instantly. Subconsciously, she felt that she woke up and suddenly appeared in this room. It must be reneth who was thinking about some bad idea to tease herself.

Reneth is not much older than Denise.

Although she has been playing a role similar to "mother" or "sister" and pulling danilis to grow up, reneth herself is actually just a girl.


Her character is naturally much more lively than the shy danilis. She occasionally gives some small ideas to tease danilis. Therefore, she is always sued by the girl to her brother and asked wesselis to support her.

However, after my brother left for so long this time, reneth, the hateful guy, began to tease himself again.


"Where did you hide my vesseleon?"

The girl's little face turned red, and her usual shyness and shyness were swept away at this time. She angrily asked reneth to return her dragon egg.

She felt that reneth had been deliberately trying to get her own dragon egg. Now she suddenly appeared here and the dragon egg disappeared. It must be reneth playing tricks on herself again.

When danilis pushed her away, tears still hung on her beautiful cheeks and a runny nose. Reneth's two white legs went out. The Duck sat on the bed, blinked slightly, stunned for a while, and then made a sound.


She didn't know what daenerys was saying for the first time.

She looks... Angry?

However, the brown haired girl was very clever. Then she thought a little and understood what daenerys was expressing.

"Ha ha..."

Reneth grabbed danilis's shoulder and smiled back and forth. The tears of her nose that she had just cried were laughed down again.

Danilis was even more angry when she saw that reneth was still laughing.

"Hum, you guy!"

"I'll beat you!"

Then the little girl pushed her down, and reneth, who was laughing and had a stomachache, jumped up and wanted to fight with the hateful guy.

"Ha ha ha -"

However, when reneth saw that danilis was angry and didn't resist, she immediately rolled around the bed with a smile, twisted her body and tried her best to avoid danilis's deadly serial player.

However, the girls' slapstick disturbed the guests who were resting under the bed.



A hoarse roar suddenly sounded in the room, between the sounds of the two girls.

The girl who was struggling with reneth clearly heard the roar, the angry expression on her face was slightly stunned, and her little hand stayed in mid air.

"What sound?"

Because she seemed familiar with the sound, and it seemed to ring not far from her ear.

Then daenerys turned her head.

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