Published at 24th of June 2024 06:32:11 AM

Chapter 145

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same night.

Melisandra sat quietly at her desk in her room.

There is also a half burned white wax on the table, which is silently contributing its own light and dispersing the darkness of the whole room.

"The process of dispelling darkness and reproducing light must be full of ups and downs..."

"And sacrifice."

The woman sat at her desk and suddenly talked to herself without reason. She didn't know what she meant to point at.

In front of her was a silver plated bronze mirror polished by a skilled craftsman from mill, in which melisandra's eyes fell on the half burning white wax on the table.

The flame... Is beating.

In the light of the fire, the white wax is getting smaller and smaller, turning into drops of wax oil and falling on the candlestick below.

"Your sacrifice will not be remembered by the world."


While melisandra whispered something.

There was a sudden noise of footsteps outside the room, and then they got closer and closer.


The door of the woman's room was kicked open, and a group of guards wearing armor and holding a long sword broke in directly regardless of whether Melissa Zhuo slept or not.

Then the leader of the guard pointed to melisandra and said loudly.

"Rahlo's believer, Ms. melisandra, you have been arrested on charges of murdering Ms. Miri maz dur, a consultant in magic and mystics!"

When he recited the accusation, he specially emphasized a believer of helo loudly, and then continued to speak.

"Now, you just need to plead guilty!"

With the voice of the guard captain.


A group of soldiers surrounded him.

However, no one dares to arrest this red witch directly, because it has been spread in the castle at the moment. In order to join the castle and monopolize power, this evil red witch burned Ms. Millie alive with flame magic.

People are in awe of things they can't understand, such as the existence of magic and witchcraft.

Therefore, these soldiers only dare to surround melisandra, but they dare not really come forward to catch each other. They are also afraid that they will turn into a fireball and be burned alive.

However, hearing the accusations of the guards and the accusations of recitation, melisandra sat in her chair and looked very calm. She seemed to have known it for a long time. She raised her eyelids slightly and glanced carelessly across all the people present.

Then he closed his robe and stood up from his chair.


The red robed witch moved carelessly, but the soldiers who surrounded her were scared and stepped back one after another.


"What are you doing!"

The captain of the guard who had just recited melisandra's accusation also pulled out his long sword, looked at each other warily, and his voice was a little nervous.

He was a guard in the hall during the day. He heard that the other party blasphemed the seven gods and called them false gods. Therefore, after receiving the order to arrest melisandra, he thought of taking the opportunity to teach the woman a lesson.

However, I felt a little nervous when I really stood in front of the witch.

However, looking at the nervous look on the faces of the soldiers around, melisandra still had a casual expression, then calmly shook her head and said.

"I can be taken away by you."

"But I don't recognize these crimes imposed on me."

Hearing what melisandra said, the captain of the guard was just about to scold.


However, she was interrupted by the words of the red witch.

"And I guess the royal highness of the princess never asked me to wear them."

The woman with long red hair raised her chin slightly. According to her vision, she saw the chains and shackles in the hands of the guards.


Melisandra's words made all the guards present look at each other, and finally their eyes fell on the captain.

"Did your highness say so?"

The andar soldier's face was blue and red, and changed back and forth several times.


He thought that when his royal highness issued this order, he gave it a special account.

Finally, she raised her head and looked at melisandra. There was a bit of fear in her eyes.

Because... Reality is not bad as she said.

Although reneth ordered to arrest melisandra on the charge of murder, she specially named her name to give preferential treatment. The name "arrest" is actually a change of house arrest.

But how does this woman know this?

He remembered that he was alone at that time.

Or... Is this the power of witchcraft and magic?

The captain of the guard's face was uncertain, and his eyes looked at melisandra with more fear.

Finally, facing the eyes of the brothers, he bit his teeth and waved his hand.

"Just do what she says!"

"Take it away!"

Then several guards put down their weapons and shackles for catching criminals.

Melisandra did not resist, and let the soldiers take her out of the room, and then she was sent to the carriage, and the curtains on both sides were put down. Finally, the carriage drove out of the castle overnight and imprisoned the red witch in the prison of andalos.


The iron door of the prison was closed and the lock was re inserted.


And in the castle.

Reneth was standing alone in the dark, a little confused.

"How did I... Do that?"

She didn't know whether melisandra killed Millie, but she felt that it was unlikely, because the two people had no resentment at all. How could they suddenly kill each other just when they came.

However, reneth didn't know what was in her mind, and finally agreed to her teacher's opinion at that time.

They arrested the red Witch and put her in prison.

Because it can make people believe that people were not killed by bellerian, so that people will not be afraid or even hate it

However, reneth didn't think she would do this. In fact, she also believed that Millie died in Belle Lane's hands.

She also doesn't know why Millie appeared near the dragon in the middle of the night. Maybe... Maybe she just passed by?

Or was she curious about the dragon and reached out to touch it?

Then Belle Lane thought she was the enemy. In fact, she didn't want to hurt her. It... It... Maybe she just wanted to play a game with Millie?


The girl with long brown hair squatted on the ground and felt that her brain was about to explode.

A bold idea in my mind passed over and over again, but I couldn't make up my mind in the end.

She has always lived under the wings created by wesselis for them. Now without him, she doesn't even have the courage to make a big decision independently.


And at this time.

Rego let out a cheerful roar, then jumped over her shoulder and arched Renes's cheek with his head.

The girl's heart softened in an instant, took a breath, and gently touched regor's ferocious scales with her hand.

Then he raised his hand and slapped bellerian heavily.

The black dragon slightly turned his head sideways, but he didn't know whether he didn't hide or didn't want to hide. She was heavily patted on the head by reneth.


Then there was a low roar of discontent.

"Hum, you guy."

"Wait until wesselis comes back. Don't find anything for me during this time!"



More than half a month has passed.


With the sound of the horn, the andalos Corps finally returned to their hometown.

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