Published at 24th of June 2024 06:32:09 AM

Chapter 147

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Soon after.

In the main hall of the castle.

Wesselis bathed and washed the dirt on his body, then changed into a lighter dress, and then sat on the throne and listened to reneth's achievements as regent during this period.

At the moment, the black dragon bellerian was lying on the ground beside the throne, and the sound of heavy breathing continued to ring in the hall.

Wesselis stroked his head with a hand.

"So many things have happened during this time?"

After hearing the bachelor's report, wesselis was slightly incredible, and then turned his head to reneth.

However, the brown haired girl seemed to be in a much better mood at the moment. She bit her lips and showed a smile. Then she was a little proud, but she didn't want to show it too strongly. For fear of being seen by wesselis, she finally said


She thought wesselis would scold her, and she made a mess of everything during this time.

However, I didn't expect that wesselis didn't blame her, but praised her for doing well, saying that if she presided over the overall situation at home in the future, he could better resist foreign enemies outside.

After being praised by wesselis, reneth immediately felt a little floating, and her inner uneasiness and uneasiness disappeared.

Seeing that the girl's face finally showed an optimistic smile again, wesselis's heart was completely relieved.

Then the smile on his face converged slightly and talked about business.

"No wonder I didn't see Bessie and Millie."

He just had some strange things. Bessie and Millie didn't come to meet him. However, when he sat here, he realized that both of them had had an accident.

Bessie tried to break into the fire to save her mother, but she was badly burned and managed to get back a life. Now she is still recovering from her injury.

However, according to the bachelor, it was almost impossible to mention the sword again in the future, and destroyed his face. He was afraid that seeing wesselis would scare him, so he didn't appear.

Miley, wesselis's magic consultant, was burned to death by fire because of an accident more than a month ago.


In troubled times, human life is like a mole ant. Even if the Witch and witch master the extraordinary power, she will die on the spot if she is not careful.

Wesselis did not expect that Milly would die like this, and was silent for a moment.

"What's going on?"

After a long silence, he asked again.

In the hall, there were not only wesselis, reneth and the bachelor, but Oberon also sat on one side of the chair, but Prince Dorn paid more attention to bellerian.

How many people have seen a living dragon?

"It didn't do it?"

Oberon pointed to the black dragon and joked.

However, Oberon's voice fell, reneth and the bachelor were silent, but Oberon was stunned at the sight.

"Am I right?"

Wesselis frowned slightly.

In the face of the current situation, the bachelor can only cough a little and then speak.

"Your Majesty, Ms. Millie may have been murdered."

"A few days ago..."

The bachelor told me about a red haired witch who came to the castle more than a month ago, and that Millie was accidentally burned to death that night.

And after the bachelor finished speaking, reneth raised her hand and said.


"I don't think the witch did it, or the guy bellerian did it."

Hearing reneth's words, the black dragon lying on the ground dozing raised his head slightly alert.

Wesselis gently reached out and touched the ferocious head of the black dragon, calming its anxious mood.


"Tell me who it is."

Then reneth explained the specific causes and consequences in more detail than the bachelor.

"What do you call this witch?"

Wesselis heard half of it, then couldn't help interrupting reneth and asked.


Reneth was slightly stunned and nodded.

"Yes, no mistake. Do you know her?"

However, wesselis was silent and shook his head.

"No, I don't know this man."

"Go on."

Then wesselis listened to the cause and effect of the whole thing, including the fact that reneth directly arrested melisandra into prison in order to protect the black dragon.


Hearing that the idea came from Gunther, wesselis looked up at each other.

The bachelor was looking down at the floor under his feet and didn't notice wesselis's eyes.

"So it seems that this messenger of the king of light is likely to be innocent."

Then wesselis withdrew his eyes and stood up from the throne.

"In that case."

"I'll meet this man."


Paul is a soldier of andalos city guard, and his duty place is in prison. He is mainly responsible for looking after the criminals in the prison on weekdays.

Such a quiet and leisurely day passed for a long time.

A month ago, a special criminal was detained here, and everything in the prison changed.

This is a beautiful woman with red hair. Paul doesn't need to question each other's beauty, and she seems to be charged with murder.

However, what surprised him was that the woman could enjoy super standard special treatment after committing such a serious crime.

She can own a cell alone, and it is almost indistinguishable from the outside world except for restricting her personal freedom.

Paul secretly guessed which adult mistress she might be, so she could enjoy such super standard treatment in prison.

Because of her beauty, Paul had been secretly observing the woman, and then found that she seemed willing to talk to other soldiers and criminals.

No matter men or women, they can talk for a long time every time. Then they leave thoughtfully about convenience, and take the initiative to run over the next day.

Even at dusk, I lit a bonfire with the woman and prayed in front of the bonfire.

"What the hell is going on?"

"What did they talk about?"

Paul was curious.

One day, however, the red haired woman finally noticed Paul's existence and waved to him.

Paul walked by, and then

"The king is coming."

The calm prison suddenly set off waves in the future for a period of time.

It turned out that his majesty, who had just won back, suddenly came to the prison and seemed to meet a criminal.

It was the red witch who was locked up here before.


Paul was a little nervous. He didn't know what the king came for this time. It wouldn't be... To put Ms. melisandra to death?

However, when Paul was worried, he saw a silver haired boy coming towards him surrounded by guards, and then gave him a strange look.

"What are you doing?"

"Lead the way."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!