Published at 24th of June 2024 06:32:07 AM

Chapter 148

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The quill was scratching on the paper, making a rustling sound.

The lights are bright in the quiet room.

At this time, there was a noise outside.

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty."

Then there was the sound of the chain opening, the prison door was pushed open, and from the outside came a handsome silver haired boy dressed in simple clothes.

And the owner of this prison is wearing a red robe and sitting at his desk writing something.

Although melisandra is nominally living in prison, she actually enjoys better treatment than when she was in the castle. She eats and drinks every day, and it is very convenient to wash and bathe.

And because of reneth's preferential treatment, melisandra has the opportunity to light a bonfire every night and pray to the king of light.

It was almost the same as her life of retreat in the red temple.

Bathing, sutra practice, prayer, sleep, the time of the day passed, and then the cycle began again and again.

And during this period, she was free. Melisandra also successfully developed her first believers in andalos, that is, some criminals and Guard soldiers in this prison.

When dusk came, they would light a fire with melisandra, pray, sing prayers, and pray for rahlo to give them dawn.

These had been noticed when wesselis entered the prison.

The guard who followed him also clenched the handle of his sword.

"Are you melisandra?"

After entering the cell, wesselis asked the soldiers outside to close the door.

He wants to talk to this woman alone.

Melisandra also put down her quill pen and looked at the boy who had appeared in the fire calmly.

But now he really stood in front of her.

"Ordinary names are not worth mentioning, your majesty."

Melisandra said quietly.

"I noticed that the power of different gods is filling your body. You have been infected by evil and need the power of true God to purify you."

Now it is late at night, and the prison window is dark.

The candles in the room swayed gently, lengthened the young man's figure and threw it on the wall behind him.

Wesselis raised her eyebrows slightly when she heard the words of the red witch.

He had just entered the door and had been looking at each other up and down, and she did perfectly overlap with the image of the red witch in wesselis's heart.

Melisandra is a beautiful woman, which is indisputable. She has a delicate face, red eyes and red hair like fire.

Wearing a red dress that looks very thin, you can feel a hot force from her body.

Melisandra's whole body is full of temptations that make people's hormones rise. However, at the moment, the red witch's face is very dignified.

"What do you mean?"

Wesselis raised his eyebrows. Although he couldn't see anything on the surface, his heart was a little cold unconsciously.

He didn't think it was the trickery of the red witch like other monks.

Those who can see that there are other forces in his body, up to now, except for the real witch Millie, there is only this red witch left.

Wesselis knew that the priestess of rahlo was also a person who really mastered witchcraft, magic and even prophecy.

"I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. You've mastered and begun to use this power."

"The power of evil gods is about to infect your flesh, bones and even soul. If it is not purified, it will be a very terrible disaster in the end."

"And I will help you."

Melisandra's voice was calm, but her eyes were more serious than ever.

Once she caught a glimpse of wesselis in the fire, but she was careless after all.

She did not expect that the evil infected by wesselis was more terrible than she thought. She just looked at the silver haired boy and felt the sound of thousands of souls wailing.

As melisandra said, wesselis's cheek was calm and seemed to know what melisandra was talking about.

The black fog in his body needs to feed on a spiritual soul. It doesn't look like a good thing, but it's like making a deal with the devil.

He kept killing and absorbing souls, and in exchange, the devil kept giving him strength.

One day he may sell himself to the devil.

However, after a long silence, wesselis did not ask what I should do, as melisandra expected?.

Instead, she raised her head slightly, and then suddenly asked a question that surprised her.

"How old are you this year?"


Melisandra was slightly stunned, and then her calm face appeared an accident for the first time.

"Why are you asking this question?"

"Just... Curious."

"I heard that the witch will reveal her original appearance when she performs magic."

Replied wesselis, gravely and seriously.

"Will become old and ugly, like an old witch..."


However, before wesselis finished, she was interrupted by melisandra.

"Except for that very evil curse, almost no witchcraft will make people grow old!"

"And even if it is a very evil curse, it can recover after a short time of overdraft."

Melisandra seemed unable to bear wesselis's description of the witch witch, and then pulled her cheek like an emphasis.

"I look like this. I'm not changed by witchcraft."

However, wesselis still calmly stood and looked at the red witch, as if he didn't care about her answer.

Melisandra was a little excited. After saying these words, she also reflected something.

"Last question."

However, wesselis spoke again at this time.

"Go ahead, please."

Melisandra calmed her mood. She felt she shouldn't be angry about small things.

"Did you kill people?"

Melisandra shook her head and her voice was very decisive.


When wesselis heard her categorical denial and didn't say anything more, he nodded.


Then he turned, opened the cell door and walked out of the cell.

"Let the man go."



all is quiet at dead of night.

Wesselis released melisandra in the name of insufficient evidence and returned her to the castle.

Because the previous room was burned down and the new main castle has not been built, weseries, who has just returned, can only choose another room to live in.

But fortunately, reneth had already solved the problem for him and reserved a room for him in advance, next to the house of two girls.

Then wesselis returned to his room, took off his coat and sat at his desk tired.

Whether Millie's death was an accident or murder, he didn't know, and even he couldn't guarantee that it wasn't the red haired woman.

Because based on her understanding of this person, she doesn't mind using some abusive means to achieve some purpose.

But the main problem is motivation.

Why do melisandra and Millie mazdur suddenly want to kill her?

Melisandra is not a lunatic who acts without logic.

Wesselis was thinking about this mess, and then came to his desk.

He left andalos for more than half a year this time, but he once came back halfway.

Reneth helped him deal with most of the government affairs, but he had to make some decisions himself.

For example, this information from the other side of the narrow sea, as well as a handwritten letter from the king of the bravos sea.


Wesselis skillfully cut open the envelope with a knife.

But just then, his wrist suddenly stopped slightly in place.

Because he suddenly found that the seal mud of the letter seemed to have a little color difference, as if someone had moved the letter by some means, and then made up for it with the seal mud.

Wesselis's eyes were slightly frozen.

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