Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:56 AM

Chapter 154

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Then wesselis took Bessie, who was practicing walking, down the castle and took him back to rest.

He doesn't have to attend the next celebration, but he still focuses on rest.

Wesselis had nothing to do before that. He had nothing to do. He even visited his most loyal subordinates.

half a month earlier.

The bachelor received a letter from the school city on the other side of the sea.

The person who wrote the letter was Dr. Weilin, the leading astronomer of his teacher westero. In addition to the normal nostalgia, he also told his disciples and the Lords he served——

Autumn is coming.

Since Xuecheng announced that the red comet was the "sword of the killing season", the season of Westeros has changed from spring to summer.

At that time, wesselis was still fighting in the battlefield of Ge DoHo. Now he has experienced many things, leading the winning army back to his hometown, the defeat of the naval battle on Longshi Island, the preparation for the war and so on

Perhaps apart from the busy farmers in the farmland, many people don't notice that the weather is getting colder and the pace of autumn is gradually coming.

The letter announcing the season from Xuecheng will be sent every season every year. Ordinary lords do not understand the calendar and astronomy. They all expect Xuecheng to inform them of the changes of the season, and then the Lords ask the farmers in the territory what to do in this season.

Therefore, the operation of many places in Westeros is inseparable from the influence of the school city. As a place with the most intellectuals in Westeros, it is of vital significance.

In fact, Dr. Weilin wrote more to his disciples.

It was more than a month later that the letter came to ESSOS, and it was even later that it was handed over to the bachelor.

However, the traditional festival harvest banquet can take this opportunity.

As one of the few festivals in Westeros, andalos also has such a tradition.

Because many of Westeros' cultures originated from andals and loyans, in fact, if we trace back to the source, this is the birthplace of many Westeros' cultures.

When the bachelor announced the beginning of autumn, wise people began to store some of their crops.

As the largest local Lord, he can hold such a traditional festival as a harvest banquet. Because of the long journey and difficult contact, the harvest banquet often becomes a rare opportunity for the meeting between the Lord and the vassal.

As the king of andalos, wesselis naturally announced the first harvest banquet in order to celebrate the harvest and consolidate people's hearts.

Not long ago, the emerging nobles who were enfeoffed everywhere and began to build castles and territories quickly came to andalos to gather.

As the first batch of nobles, in fact, these nobles have not yet separated from the peace people. They are also hanging shoulder to shoulder with the earth steamed stuffed bun, laughing and talking.

Now wesselis is sitting on the highest throne in the castle. The hall below is rarely filled with tables. All upstarts sit carelessly in chairs with their wives and children.

The servants in the castle are also very busy today. Dishes are brought out from the kitchen, and each of them needs wesselis to taste first, and then the nobles on the other tables are qualified to eat.

Pre dinner dessert cake, all kinds of red wine, bread with cream, honey roast chicken, large stewed wild pork, berry stuffed goose, barley venison soup, salmon and giant lobster

A dazzling array of dishes dazzles people.

The atmosphere of the whole harvest banquet was also very warm. From time to time, some people shouted "long live andalos!" and others held up their wine glasses and shouted "long live wesselis!".

However, wesselis just smiled at all these, then raised his glass and took a sip. His eyes were still calm and looked at the lively scene below.

His sister daenerys sat on his left hand, while Renes sat on his right hand, wearing a gorgeous dress and a clean smile on the young and beautiful girl's face.

The feudal system of andalos seems to have a shell similar to Westeros.

However, in fact, it is different from Westeros' basic system.

The most fundamental difference lies in the ownership of land.

Although the whole territory ownership, final adjudication and all supreme rights of the seven countries belong to the king in theory.

However, in reality, when the king of China is subject to the political status quo of Westeros, he can't really do whatever he wants.

For example, the king cannot intervene in the affairs of the West. If he wants to intervene, he needs to say hello to the Lannister family of the guardian of the West and the Duke of Kaiyan City, or ask the other party to deal with it.

If Lannister decides to shelter a family, his majesty has no choice but to reach a political compromise, go to war or give up.

Even if the king loses in the competition for power, he may lose his position and die.

In fact, this is equivalent to that the king is the largest aristocrat, has his own fief, and temporarily sits in this position under the common praise of other great aristocrats.

If the king offended most of the rest of the nobles in the whole country, he would be overthrown by raising a flag together.

Just like wesselis's father, iris tangaryan II, the "mad king", for the people, it is the business of the nobility to allow the change of the king's flag at the head of the city. The people don't care whether it is baratheon or tangaryan sitting on the Iron Throne. They only care about what to eat next.

And in andalos.

Although wesselis was divided into nobles, each nobleman ruled a village or town and could be inherited by his children and grandchildren.

However, the ultimate ownership of these lands still belongs to the king, that is, wesselis can abolish a wrong aristocrat at any time, put the other party to death, or become a civilian.

These newly enfeoffed nobles had no real ownership of land, only ruling power and ruling power in the region, but this power was still affected by the king's supreme ruling power.

And also need to pay the tax proportion stipulated by the state on time, and the rest is the benefits that the nobility can obtain.

For civilians, every civilian has the obligation to serve. They serve directly in the andalos Legion.

The Legion had troops in various places, and the supreme command of these troops was in the hands of wesselis, which had no contact with the local nobles.

Nobles were allowed to build family castle and have private soldiers, but the number of private soldiers was under a very strict control, which could only maintain law and order and defend the castle.

Because wesselis has a strong reputation among the people and legions, the people recognize wesselis more than the nobles assigned to them.

Therefore, the implementation of the new enfeoffment system is very smooth.

Moreover, this group of newly plucked nobles were once ordinary people who stood out in the battlefield or other channels and were canonized as nobles by wesselis.

It's too late to be grateful from a mud legged man to an aristocrat. Naturally, no one has any objection at the time of enfeoffment.

Otherwise, wesselis didn't mind directly taking off his title, canceling the opportunity to get the fief and ascend to the sky, and becoming a civilian again.

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