Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:55 AM

Chapter 155

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However, the current feudal system is mainly due to the fact that andalos has no deep-rooted aristocratic tradition like Westeros.

Once the ancient andar and loina kingdoms in this land have long been defeated by the warelian freedom fortress.

That group of andar nobles and loina nobles fled to Westeros in large quantities.

Later, the land began to develop, like novos, a subsidiary city-state that was subject to the warelian fortress of freedom.

Finally, after the "Wrath of the gods" fell from the free fortress of Valeria, they became independent and became free-trade city states.

Because of these reasons, there is a serious gap in the culture and inheritance of the two ethnic groups. The ancient aristocrats have disappeared, leaving only the villages living on this land for generations, which have never been reunited again.

Therefore, after formulating the new system, wesselis did not encounter serious resistance from the traditional feudal forces.

Moreover, although the area of andalos can match the territory, it is still within the controllable range. With the rapid expansion of the Kingdom's territory, there may be the possibility that the central command cannot be transmitted to remote places in the future, resulting in the border out of control.

But those are not the things that wesselis needs to consider now. What he has to do now is to unite andalos into a fist and wait for the challenge that the Iron Throne is ready to launch.

Instead of dispersing their power like the seven countries, it eventually led to a mess.


The harvest banquet was full of wine and preparation. You new nobles in this land are connecting with each other.

After they had enough to eat and drink, the servants cleaned up all the leftovers, then piled all the tables aside, and the whole hall became a dance hall in an instant.

Already prepared programs were staged one after another, including singing and dancing, juggling, clowns, and finally a magic trick.

The red robed witch sitting not far from wesselis sat quietly in her seat and watched a red robed monk below spitting fire in her performance mouth.

The red robed monk's clothes were loose and his robe sleeves were large. He danced and danced like jumping a big rope. After that, he inadvertently covered some faces with his robe sleeves. The action was very hidden and fast. No one saw what he did. Then the red robed monk's robe sleeves were put down.

Next second.


A red flame spewed out, and the strong flame lit up everyone's cheeks, which immediately aroused the surprised voice of many women present.

Reneth raised her hand and covered her mouth. There was surprise and wonder in her eyes. In her opinion, it was a miracle. Isn't it only dragons that can spit out flames?

"Viseris, is this man a dragon?"

Reneth patted wesselis on the thigh with some excitement after surprise, and then asked curiously.

"It's just a folk technique."

Wesselis shook his head slightly. He was not surprised by this acrobatics, because he had seen it many times in his previous life.

Not far away, melisandra seemed to hear their whispers and turned to look at wesselis and Renee, but she focused on Renee. Stay a little longer, and then some thoughtfully withdraw their eyes.

At the end of the performance below, the red monk bowed slightly to the king on the stage, motioned to the red witch, and then retreated.

Those who have seen the believers of the king of light perform these magic tricks are very calm, while those who have not seen such scenes are shouting. It seems that this performance has really opened their eyes.

After the performance, the next step is the dance.

The band that had just finished the show returned. Now they prepared a new set of music and costumes, and then played the instrument again.

With melodious music, the servants came in with cups of wine, and the nobles below also found dancing partners to dance. Some nobles even temporarily pulled a maid pouring wine as their dancing partner.

Wesselis sipped the milk in the cup, and there were a few red things floating on it. Looking at these lavender eyes below, he was still calm.

This is also one of the differences between him and his brother Prince rega. Wesselis knows nothing about musical instruments and dancing.

And at this time.

Wesselis saw several older middle-aged nobles who wanted to invite melisandra to dance, but they were politely refused by the red witch.

Then reneth, sitting beside him, didn't know which one was wrong, took wesselis's hand and wanted to dance with him.

Wesselis was slightly stunned, but he couldn't resist the look of the brown haired girl. Finally, he had to dance with reneth.

Later, although the dance was not very good, it still won full applause.


This harvest banquet is coming to an end.

After wesselis shared a cup with the nobles, a guard hurried to him and whispered a few words in his ear.


"Still such a thing?"

Then wesselis rose from his seat.

"Wesselis, what happened?"

Reneth gave him a strange look. She was just about to stand up with her skirt, but was held in place by wesselis.

"It's all right. You're here."

"I have a little thing."

Then wesselis followed the guards out of the hall.

Step on

The quiet corridor was quite different from the noise in the hall, only the footsteps of the guards and wesselis.

"Where is the child?"

Wesselis's face was calm, and the lampstands in the corridor of the castle were burning. The fire lit up half of his cheek, while the other half was still immersed in darkness.

"Your Majesty, this way."

The guard led the way before the throw and explained.

"Just now I was on duty outside the gate with a brother, and then I didn't know where to drill out. A child threw a letter bound with a stone, and then turned around and ran away."

"But we caught up and soon caught the kid back. Then he said this letter was for you."

Step on

The corridor echoed with the footsteps of two people, saying as they walked, gradually disappearing.

Wesselis frowned slightly when he listened to the guard. He always felt that this kind of thing was like a prank.

"Where did the child get this letter?"

The guards did not hesitate to hear wesselis's question, for they had already asked it when they had just caught each other.

"In a place called the silver eel Inn, your majesty."

"A mysterious man gave the child some silver deer and asked him to hand over this letter to you."

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