Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:53 AM

Chapter 156

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The two figures turned and appeared in the gate of the castle. Then they found that the guards here were holding high torches and seemed to be searching for something.

Seeing wesselis coming, the guard's face suddenly showed a look of shame.

"Sorry, your majesty..."

In fact, there was not much they said, and wesselis understood what had happened.

It seems that the kid just caught slipped away again.

"Forget it, it's just a child."

"Is the letter still there?"

Wesselis shook his head slightly. He felt that the child was only an errand runner at best. Even if he caught him, it didn't mean much.


Then the guard brought the letter to wesselis and handed it to him.

Wesselis didn't shy away from it. He took it directly. After so many hand turns, even if it was poisonous, it had been rubbed almost.

Then decisively tore open the envelope and took out the letter paper.

This letter contains a lot of content, and there is a lot of dense writing on it.

However, wesselis only looked at it for a few times, and the calm expression on his face immediately swept away and became slightly serious.


The brow of the silver haired boy was locked.

Then, under the torches held up by the surrounding guards, wesselis scanned every word on the letter and finally read the whole letter.

"If the contents of this letter are true..."

Wesselis quietly held the letter paper, some silent, and the surrounding guards didn't know what had happened. He looked at wesselis in a daze and whispered.

"Your Majesty?"

Then wesselis returned to some gods, raised his head again and looked at a guard around him.

"Do you remember what the child looked like just now?"

The guard quickly nodded.

"Keep searching until you find it."

Wesselis waved his hand.

"Yes, your majesty!"

Hearing wesselis's order, the castle guards looked a little chilly.

They don't know why his majesty just said to let the kid go, but after reading the letter, they turned around and grabbed each other.

But he hurried down and continued to search for the child who slipped away.

Wesselis did not explain why he did so, and he did not need to explain to the soldiers.

The cool night wind blew wesselis's long silver and gold hair. Then he thought for a moment and explained to another soldier around him again.

"In secret, check these things on the letter one by one."

Wesselis told the soldiers to check several things and keep everything confidential.

When the guard saw these, although he was a little surprised and uncertain, he nodded decisively to express his understanding, and then hurried to prepare.


And in the main hall of the castle.

Although the harvest banquet is coming to an end, the warm atmosphere is still unabated.

When wesselis was there, they were not so open, but when wesselis left here temporarily for some reason, the atmosphere suddenly became much more lively.

Perhaps his majesty is watching, and many people can't let go. The atmosphere is much better now.

The red witch melisandra did not know when she took her chair and sat next to reneth. They seemed to be talking.

Daenerys just ate and drank herself, and even secretly sipped the red wine in the glass of the Oberon mistress next to her.

The bachelor sat quietly in his chair, which seemed to be out of tune with the noise around him.

He ate light food and didn't drink.

The bachelor doesn't seem to be in a state today. I don't know why he is always uneasy. He secretly looked at the position where wesselis sat several times, but now it's just empty.

Wesselis has been out for a long time, but he still hasn't returned. He doesn't know what special situation has happened.

However, just then, several guards came in from the busy hall, saluted reneth and melisandra slightly, and then seemed to say something.

Melisandra smiled apologetically and left politely.

Then the guard whispered a few words in reneth's ear.


The brown haired girl showed some strange looks on her cheeks, then turned her head and confirmed a few words to the guard.

But still got a very positive answer from the guard, and the girl nodded slightly.

Then reneth got up from her seat and went aside to pull up the greasy danilis she was eating.

Despite the little girl's protest, she threw away half a chicken leg in her hand and forcibly wiped the greasy on her mouth with a clean handkerchief.

Then reneth whispered a few words at danilis, probably saying that a girl with noble status and blood can't eat like this.

It's not that you can't afford to eat. You should keep the style of a princess.

Then reneth took danilis away and walked in the direction of the gate.

The guard who had just come told reneth that his majesty had asked her to go out with danilis, but he didn't make it clear what it was.

Reneth was a little confused, but since it was wesselis's request, she took danilis out with her.

The nobles who were in the banquet atmosphere along the way saw reneth holding danilis, stopped dancing in their hands, and then raised their glasses to pay tribute to her.

"Royal Highness Princess."

Then he looked at the girl who was held by Renes and covered her hair with a hat. His eyes were more pious.

"Mother of the dragon."

Since the news that daenerys was safe in the sea of fire with three dragons in her arms came out, the princess of targaryan had a holy title.

"Mother of the dragon"

Combined with his brother wesselis, the title is called "the coronation of the seven gods", which is more mysterious, and the supreme blood of targaryan is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people under intentional advocacy.

Like the son of God with the holy light.

Reneth raised her glass to the nobles around her and smiled politely and appropriately.

Then he nodded, walked through the crowd, pulled danilis out of the door under the guidance of the guards, and disappeared.

The bachelor sitting in his own position watched reneth pull danilis away from here. I don't know why her inner uneasiness was exacerbated. On the surface, there seemed to be some absentmindedness. Then the fork in his hand accidentally fell to the ground and made a clear sound.

Melisandra, who sat on the other side and returned to her position, heard the movement and looked at her slightly strangely.

She remembers that the bachelor has always been calm and calm. Why is there some absentmindedness and frequent gaffes today?

Then she saw that the bachelor also stood up and wanted to leave the hall with reneth.

All that was left of the round table was Oberon and his mistresses, alaria shad and melisandra.

The bachelor stood up and smiled apologetically at several people on the table, and then prepared to leave here.

But not until he turned around.

Two guards came out of nowhere and directly pressed the bachelor back to the chair.

"Master Gunther, I'm afraid you can't go for the time being."

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