Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:48 AM

Chapter 159

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The bachelor's diary was found in a safe in a stone covered hole under his bedroom bed.

It's very secret. More importantly, no one will go to the bachelor's room on weekdays.

The bachelor claimed that there was poison in his room, so he reminded all the servants not to come near. He could clean it up by himself.

Therefore, naturally, no servant will enter the bachelor's room.

After receiving this "letter of accusation", wesselis decided to send someone to secretly search the bachelor's room.

Then the soldiers found a movable slate under the bachelor's bed. They removed the slate and found a safe.

The diary was hidden in the safe. There was also a bottle of transparent things with the diary, which was suspected to be the poison 'tears of Reese'.

Gillian may want to poison wesselis or his dragon with this expensive bottle of poison.

But Gillian may not have found the right opportunity. It's not so easy for him to poison and kill wesselis.

Since wesselis was frequently assassinated by mercenary killers sent by the iron throne, in fact, the security level around him has been greatly improved. The "Bachelor" is not so easy to access wesselis's kitchen, and it is also not so easy to poison the dragon.

But now the "Bachelor" has died, and his diary does not indicate what he wants to do with this bottle of "Reese's tears".

No one can know the course of his mind at that time.

Not long ago, the "report letter" received by wesselis not only stated the true identity of the "Gunther Bachelor", named Gillian Lannister, who was the third brother of tywin Lannister, Duke of Kay rock.

Moreover, it also provides some key evidence to prove that his words are not false. The real identity of Mr. Gunther is Gillian Lannister.

Although the school city did send a Gunther bachelor, the real bachelor had long been intercepted by the Lannister family on the way to Longshi island.

However, Lannister did it very secretly, and few people could know it.

The owner of this "report letter" is not... Perhaps the owner behind the "little bird" is one of the few people who know about this matter.

He voluntarily leaked the information to wesselis.


When wesselis first saw the contents of the letter, the first thought in his mind was that the child was a 'little bird'.

The owner behind this letter is the "eight clawed spider", now Warris, the intelligence director of the Iron Throne.

He knew that there might be a vague connection between Wallis and targaryan.

When wesselis followed his mother Leila targaryan to hide in Longshi Island, King's landing had been attacked by the looters. All the courtiers and nobles had been cleaned and changed their blood. Only a few people had been trusted by Robert.

Among them are the University scholar pasier, the "fearless" Sir barristan selmi, the current leader of the Imperial Guard, and Wallis, the intelligence director known as the "eight clawed spider".

However, Queen Leila could still receive first-hand information from King's landing when King's landing fell and hid in Longshi Island, which showed that tangaryan still had an insider in King's landing.

Wesselis doubted at that time whether this man was Wallis.

After all, he later betrayed the Iron Throne and joined tangaryan's camp, known as the country and his future king, AEGON VI.


Wesselis didn't trust Wallis so much. He knew that everything he said could not be easily believed.

Including his life experience, from Reese, he was a slave, then he was sold to the play team as an apprentice, and finally he was bought and cut off the male root and so on

Even what he did was unpredictable, not to mention what he said. No one can figure out what his real position is.

Still, like Petite bellich, all he did was for himself.

Including the future king who seems loyal to him may be his nephew, AEGON tangaryan VI.

Therefore, wesselis never actively tried to contact Wallis after he came to ESSOS.

The spy he placed in King's landing was another portal. He just collected some common intelligence and folk wind direction. He didn't try to penetrate into the Red Castle for fear of causing the vigilance of the intelligence leader Wallis.

But now.

Wesselis did not take the initiative to contact Wallis, but Wallis suddenly took the initiative to contact himself.

Although he thought the letter was perfect, he didn't reveal his identity.

He wanted to continue to hide under the water and silently mixed the water.

However, he never thought that his understanding of wesselis was far less clear than wesselis' understanding of him.

Wesselis knew that the letter was absolutely inseparable from the eunuch.

Therefore, after reading the letter, he quickly asked the guards to continue to search for the child who had just escaped. It's best to catch him alive and uproot the intelligence line that Wallis hid in andalos, but there is no news yet.

Now, in front of him, several servants bought by the 'Gunther bachelor' are still crying for mercy, which makes wesselis a little upset. Then he looked up and looked at the guards around him.

"Your Majesty?"

The guard and wesselis looked at each other and knew it.

Then wesselis waved his hand, and the servants who begged for their lives were dragged down directly.

A moment later.

There were several screams outside the door. The cry just stopped suddenly, and a faint smell of blood filled the air.

Wesselis sniffed his nose slightly without feeling the slightest discomfort.

I didn't know when he was getting used to the taste.

"This Gillian Lannister..."

Wesselis closed the diary and fiddled with it a few more times.

Wallis's letter stated that Gillian's study in the school city was not very good, and his character was lively.

Gillian was able to play a seamless role in Longshi island and andalos, but he was later an explorer.

Man who travels far knows more.

Gillian had rich experience in observing celestial phenomena and medicine in the process of exploration, even no worse than his bachelor's degree.

However, he often exchanged letters with Xuecheng, and no one knew where he had sent them and who had replied to them.

That's why he hasn't revealed anything for so many years.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!