Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:46 AM

Chapter 161

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Wesselis took a breath after absorbing the black fog.

Then he began to observe carefully the miscellaneous things in the box.


He first reached out and took out the bronze candlestick.

There are some mottled marks on this candlestick. You can see that it may have been many years.

However, apart from these, there is no other brilliant place.

Wesselis took the candlestick in his hand, weighed it slightly, and then put it aside.

Then he continued to take out other things from the bronze box. There were many fragmentary things in the box, not only those seen at the beginning, but also some other things, but most of them were broken artifacts.

Although wesselis doesn't know anything, he can see that these things should be old things that have gone through unknown years.

Among them.

When he took out the stone statue of a woman without a face, wesselis observed it again and again for a long time.

Because among those artifacts just now, only she carried the most black fog.

"Who is this woman?"

Wesselis looked at the stone carving in his hand, with lavender eyes.

Because of the wrath of the gods, Valeria experienced a terrible disaster. This powerful civilization and race were torn to pieces, and many precious classics have disappeared in the long river of history.

It is difficult for people outside varelia to completely restore the specific panorama of this civilization. Even the records of the tangaryan family are not very detailed.

Moreover, many have been lost in several turbulence in hundreds of years, including the blood dragon dance. Even after the usurper war, tangaryan has lost even the king's landing, and the red fort has been looted by Lannister soldiers.

Although there are still a lot of ancient books stored in Longshi Island, there are still many precious orphans lost in the war. Therefore, even though wesselis has read many books, he can not restore the original historical appearance of Valeria in detail.


Wesselis looked at the faceless stone carving in his hand. He intuitively thought that this woman might have played a very important role in the civilization of Valeria.

Because wesselis felt that this stone carving was somewhat like a reduced version of the statue of God enshrined in the seven gods temple.

"Is this also an idol?"

Wesselis made some bold guesses, then fiddled with it in his hand, and then put it together with the other rags.

"Combined with Gillian Lannister's history, these things should be cultural relics of the valerian civilization."

When Gillian Lannister was 18 years old, he drove the laughing lion to leave Lannister port and went to volantis. First, he wanted to find the lost magic soldier "Guangxiao" of the family, and second, he wanted to explore the ruins of varelia and excavate this lost civilization.

"I just don't know where Gillian got these things. Did he find a way to enter the varelian ruins?"

Wesselis thought a little, but immediately shook his head.

"No way."

Nowadays, the ruins of varelia are called "the land of the devil", because few people can come back alive after entering this land, and even if they come out alive, they will die of strange diseases.

Perhaps it was hidden too deeply in ordinary days. Except that he was slightly impressed by the idea of three eagles with one arrow, wesselis didn't feel that the "Bachelor" had such ability.


Everyone has his own secret in his heart. Wesselis's secret has his own real life experience and black fog.

For Jillian, he has no inheritance right and is shrouded in the aura of his brother. If he wants to make a career, he must come out bravely.

So his biggest secret is his experience of exploring the ruins of varelia.

Wesselis guessed that he might not have talked to his big brother tywin Lannister.

Then wesselis put the stone statue together with the rags, and then touched it from the bottom of the box.

Finally, he took out a thick roll of parchment, which was also wrapped with a thin diary. It seems that Jillian does have the habit of keeping a diary.

"What is this?"

Wesselis opened the parchment roll in his hand, but just looked at it, and the expression on his face was slightly stunned, some could not believe his eyes.

"This... No."

"Did I really guess right?"

Now, on the parchment in wesselis's hand, there is a pattern like a map, marking the Ming reef bunker, each small island and the route of navigation. In many places, it is highlighted with a red pen, while in some places it is crossed.

"Is this a map into the ruins of varelia?!"


With parchment in hand, wesselis suddenly stood up from his chair and startled the guards around him. I don't know what his majesty saw and was so excited.

Wesselis never thought he was just guessing, but Gillian Lannister seems to have really been to the ruins of varelia.

He retreated and drew a map into the ruins of varelia.

"Is this true?"

Wesselis felt his spiritual head lifted in an instant, and his eyes became bright.

The ruins of varelia contain amazing treasures.

The story of exploring the ruins of varelia, taking out a few things and retreating, and finally getting rich will spread every once in a while on the AESOP continent.

The protagonists of the story are mostly poor and desperate. They retreat from the ruins of varelia by taking risks.

Then he got amazing wealth and status, became a rich businessman with a wealth of wealth, and even the governor Prince of a city-state, and so on

Wesselis doesn't know how many versions of this story have been heard, and it will appear every once in a while.

When Gillian was 18, he probably heard such a story, and then he came to volantis without hesitation, ready to bravely break into this "devil's land".

But... Is Gillian one of the lucky ones to get out of here?

If this parchment map is true, it is indeed an immeasurable wealth.

I don't know how many people will be crazy about it, dragon eggs, Valeria steel sword, armor, all kinds of treasures and so on.

Even if wesselis has seen a big scene, his heart will inevitably beat faster in the face of such treasure, and he can't help but want to have a try.

"Calm down."

However, in the end, wesselis resisted his inner impulse.

Because he knew that this seemingly easy to get wealth was not so easy to get.

On the land shrouded in curses, there are even things that can hurt the black god of death bellerian in his heyday.

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