Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:20 AM

Chapter 167

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Perhaps others in the night watchman Corps did not know the original name of this respected Bachelor IMON, because becoming a bachelor meant giving up his surname.

However, as the commander-in-chief of the Legion, although he was only the younger generation of bachelor Yimeng, he learned the news in the last words left by the last commander-in-chief.

His full name is IMON tangaryan. He is the third son of Mecca tangaryan I.

In order to keep his oath, he once refused the throne in front of him and gave up the throne to his brother, later AEGON v.

Moreover, in order to prevent him from being used as a tool to usurp his brother's throne in the future, after giving up the throne, IMON tangaryan chose to go to the desperate Great Wall to join the night watchman Corps.

For the sake of his brother, King AEGON, IMON's younger brother, cleared the dungeon of King's landing, provided a group of "honor guards" with a number of 200 people for his journey, and went to the Great Wall with IMON to read the oath of the night watchman.

"Ashamed to say... Commander in chief."

"As a night watchman who has recited the oath, he should have been indifferent to the outside world."

"Love is not only the enemy of honor, but also the taboo of responsibility."

Mr. Yimeng said tremblingly, holding the cold battlements with his hands, and looking at the ghost forest in the distance with his white eyes.

However, I don't know whether his blind eyes can really see anything.

"But it's really difficult to do that."

The voice of Monsieur IMON fell, and the same gray haired geor Mormont was silent for a long time, and then nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with what you said, Mr. Edmund."

"I still miss my family."

In order to enable his son to inherit the family and title, Jay Mormont resolutely joined the ranks of the night watchman, but he also received news about Jora some days ago.

His son, Jora Mormon, made meritorious service in the war to suppress the rebellion in the iron islands, was canonized as a knight, and then won the championship for a girl in the Lannisport competition to celebrate the victory of the war.

"It seems that we all have the same problem, commander in chief."

Mr. Yimeng was not surprised by Mormont's answer, but smiled.

Then he walked back with the help of the other party.

"Wesselis has done well, whether he can finally regain his throne or not."

"I want to write a letter to him. He knows I'm here, but he has never written a letter to me."

Supported by commander-in-chief Mormont, Mr. Yimeng walked down the high and steep stairs. As he walked, he said something in a trembling voice, and there was even a little complaint in his words.

Mr. Yimeng is old and misses his younger generation, but his younger generation never misses him.

"And his uncle, the good boy named rega, used crows to communicate with me many years ago..."

Mr. Yimeng was still saying something, and then commander Mormont whispered a reminder. The old man was slightly stunned, and then patted on the forehead.

"Yes, yes... I made a mistake."

"They are all the grandsons of the child jehris, and rega is the eldest brother of wesselis."


Although the old man is not confused, he is old and has no clear thinking in his youth.

He finally smoothed out his family tree, which gave wesselis the right position.

Then he took a long breath, and snowflakes were still flying overhead, and the white smoke was blown out.

The old man calmed down a little, and then continued.

The voice is still hoarse and sharp, but it makes people involuntarily serious.

"He has a dragon..."

"Dragon... The dragon has disappeared for so many years. Naturally, it will not return for no reason."

The old man's voice gradually drifted in the wind with the two people's distant figures.

"I experienced the cold winter sixty years ago. The long winter lasted six years."

"I watched with my own eyes the woman suffocate the newly born child in the quilt. Her tears turned into frost. People dug up heavy snow and ate everything from the land..."

From 223 to 230 in the Egan calendar, it was a long summer that lasted seven years. People even forgot the appearance of winter.

However, from 230 to 236, a punitive disaster came as scheduled. The six-year cold winter shrouded the seven countries. The whole city to the north of Jingze and even Junlin was almost empty, and even the tragedy of Yi Zi eating each other occurred.

The life span of bachelor Yimeng is too long. It has become a living history.

He witnessed and experienced many different events with his own eyes.

"Commander in chief."

"I feel it getting cold..."


half a month later.


Step, step

The sound of horses' hoofs came from the ancient road that could not see the end in the distance.

A knight dressed in scales and a black animal skin cloak came to the gate of Lindong City, and the sentry standing on the watchtower saw each other early.


The bowstring burst out, and a sharp arrow went into the soil in front of the knight in black, and the soil splashed.

The horse under the knight's crotch was frightened. He stepped restlessly on the horse's hooves. His thick nostrils made a loud noise and sprayed out a strong white fog.


Standing at the head of Lindong City, the sentry shouted with a bow and arrow.

Winterfell is the home castle of the stark family in the north. The guards stationed here are naturally one in a hundred warriors. He is very confident in his archery and can order the other party to stop without hurting the other party.

However, the knight in black standing under the winter city heard the familiar voice on the head of the city, strangled the reins of the war horse, calmed his partner's restlessness, then took off his hood and raised his head.

"Mullen, it's me."

The knight's voice under the city was a little hoarse and low. This was his home and the place where he grew up, and he also recognized the guards at the head of the city.

The guard named Mullen was stunned when he saw the knight take off his hood.

Then he was overjoyed.

"It's Lord Banyang!"

Banyan stark, the younger brother of ED stark, Duke of Winterfell, joined the night watchman Corps on behalf of the stark family after the usurper war.

This flash has left Winterfell for five or six years. I didn't expect to come back suddenly at this time.

The news of ban Yang's return soon spread all over the winter city.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!