Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:14 AM

Chapter 171

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Wesselis also thought a little. In fact, he had already thought out an answer to this question, but he finally confirmed it in his heart.

"A one handed sword."

Wesselis is good at using many weapons. He once followed the Red Castle coach and taught his brother Sir William Darry to practice the traditional Knight's sword, that is, one handed sword or two handed broadsword.

Later, he also briefly practiced the water dancer's fencing with the chief swordsman celio Freire of braavos, but that experience only deepened wesselis's understanding of fencing.

Then Oberon went to Longshi island and andalos. Wesselis followed Oberon to practice the use of spears and spears more suitable for fighting on horses.

As the owner of the "golden spear" family emblem, the matel family has always been experienced in the use of long weapons. Therefore, Oberon's guidance has made wesselis's strength to fight on horseback by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, wesselis gun and sword are very good at both weapons, but they still made the most priority choice in the selection.

A sword.

The spear is more practical for him, but the priority is still behind the sword.

There are many reasons why wesselis made such a choice.

Because the sword has a strong symbolic meaning and represents power and status, many families take the sword as a symbol of family inheritance.

Moreover, the heart of the stars is also a unique treasure, which is rarer than valerian steel. Valerian steel weapons are everywhere, but the weapons made by the heart of the stars seem to be only the two handed sword of the Dane family.

Wesselis uses it to forge a sabre, which can improve influence and cohesion.

At the same time, the size of the star heart also determines that it is not enough to make a long gun, but it is more than enough to make a gun head, and the rest can even make another dagger.

If it is used to forge a one handed sword, the size is just good. The remaining materials can also be used as decorations on the hilt or scabbard.

"A one handed sword?"

Master Toby held the heart of the stars, and his hands were red with cold. He weighed the weight, looked carefully at the size, and then nodded.

"No problem, your majesty."

Then master Toby asked wesselis for a pen and paper, lay on the ground and drew a sketch on the spot.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. For a blacksmith, it is unthinkable to trust him and give him enough materials to create a legendary magic weapon.

Now wesselis gave him this opportunity, so master tob held back his excitement, lay on the ground and drew a sketch and handed it to wesselis.

The long sword is the most commonly used weapon by the Knights of Westeros, so tob is familiar with drawing sketches. This long sword is about three feet long, with cutting edges on both sides. A heavy guard is placed above the handle to prevent the enemy from cutting the finger holding the sword in battle.

I don't know if it was because of too much excitement, the inspiration broke out. Master tob also made some artistic creations in the position of sword handle and cross guard.

As an old fellow Smith, he only looked at it and knew how much weapons it could build.

There may be some leftover materials left when this star star makes a long sword. If it is a weapon used by others, it can be lengthened to become a hand and a half sword.

However, the owner of this sword is wesselis. The king of tangaryan is an orthodox royal blood. Naturally, he can't hold a "hybrid sword" such as a hand half sword.

Therefore, the specification of the long sword was stuck in the length of the standard "three foot sword", and Toby could only use the remaining leftover materials from other angles.

In this rough sketch, Toby lengthened the handle of the sword.

The position of the cross guard was transformed into the shape of a five fingered dragon claw by artistic creation, just like a dragon claw grasping the blade. At the end of the long hilt, there was a reduced ferocious faucet.

Master tob gave the sketch to wesselis, who looked up and down and was basically satisfied with tob Mott's design.

It is worthy of being a forging master who can forge valerian steel. The design of this sword is extremely perfect.

However, wesselis made some adjustments according to his preferences.

He knew that the faucet at the end of the hilt was used to balance the weight and balance the overall feel of the long sword. Otherwise, top heavy and light feet or head light and foot weight would affect the knight's use of the long sword.

The adjustment of this weight pays more attention to the forging technique and the requirements of the swordsman.

"Take off this tap."

"Replace it with a counterweight ball of equal weight, such as gold or brass."

Wesselis felt that such a faucet was a little pompous, which was not very in line with his aesthetics. He asked for more simple decoration, while the design of dragon claw hand guard remained.

"I see, your majesty."

Master Toby took note of the changes requested by wesselis and nodded.

"This is just a rough sketch, not the final design of the sword."

Forging is a science, and this time it is related to the goal of his life. Of course, he should go back and study it to make the drawings more accurate.

Then tob Mott seemed to think of something, then patted his forehead and said.

"Your Majesty."

"It's not enough for me and my disciples to forge this sword with the heart of stars."

"I also need to borrow some death row prisoners from you to help."

Toby asked for an opening.

"Death row?"

Wesselis was slightly stunned when he heard master tob's request. He didn't know what he wanted death row prisoners to do. Can't others help?

But the death prisoner's life was worthless. He was going to die anyway. Wesselis didn't think much about it. He nodded and agreed.

"Well, if master Toby wants some death row prisoners to help, just mention it."

"In that case, the heart of the stars will be built by the master."

Wesselis nodded slightly and was just about to let tob Mott go down with his primary school disciples.

A faint female voice rang out of the room.

"This heart of stars is a gift from the king of light to his majesty."

"He came out of the fire. Maybe he can cast the legendary 'messenger of light'."

Hearing the woman's voice, wesselis looked out the door.

The woman in a red robe was quietly leaning against the door and looking at several people in the room.

A pair of good-looking eyes looked at the star heart in master tob's hand, flashing a strange brilliance.

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