Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:10 AM

Chapter 173

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By the time wesselis arrived, many people had been surrounded in a wasteland outside andalos.

"Your Majesty."

Wesselis came here on horseback and rode his horse. Then he turned over and dismounted. A black haired knight in silver armor came over.

"This was first discovered by a local farmer."

Wesselis turned his head and saw an old man in the crowd with his trouser legs up and bare feet.

At the moment, he was being questioned by the soldiers nervously. It seemed that this man was the first to find that jili'an's grave had been planed.

"Reward two silver deer."

Wesselis just took a look, nodded, and then took back his eyes. Naturally, his entourage did it for him.

Then wesselis looked at the black haired knight.

"Go on, have you found out?"

"What the hell is going on."

When a farmer passed by this morning, he found that a new grave had been dug out.

No matter what religion's doctrine, there should be peace after death. This act of digging people's graves is undoubtedly a felony. Therefore, the enthusiastic old man reported it to the guards of the crossing post not too far away from here.

The guard on duty sent someone to check and found that it was the tomb of the "Gunther scholar" who was executed by his majesty not long ago.

His grave was dug up and his body disappeared.

Then the guards quickly informed the castle of the news. It's not big, but small... The guards don't know whether it's important or not.

So it was notified to wesselis.

"It's probably like this, but what people don't understand is that there seems to be no footprints left around."

Said the black haired knight, hesitating for a moment, but still didn't say the bold guess in his heart.

He is also a hired knight from Westeros. He was once employed by a nobleman in the valley. He was a coach of the castle and a housekeeper for some time. He has certain management ability.

Later, he heard from the castle owner that tangaryan had risen again in the east continent and had the news of the dragon.

Then, after some careful consideration, he took the initiative to terminate his employment with the valley nobles. Like many frustrated wandering knights in Westeros, he boarded the merchant ship to ESSOS with a dream, and finally came to andalos to swear allegiance to their king.

"Is that so?"

Wesselis frowned and didn't know what to say. This kind of thing really made people feel uncomfortable.

"Why would anyone want to dig his grave?"

Gillian Lannister had been examined at that time and had indeed lost his heart and breath.

The body was put into the coffin and thrown in the courtyard all night. The next day, it even smelled of decay. Then it was carried out of the castle and found a piece of land outside the city for burial.

And Jillian didn't have anything on her, nor did she have expensive funerary objects.

Who would be interested in a body with nothing?

Then wesselis raised his hand slightly, covered his mouth and nose and came to the crowd.

"Your Majesty."


The soldiers and people standing around him saw him make way one after another. Many of them knew wesselis, mainly his iconic silver hair and surrounded by guards.

Wesselis nodded slightly, then came to the excavated grave and squatted down.

However, wesselis just glanced at his eyebrows and frowned.

"It's too messy."

Now the whole Tomb of Jillian has been in a mess, the soil has been planed on both sides, and the coffin that once placed the body has also been roughly opened with a huge wound, like a wild beast tearing up the coffin board.

"But... If someone came for the body..."

"The grave digger is so rude that he is not afraid to hurt Jillian's body?"

Wesselis didn't know how to figure it out.

Just now there was another thought in his mind that Lannister's spy here was not just Jillian.

He should have some receptionists. After the news of Jillian's death came out, these people quietly planed Jillian's grave to steal his body in order to bring his body back to tywin.

However, seeing the scene of such a car accident in front of him, wesselis couldn't help doubting this idea.

If the real purpose of these people is really just for the body, they should not be so rude.

Otherwise Jillian's body will be hammered and rotten. Take it back. Don't people like tywin light them?

It is also impossible for wesselis to check the footprints and directions of these people.

All the traces around have been trampled by the crowd.

When he saw wesselis's frown, he glanced at the chaotic footprints on the ground. Until this time, the black haired Knight reflected that there had been a serious mistake in his work. He should clean up here.

"This... I'm sorry, your majesty..."

The knight with black hair and silver armor looked embarrassed and wanted to explain something, but wesselis just waved his hand.

"Well, it's not your fault."

After all, the knight was not the first to arrive here. Maybe it was a mess when he came.

Even if there are footprints, at the current level, it is impossible to track them too far. We can only know a general direction.

"It's not a big deal. Jillian's grave was dug."

"That's it."

Wesselis only glanced at the excavated grave, and then lost all interest.

After all, the evidence and traces have been destroyed. Even if he is a detective, he can't find anything.

Then wesselis left the crowd, came to the side of his horse, and took the reins from the servant's hand.

The snow-white horse rubbed his head slightly, and wesselis patted his partner's neck, and then turned to warn the black haired Knight again.

"If there is any other information about this matter that you want to report, if not, let it be."

"I see."

The black haired Knight nodded quickly and reached out to help wesselis on his horse.

"No need."

However, wesselis refused.

The neat riding boots stepped on the ground. Then the young king stepped on the stirrup, turned over and sat on the horse's back, took another look at the big hole, and then turned the horse's head.


Several attendants who followed from the castle also mounted the war horses one after another, and then returned in the direction of the castle.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!