Published at 24th of June 2024 06:31:03 AM

Chapter 177

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Hearing the report from the guard, the young man sitting in a chair, wearing plain clothes and long silver blond hair, slightly put down the letter in his hand.

Pantos suddenly invited him to the party again. I don't know why.

However, wesselis did not believe that it was the excuse mentioned in the letter to contact the feelings of the two city states and celebrate the traditional festivals of pantos.

There must be another reason——

The idea flashed through wesselis's mind and then narrowed his eyes.

However, wesselis did not think for too long, but paused slightly.

"Give this letter to Ramses."

"Tell him to find out about it and see what pantos wants to do."

Then the young king stood up and said.

"Let's go."

"Go and see how this sword is forged."


Soon after.

Step on

Footsteps rang out in the corridor of the castle.

"Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty."

The servants on both sides of the courtyard bowed to wesselis.

When wesselis came to the foundry house in the castle, there was still smoke.

However, this long sword forged from the star heart of the red comet has been freshly baked, and master tob Mott is cleaning some dust.

"That's the sword, your majesty."

Said the ashen master Toby respectfully.

At the same time, his eyes still have hidden joy. He is very satisfied with his work. He has a hunch that this will be a magic soldier enough to leave his name in the long river of history.

As a craftsman who forged it himself, the name tob Mott will also become a real "craftsman master".

Although others now call him a "master", old Toby himself knows that a "master" without famous works is not a real master.

So tob's inner joy was even stronger than wesselis.

After veselis just entered the workshop, a pair of lavender eyes were attracted and directly locked on the long sword hanging upside down on the shelf without old tobudo's saying.

The dark red body of the sword is wrapped with blood. The center of the case is a simple black pattern. The golden hand guard bends towards the blade like the claw of a giant dragon grasping the blade.

The black lengthened hilt can hold the sword with one hand or both hands. The suffix is a gold accessory inlaid with red gemstones.

The overall style of this sword is the color of blood, just like the red comet that crossed the sky at dusk. The blood light even covered the setting sun, and then fell down in the eyes of wesselis.

"This sword..."

Wesselis was deeply attracted when he saw it. It was like seeing a flame, and the heat wave came to his face.

Then the young king couldn't help but stretch out his hand and hold the hilt tightly. This feeling of dryness and heat dissipated in an instant, leaving only the clear texture of holding the hilt tightly and the desire to kill the enemy with it.


Wesselis took the sword off the shelf, and the bloody light like the setting sun lit up the whole workshop, even over the burning stove.

Pictures flashed in my mind, and the handsome face of the young king was clearly reflected on the smooth sword.

"Name it..."

"This sword... Is called dusk."

"It will end the rule of usurpers and perhaps save many lives in the future."

Of course, this is not because another magic weapon forged from the heart of the stars is called dawn. Wesselis is not so evil.

Just at the first sight of this sword, wesselis's mind flashed a picture of the sun like blood.


In the dim sky, a dazzling red comet crossed and even covered the light of the sunset and moon.

Then, like a big hand holding a dagger, he fell from the sky and stabbed it into the ground.

"After the twilight of the end, there is more lush vitality."

"Your Majesty is a good name."

Old tob looked at wesselis holding the bloody sword with bright eyes. He was relieved to see that wesselis was very satisfied with the sword. At the same time, he catered appropriately.

On the other side of the red robed lady's eyes, there was also irrecoverable fatigue.

The sword was finally forged.

In these three months, she paid no less hard work than master tob.

The divine power of rahlo in the priestess's body was almost poured out, and she personally lit the flame with her divine power every time she was cast.

"This will be the twilight of the false gods."

Melisandra's voice was flat.

"The true king of light and fire will hold the messenger of light to defeat the gods and save the world."

Some of the teachings of the Red God are similar to a binary God, which means that there are two true gods in the world, and the rest are false gods.

Allah rahlo is known as the king of light, the God of shadow and fire, the God of heat and life, symbolizing the sun.

Rahlo's mortal enemy is also the true God recognized in the doctrine of the Red God. He is called the "cold God" or "different God", and is the God of darkness, cold and death.

The endless battle between the two is the source of long summer and cold winter in the whole world.

When the king of light has the upper hand, it is long summer. When the cold invades the whole world, it indicates that the cold God is ahead again.

But this time, the cold God is about to recover, and winter is coming, and melisandra feels that her connection with rahlo has become closer, and the divine power of the king of light is also recovering.

I don't know why.

Wesselis, with this long bloody sword shining under the hot stove of the workshop, ignored old Toby's praise and melisandra's brainwashing, and then turned to his attendant.

"Pull out your sword."

The young king's guard was slightly stunned, and even if he reacted, he took out a long sword from his waist.


In the narrow workshop, both swords were pulled out and twinkled with cold light. Master tob and Melissa Zhuo cleverly hid aside.

They knew it was wesselis who wanted to try the sword. They were afraid of being hurt by two people.

Although melisandra is a witch, like the death of Millie, although they will curse, their bodies are still physical fetuses.

The cold steel sword will pierce their hearts and kill the witch.

In the open space in the center of the workshop, the two men drew a distance. Wesselis held "dusk" alone. His long silver blond hair hung behind his back. His lavender eyes looked at the guards opposite, and then nodded slightly.

"Attack me."

"Impolite, your majesty."

The guard held his sword and bit his teeth, and then a sword came over.

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