Published at 24th of June 2024 06:30:44 AM

Chapter 185

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That afternoon.

Wesselis appeared in the conference hall of the castle, but there was only one less person here forever.

The young king, dressed in his usual clothes and wearing a golden crown, sat in the main position, while the important rulers of andalos sat on both sides of the long conference table.

Then wesselis came up with the plan already prepared last night, about the division of military system after the establishment of the Kingdom, about the construction of emerging towns, reduce a certain number of rural areas and build them into towns with greater population density.

Because of the special military system of andalos, although the nobles had private soldiers to defend the castle, the number would not be too large. All standing legions of the whole kingdom were in the hands of the king or his designated commander.

This is very different from the aristocratic system of Westeros. The aristocracy only cares about this land, regardless of the troops stationed here, and the power of the garrison general is equivalent to the level of the local aristocracy, but this power cannot be inherited and replaced.

In theory, the governance power of local nobles is slightly higher than that of garrison generals. However, in practice, these military commanders are no less powerful than local nobles.

Wesselis naturally knows that such a system still has many defects. It is easy to breed warlords, local nobles and generals

However, this is also a last resort based on the current situation. At least compared with King Robert on the iron throne, he concentrated his power in his own hands.

The dragon is the best deterrent for wesselis to break the tradition and implement the new system. As long as there is a dragon in wesselis, it can tear up the original deep-rooted system as much as possible and increase centralization as much as possible.

Andalos is such a big place, even if there is a situation in the frontier, there is an army rebellion or collusion with local nobles, "these things should have been shared by me for your majesty, but..."

But now the Old Jazz had nothing to teach him, and his wrinkled old face was full of a bitter smile.

After many years of following the old commander of the dragonstone fleet, coupled with the deliberate teaching of the old Sir, wesselis followed him to learn how to lead soldiers to fight, and almost learned all his skills.

In terms of politics, the old Sir was originally a military man. He knew nothing about governing the country and developing the economy, and even often delayed.

Originally, he wanted to get involved in the development and construction of andalos and was afraid that wesselis was going the wrong way. However, he lived foolishly. In the end, he found that he didn't seem to be able to help, but made trouble everywhere.

Now the old man, who has handed over his military power and returned to the field, once again felt that he was unable to do what he wanted in the political situation. Listening to wesselis explain the future development direction, he was as confused as listening to the book of heaven.

Then I don't know how long it has passed.


Wesselis looked at the man at the end of the long conference table, and many of the people present looked at him.

His whole body was shrouded in thick clothes, and his face was also wearing a metal mask. Except for the eyes under the mask, there was no skin exposed. His back was very straight, like a bitter monk in the Holy Church.

Bessie heard wesselis's voice, turned slightly, and looked at the king he swore to be loyal with bright eyes under his mask.

"Your Majesty."

His voice was low and hoarse.

It took more than half a year for Bessie, a knight who got up from a farm boy, to overcome his illness and stand up again. Except for his scorched body, he was no different from an ordinary person.

Of course, there's one more thing.

That is, as Gillian diagnosed at the beginning, he could not take up the sword in his life and could not fight like a knight.

However, Bessie begged wesselis to give him a chance. He didn't want to be confused for the rest of his life. Finally, wesselis handed over the command of part of the army to him.

Then Bessie led these soldiers to eliminate the brotherhood and bandits that burned and cut like weeds in the territory, and won one after another.

In addition, he runs the army strictly and leads the army in an orderly manner. He doesn't make mistakes wherever he goes like a monk.

Finally broke out a famous name.

"Saint" Bessie Joyce.

Naturally, the reason is his devotion to the seven gods. The seven pointed star sign on the mask still reminds him that he is the son of a soldier.

"This means that Bessie is a self-made confidant who has been influenced by weseries.

There were not many people he could trust, but the loyal knight was definitely one of them.

His loyalty to wesselis is as firm as his faith in the seven gods. He is a tough, tenacious and principled man.

Moreover, Bessie's achievements in leading the army during this period are also obvious to all. He governs the army in a religious way. The whole army has firm faith, fights bravely, and makes no mistakes wherever he goes.

This andalos legion with the name "one" was the first 4000 elite andar soldiers to follow wesselis in the South and North.

These andar soldiers are brave and good at fighting, and it is natural that they should be led by Bessie, a "son of soldiers".

Wesselis applauded the high-level andalos present and congratulated the civilian commander.


Oberon, who had always been frivolous and lazy, turned a lot more serious this time, clapping his hands to congratulate Bessie.

Oberon thought he would become the first army commander of andalos, but he didn't expect that this young, low-key, calm and even unknown man would walk in front of him.

"Without talent and virtue, it is a shame to receive it."

The knight wearing the metal mask had no waves in his eyes.

However, he still stood up, because his body changed, and the movement of standing up seemed a little awkward, and then bowed slightly.

"Thank you for your trust."

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