Published at 24th of June 2024 06:30:24 AM

Chapter 196

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Then illyrio did not hide, claiming that he told wesselis everything he knew, and wesselis could not tell the truth from the truth in his words.


Indeed, there are many things that Ramses did not specify in his intelligence.

After all, Ramses' ability is not as terrible as an insider sitting directly in the position of governor.

"Andalos grows too fast, and the most important thing is the dragon. No one will turn a blind eye to the dragon."

Illyrio sighed and said.

"If you can, I don't know how many people are willing to give up their property for one dragon."

At the beginning of the rise of andalos, pantos did not pay too much attention. There were almost as many small forces, but then their attitude began to change.

At that time, however, pantos also did not want to eradicate this restless neighbor, because they still used andalos as a buffer between them and bravos.

But it never occurred to me that the buffer grew into the center and blossomed.

But none of this is the overwhelming condition that led most governors of pantos to decide to fall to the Iron Throne.

It's still a dragon in the end.

The dragon is like a huge bait, which stimulates the inner desire of the governors of pantos, especially the little dragon who has not grown up.

"No one would turn a blind eye to a dragon."

'unless he is blind.'

These governors of pantos started out in business. Which one is not ambitious and ruthless?

When the news of the birth of the Dragon came out, they wanted it.

Especially they are so close to the dragon that they can even smell the pungent smell of sulfur.

Some people want it, while others are based on self-protection.

The existence of the Dragon means expansion, and pantos is the next goal of the andalos. This is a consensus that almost everyone can reach, which is only an early and late result.

Therefore, the combination of the two, some want to get the dragon and some want to protect themselves, they formed the largest radical among governor pantos.

However, those who remained calm under the lobbying of the Iron Throne envoys became a minority.

Illyrio mopatis is one of them.

During this time, the secret war around this matter was staged in pantos every day. It was difficult for more than a dozen governors to reach a consensus.

Wesselis came in this situation.

"What happened?"

Wesselis nodded.

Although he had known it for a long time, he still pretended to know the news for the first time, and there was more anger and fear on his beautiful and handsome cheeks.

This is in line with the attitude that a normal person should show at this time.

Especially for him, who is only 15 or 16 years old, he can perform more seamlessly.

People suddenly encounter betrayal in a foreign country. What should they do?

Naturally, he turned to the trusted people around him, and wesselis seemed to be trying to keep calm and closer to the truth.

"Lord illyrio, what should we do next?"

The rich merchant governor also looked a little sad. Finally, he shook his head, sighed and looked very embarrassed.

"In fact, your majesty."

"I've always been longing for tangaryan. I used to..."

Later, illyrio told the past of his youth and expressed his ambition implicitly.

He showdown with wesselis, hoping to help wesselis win the throne of seven countries and sit on the iron throne in the future. In return, he hopes to get a castle, a duke and the position of Finance Minister of the new dynasty.

Wesselis only narrowed his eyes slightly and pinched his fingers gently for the sudden showdown of illyrio. He didn't rush to agree or oppose immediately.

Although this is just a bad check at the moment.

Wesselis heard another question, which he had not thought of before.

"Sheila from Reese?"

Asked wesselis.

"Governor, is your second wife a valerian?"

I don't know whether it's for the sake of establishing a relationship with weseris or for other reasons. Just now when illyrio talked about his past, he mentioned that he had a bad relationship with the last Prince pantos.

Because he married the cousin of the last Prince of pantos and married a prostitute named Sila after the death of his first wife, which angered the prince of pantos at that time.

The girl who came to Rhys had silver blond hair.

"That's right."

"Sheila, she does have some valerian blood."

Illyrio didn't know why wesselis deliberately asked such a sentence. Some were confused, but he nodded and admitted.

"But there are still many people of valerian descent in places like Rhys and volantis."


When wesselis heard illileo's words, he breathed a sigh of relief and opened his mouth at will.

"I thought your wife would be a descendant of black fire."

With a casual remark, Elio's face changed slightly, but before he could say anything, wesselis continued.

"But it's no big deal."

"The red dragon and the black dragon are also dragons. Now tangaryan has lost his iron throne. What do you do so clearly?"

Wesselis took a sip of the tea and shook his head.

Illyrio also breathed a sigh of relief. There have been several black fire rebellions in tangaryan history.

Although they are essentially a family, these black fires without formal identity have been stubborn in gaining an orthodox position, and this stubbornness has lasted for generations.

Even it has been handed down for generations, so several black fire wars broke out.

If Sila is recognized by wesselis as a descendant of the black fire, this cooperation will be over.


Now it seems that wesselis doesn't care about the red dragon or the black dragon?

Illyrio let out a sigh, but still smiled bitterly and explained.

"Sila is just an ordinary valerian. Later she died of a plague. Of course she won't be a descendant of black fire."

"At that time, she was pregnant with my child... I had full confidence that it would be a boy."

Speaking of the past, illyrio's face was still gloomy and sad.

"But he was not born in this world. That terrible plague took the lives of him and his mother."

However, the sad expression didn't last long. Illyrio sighed, refreshed himself and went back to business.

"It may be too late to leave pantos now, but things haven't come to the worst."

"For the festival celebration in three days, I will do my best to help your majesty out of trouble."

Illyrio wiped away the faint tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, then patted his chest and promised.

"In that case, please the governor."

Wesselis looked very moved and breathed a sigh of relief.

He held illio's hands tightly.

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