Published at 24th of June 2024 06:30:16 AM

Chapter 201

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"Your Majesty, please."

"Prince, please."

Today, pantos is still the prince of the Rodney family.

He was once frightened by drogo's father, balbocao, and peed in his pants.

Fortunately, however, pantos has had good weather in recent years. He can still sit on his ivory and gold throne with his head.

Wesselis and Prince pantos walked into the palace side by side, while the governors who followed them looked different and looked at the back of wesselis and Prince with flashing eyes.

Except for the two bodyguards who followed wesselis, the other soldiers he brought stayed in the prince's palace, and a little trouble would rush in at any time.


The bright moon in the sky shines brightly. Pantos is a city that never sleeps tonight, and the banquet in the prince's palace has just begun.

Wesselis and Prince Rodney walked side by side through the long corridor and then into the round hall.

It was here at the beginning. The horse king of doslak only took a few people and drove the prince of pantos down from the throne. He killed the presiding officer representing the war in public, which scared the governors of pantos to be silent.

"Your Majesty is very impressed here."

At this time, governor pantos, who looked only in his thirties, said.

He was the youngest governor, and most of the other governors were in their forties, fifties or even fifties or sixties.

The man's face was frivolous, his fingers were also wearing a colorful ring, and his voice was faint.

When wesselis first came to pantos as a guest, the governor of pantos seemed to be here.

Then the young governor seemed to think of something, slightly picked his eyebrows and said.

"Yes, sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet."

"I come from the Scott family. Many years ago, I was an aristocrat in Hejian."

The Scott family was once a noble in Hejian a hundred years ago, but they left Westeros for unknown reasons.

Finally, he came to pantos, fell into trouble and grew into a very rich family that plays an important role in pantos.

The family has huge assets, including three chambers of Commerce and countless shops, almost monopolizing one industry. Therefore, this young Scott can become a member of the governor.


"Nice to meet you, governor."

Governor Scott saw that the young king of tangorian just smiled, neither nervous nor uneasy, and his heart suddenly rose unhappy.

He was familiar with family history. The Scott family was forced to leave their hometown and escape to pantos, which was not unrelated to the original king.

Although the Scott family was very small at that time, only a little affected, it was enough for them to break their muscles and bones, and finally decided to escape Westeros.

Now, as a result of karma, targaryan was forced to flee Westeros and even lost his iron throne.

"Hum -"

Governor Scott snorted coldly, feeling a little unhappy, but he didn't mention the past of the family, but his tone was light.

"Since the varelians established the city as a trade outpost, pantos has stood on this land for nearly a thousand years."

"In this millennium, from Kings and dukes to ordinary soldiers and slaves..."

"Even dragons."

Pantos has a long history.

"Countless people have come here, countless people have ruled this land, but they have turned into a handful of loess, but pantos still stands here."

Two years ago.

A powerful carassa of the doslak sea advanced westward to pantos.

Old Cao, who has reached the age of, knows that time is running out and wants to take advantage of this opportunity to make a victory for his son.

But he failed.

He scared the prince of pantos, but finally died in the hands of a man.

Governor Scott's voice was cold.

But wesselis could hear the threat in his words.

Anyone can ride on the head of pantos for a short time, but in the end, the city still stands and will always be the last person to laugh.

Wesselis also turned his head and looked at the young governor, narrowing his eyes a little more.

It can be heard from his words that the death of balbocao two years ago seems to have something to do with pantos.

Or this is a conspiracy of pantos.

It is easy to break up a grassland overlord and divide it into several kalasa under the command of several CAOS.

Perhaps the original balbocao posed a great threat to pantos.

Or for other reasons, wesselis doesn't know the inside story.

In the end, however, balbocao died and his kalasa was dissolved.

"What you said is not wrong."

"No one can rule pantos forever."

Wesselis nodded, seemed to approve of what the other party said, and then opened his voice calmly, but his words made the other party choke, and then his face was a little gloomy.

As he said, no one can rule pantos forever

So, who is the ruler of pantos now?


The young governor, with a gloomy and cold face, snorted, and then sat back in his seat without saying anything.

"Your Majesty, please sit down."

At this time, another older governor sat in his position and said.

He was governor Keppel of the Keane family, an old man with gray hair, wearing a blue velvet robe and gold silk thread outlining the edge of the dress.

His attitude towards wesselis seemed the kindest on the surface.

When he came to pantos two years ago, he talked the most with wesselis except illyrio.

Wesselis nodded slightly, then climbed the steps and sat back in his position.

His position is very close to Prince pantos. The whole round hall starts from Prince pantos's throne and is in the shape of a circle with steps below.

The prince is the head of pantos, and the governor, as the actual person in power, has no seat lower than the prince except in the center, which can be seen from here.

Before the banquet, the hall was noisy, people whispered, and the attendants were busy carrying dessert and fruit plates.

"The hall family, governor Vogt!"

The voice of the herald was mixed with the confusion. Another governor arrived. This was a man in his fifties, strong and in military uniform. Then he sat directly in his seat.

Wesselys looked more at the governor, for he found that he had not seen the man two years ago.

The governors of pantos did not attend every meeting.

The governor of hall, who came to pantos last time, did not come, but this time all the governors seemed to be present.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!