Published at 24th of June 2024 06:30:01 AM

Chapter 209

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The main hall of the prince's palace was surrounded by an endless stream.

Outside the prince's palace, there are high walls and heavy gates.

Several guards in the palace secretly looked out, and then wanted to quietly close the gate of the palace.

However, their actions attracted the attention of andalos soldiers.


"Hey, what are you doing?"

The soldiers loyal to wesselis had just received the news from ramus.

Tell them that the situation in pantos city has changed. Keep alert at any time. In case of any disturbance, rush into the palace immediately to rescue your majesty.

So they have been on high alert now.

"What are you doing?"

"Why close the door!"

Seeing the action of the palace guards, the andalos soldiers immediately became vigilant, stood up from the ground with weapons in their hands, and then shouted to stop it.

However, when the other party heard their voice, instead of stopping, he accelerated his speed and wanted to forcibly close the gate of the upper palace.


The heavy palace gate suddenly made a huge sound and was slowly closing.

"No! Something's wrong!"

The andalos soldiers saw this scene and immediately reacted. There should be a real accident in the palace.


Then a loud arrow was fired to give a warning.

"Come on! Take the palace gate!"

"Kill in! Rescue your majesty!"

Immediately, the commander of the pro guard led by wesselis gave a stern order.

Two hundred heavily armed andalos soldiers rushed up, trying to forcibly stop the closure of the palace gate and seize it.

"Stop them!"

"Keep closing the city gate! Shut them out!"

When the guards in the palace saw the other party rushing over, they naturally drew their swords to resist. Want to stop these andars from rushing in and forcibly close the city gate.

However, officer pantos's order was a step late, andalos's soldiers responded in time, and the gate was too heavy, and it was not so easy to close it by force.

Several andalos soldiers raised their crossbows and the crossbows flew out.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

Several soldiers who were forcibly closing the city gate were shot by an arrow, screamed and fell to the ground.


Then a brave andalos soldier climbed up first.

The pantos fought back with a sword, and the andalos soldiers raised their shields to defend.


The sword struck the shield fiercely, leaving only a shallow scar. Andalos's soldiers didn't even shake their bodies.

Then the right hand held a sword and stabbed it into the other party's throat.


The metal and iron collided and burst out a harsh sound. A sword was stabbed out and blocked by the other party with a sword lattice.

However, before the pantos guard fought back, he saw a shield magnified sharply in front of him.


The shield hit him hard, and his center of gravity was unstable and knocked to the ground.

Andalos soldiers seized the opportunity to rush forward and stabbed him in the eye socket with a sword, ending his life.


"Take the palace gate!"

Andalos soldiers rushed up, and the guards of the prince's palace were fighting back. The two sides fought at the narrow gate.


The weapons collided violently, and the blade cut on the bright armor. The battle was fierce.

Then pantos's guards were defeated. They were cut down to the ground one after another and screamed. Then they were trampled into meat mud by countless heavy iron boots.

The gap between andalos' soldiers and pantos' soldiers was suddenly revealed.

The red and black side poured into the city gate like a tide.

However, the garrison retreated one after another and was soon completely lost at the palace gate.


And in the palace hall.


A sharp and high voice suddenly appeared outside, like a signal. Wesselis's eyes coagulated slightly when he heard the signal.

"No --"

On the other side, Elio's face has become extremely ugly.

He was aware of what was about to happen, and he and a group of conservative governors were not informed in advance, which was enough to explain the problem.

I'm afraid those people don't just want to attack wesselis, but take this opportunity to eradicate them as governors.


"Be careful!"

The rich merchant governor with a big belly suddenly stood up, raised his hand and overturned the table in front of him.

With a crash, wine, water and food were scattered all over the floor, and then he opened his mouth to remind him loudly.


Wesselis heard the voice and just turned his head and looked at illyrio.

And at this time.

Several servants standing next to the other conservative governors, serving tea and water, suddenly took out a short knife from their arms.

With the speed that no one reacted, he quickly stabbed into the chest and abdomen of these elderly governors.

Poop poop poop——

The random knife stabbed into the chest and abdomen, and the blood soon gushed out and dyed the clothes red.

This scene happened so suddenly that several guards who followed their masters didn't even react.

It was too late to react.

"Damn it!"

The guards pulled out their swords and knocked the assassins to the ground.

Their master's eyes were wide at the moment, his trembling lips quickly lost their blood color, blood flowed down the corners of his mouth, spit out blood bubbles and dyed his beard red.

However, their faces were still full of disbelief. They didn't believe that the other side dared to attack themselves.

This is a way to break the rules of the game. It's like opening the devil's box. I'm afraid pantos will never have peace in the future.

Among them, a servant who looked insignificant standing by the stone pillars of the palace also took out a short knife from his arms and suddenly rushed towards wesselis.


Trying to knock wesselis to the ground.

However, wesselis was not the old governors. He was young and strong, and heard the signal and illyrio's warning in advance, so he reacted very quickly.


The table in front of wesselis was directly knocked down by the assassin, and the wine and dishes on the table also fell on the ground.

However, the young king dodged the assassin's knife slightly, and then seized the opportunity to raise his hand and hold each other's wrist directly.


Five fingers like a vise tightly clasped each other's wrists, and the other hand grabbed each other's hair and pulled it back to reveal the white neck.

A pair of lavender eyes stared at each other closely.

The assassin didn't expect wesselis to react so quickly, and it seemed that his thin body contained so much power that he couldn't get rid of his wrist for a time.

"Spare your life."

His eyes were frightened and wanted to pray for forgiveness.

Then wesselis ignored him, then made a slight effort, held each other's wrist in the assassin's frightened eyes, and cut his own throat with his short knife.


Blood sprayed out in an instant.

However, at this time.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

The bowstring made a sound, and several crossbows and arrows flew out towards wesselis.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!