Published at 24th of June 2024 06:30:00 AM

Chapter 210

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At the top of the palace, I don't know when a row of pantos soldiers with bows and crossbows appeared.

He raised his crossbow and pointed it at the guards of the conservative governor below, including wesselis and illyrio.

And pulled the trigger.

Next second.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom——

The bowstring burst.

A crossbow and arrow flew out in the light of the palace candle, flashing a cold light, and rushed at the crowd below.

The radical governors suddenly killed, and the conservative governors were hit hard in an instant. They were assassinated in front of the table without any precautions.

And they were thinking of cutting the roots. After that, as soon as the Palace door was opened, they could throw the matter on wesselis.

Therefore, the guards of these conservative governors were also unlucky. None of them were allowed to survive.

Poop poop poop——

One by one wanted to hide or beg for mercy, but then they were shot and fell in a pool of blood.

As the first to lift the table, illyrio naturally reacted quickly. Although he was a little fat, illyrio was a good mercenary when he was young.

The fat governor, with a sword in his hand, quickly hid behind the stone pillar in the hall with the help of the shelter of the table, which is the dead corner of the shooting angle.


Several crossbows aimed at him were shot on the stone pillars of the palace and then bounced off.

The reaction of wesselis was also fast. He just killed the assassin who suddenly attacked him empty handed, and then he saw the pantos soldiers who appeared on the second floor of the palace with their crossbows raised.

So wesselis reacted quickly, clutching the body of the assassin in front of him as a shield.


Two crossbows and arrows went directly into the assassin's body and splashed blood, while two crossbows and arrows were firmly nailed to the ground under wesselis's feet.

Then wesselis threw away his body as a shield and rolled and hid behind another stone pillar.


The pantos soldiers who had been ambushing outside for a long time also broke in.


A large number of soldiers in Khaki armor and weapons filled the whole wide hall in an instant.

A mending knife was launched against the conservative governor's guards who were still alive.

Even if they lay down their weapons and kneel down to beg for mercy, it was no use. These soldiers would not blink in the face of begging for mercy, raised their weapons coldly, and then ended each other's life.

A few guards saw the scene and drew their swords in anger. However, they only resisted a few times and were completely submerged in the sea of people.

Among the pantos soldiers who poured in, one of them was particularly eye-catching. He was very tall, nearly eight feet tall, and stood as eye-catching as a chicken in the crowd.

His shoulders are also very broad, his arms are as thick as a small tree trunk, his body is covered with heavy armor, and he holds a huge sword that is difficult for ordinary people to swing with both hands. The whole person is like a rampant tank.

At this moment, he raised a conservative governor's guard who was fighting in a desperate way with one hand. The other party kicked his legs in horror and tried to take away his arm, but he couldn't shake a penny.

"Spare... Spare your life."

The governor's guard showed a frightened expression on his face, almost peed in his pants, and his voice trembled, trying to beg for mercy from the terrible knight.

However, the other party's eyes showed a cruel look, and then he crushed his neck with a click.

Then he threw the body onto the wall like a rag sack.


In an instant, red and white things were knocked out.

The pantos soldiers around hid far away from this scene and dared not provoke this man.

And not far away.

Now all the radical governors have gone far away and watched the one-sided massacre here coldly.

However, seeing this cruel scene, I couldn't help frowning slightly.

"This guy..."

"No wonder they are called 'the first villain of the seven countries' by those at the other end of the narrow sea."

The governors whispered and whispered.

"Prince tywin said that if you borrow someone, he can't escape in weseries."

"Well, now it seems that what you said is really reasonable."

This man is the man sent by tywin, Duke of Kay rock city on the other side of the narrow sea. He is nearly eight feet tall and weighs about thirty stones. He is a real humanoid monster.

Although the little king of tangaryan also has the name of bravery, he can't fight in the face of this monster.

Just standing there is a big difference between them.

They couldn't think of any way that wesselis could escape from the monster.

"This is..."

And on a chaotic battlefield.

Wesselis saw the man, his pupils tightened slightly, and then he felt some numbness on his scalp.

This is the sense of crisis felt by biological instinct.

At the moment, he had pulled out the dusk around his waist. As soon as the one handed sword forged by the heart of the stars was pulled out, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.

Beside wesselis, the bodies of several pantos soldiers fell.

They had just been chopped down by wesselis, and now the long sword in the young king's hand was stained with blood, which was a little more strange under the light of fire in the hall.

In the battle just now, illyrio accidentally took a sword in his thigh and was bleeding.

Now he followed wesselis pale. He had just drawn his sword and killed several pantos guards.

Now both men have been surrounded by pantos's soldiers, facing the terrible monster.

The other party's body is very tall and big. Except for the eyes, there is only a breathing mouth for the mouth and nose, and the others are covered under thick armor.

At the moment, the monster's body was bathed in blood, like a demon God, holding a two handed sword, slightly lowered his head and looked at wesselis coldly.

An open space was isolated in the field, leaving only wesselis and the monster. Illio was pale, covered his thigh with one hand and retreated to the wall.


At this time, an officer of pantos shouted.

"The governor has ordered that the son of the crazy king should be caught alive. Pay attention not to..."

However, before the pantos officer had finished his words, a cold and terrible look fell on him.

In an instant, the pantos officer felt cold from the top of his head to his heels, his face was a little pale, and then he didn't dare to say anything more.

At the moment, wesselis faced the monster alone in the field, looked at each other closely, and carefully controlled the distance under his feet.

"Sir Gregor krigon..."


Then, clutching the handle of the dusk sword, he pulled it out from behind the body of a pantos soldier lying down beside him.

Blood trickled down on the ground.

Because of the force, the nails gripping the handle of the sword turned a little white.

"Are you the devil mountain?"

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