Published at 24th of June 2024 06:35:44 AM

Chapter 23

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And in Longshi island.

In the narrow corridor of the castle, rows of dragon claw shaped torch platforms extend from the wall. The flame is burning violently, emitting light and heat.

The main castle of Longshi island is completely made of black stone. The overall atmosphere is low and depressed. Timid people can't help getting angry when walking in it.

At the moment, the corridor of the castle was silent, and the fierce battle with the outside world on the sea was like a sky and a ground.

With a doll in her arms, reneth walked timidly in the silent corridor of the stone drum tower, rolled her throat, swallowed a spit gently, and then called softly with a little temptation.

"Hello... Anyone?"

However, only her echo came back, as well as the wind.

The rest is still silent.

Although she has lived in Longshi island for half a year, the little girl with brown hair is only four years old after all.

Moreover, the terrain of the castle on Longshi Island fluctuates. The castle is built on the mountain, with tortuous roads, complex internal facilities and rooms, and even many hidden secret roads.


Reneth is lost.

She had just woke up in the middle of the night to find wesselis. Their rooms were not far apart. However, when reneth went to his bedroom, she found that the bed was in a mess, but there was no one there.

Even the queen and maid who had been taking care of them didn't know where they had gone.

Reneth, who was left unattended, was free.

Then the brave little girl ran out in the middle of the night with the puppet in her arms, trying to find the disappeared wesselis.

But she walked around the castle with a puppet for a long time and couldn't find wesselis and queen Leila who were at the Sea Dragon Tower at that time.

Daniel was suddenly critically ill. They were seeing the old bachelor off.

But just then.


Far away.

The Lighthouse of Longshi Island sounded the alarm, and the deep and distant bell rang all over the island and struck everyone's heart.

The little girl with brown hair had been wandering around the castle alone for a long time, and she couldn't help but have some hair in her heart. Then I heard the bell, and the little body beat a cold cicada slightly. This hidden fear was magnified sharply.

The little girl bit her lips tightly and didn't dare to say it. Then she ran all the way back to her bedroom and retracted into the quilt.


She was tragically lost.

In the castle at night, except where the lights are lit, other places are immersed in darkness, which is far less extensive than the vision during the day.

Because of her very young age, Renee is also strictly guarded on weekdays. She rarely has the opportunity to come out at night. Now the situation is like coming to a strange place.

But fortunately, the little girl with brown hair was bolder than her peers. She was not frightened and cried directly, but her eyes were slightly red and her tears swirled in her eyes.

Holding the cold wall with a small hand, curling up, holding the puppet in your arms, listening to the constant wind in your ears, and then groping forward.


The flame above her head shook gently with the dark wind blowing from nowhere, and the shadow of the girl on the opposite wall also twisted slightly.


Reneth was startled when she saw her shadow, and her scalp was numb.

Then subconsciously leaned on the edge of the wall and pinched the skirt with one hand.

And at this time.


At the end of the corridor, a dark place seemed to hear some small sounds, like something fell to the ground.


The little girl's ears moved slightly. She heard the small voice, then leaned against the wall, turned her head and looked into the darkness in the distance.


Reneth whispered. She thought wesselis had just heard her voice respond.

The next second, however, she heard the sound of metal friction.


I don't know when a nail claw threw in from the stone window, fell on the ground, and then pulled back slightly until it caught the gap in the wall.


The nail claws are constantly adjusting their positions. The metal friction makes a sour sound on the uneven wall. It seems that a man outside is pulling the rope to fix the nail claws.

Under the light of the torch, the nail claws not far away flickered a cold light. At the same time, there was a rough voice deliberately depressed by a strange man outside the wall.

"Ready... Ready..."

It seems to be whispering something, and then the sound is dispersed by the wind.

Reneth felt her hair explode in an instant.


The little girl's face was a little pale, her lips trembled, one hand clenched her skirt tightly, and the puppet in the other hand also fell to the ground. However, she was unconscious and involuntarily clinging to the cold black stone wall behind her.

She doesn't know... What to do now.


Reneth, no matter how young she is, knows that the person who sneaks into the castle in this way will not be a good man.

Moreover, she has also witnessed the fighting on the road before, and the flesh and blood of the two sides are flying, which has become a nightmare she has awakened from countless nightmares.

She also understood the dangers of the world.

Of course reneth doesn't want to die.

But then she heard the sound of people outside pulling the rope and trying to climb up, which seemed to be getting closer and closer.

"What should I... Do?"

The girl was so frightened that a thin layer of cold sweat oozed from her forehead, and the brown hair adhered to her skin, and then turned her head around and looked around.

Then the little girl was quick witted. Her young hands stood on tiptoe and pulled the door handle. She wanted to open the door of a room next to her and hide in.

However, the door of the house seemed to be blocked by some sundries, and reneth didn't open it at once.

But the sound from the outside is getting closer and closer.

Reneth's inner panic also reached the top, and her legs felt a little soft.

Then he gave up the sliding door and ran away.



The waves kept beating on the rocks.

A long ship did not light any lights, so it drove on the dark sea, and then quietly approached Longshi island. Then everyone sorted out their weapons, abandoned the ship and went ashore.

They were a group of mercenaries from the southwest coast of ESSOS, located in the disputed land between mill, telosi and Reese, employed by the Iron Throne.

Count redwin knew nothing about it.

Robert baratheon hated tangorian to the bone and vowed to kill all these "evil dragons".

However, he did not fully trust paxter, and he paid off a team of members from the small mercenary regiment of the east continent in two ways.

Entrust them to find a chance to touch Longshi island and kill wesselis and queen Leila.

And now.

After receiving a huge deposit from King Robert, the mercenaries finally seized this opportunity and touched the coast of Longshi island when targaryan's fleet was out against Qingting Island fleet.


The nail claw made three shallow white marks on the uneven stone wall, and the moonlight outside the window was pale.

Next second.

A burly figure appeared on the stone window, with a sharp axe on his back, shining coldly in the moonlight.

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