Published at 24th of June 2024 06:29:01 AM

Chapter 238

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Wesselis finished reading the handwritten letter of Prince Doran in his hand, slightly thoughtful.

Now Adrian has left. In the garden of the palace, only wesselis stands quietly with this letter in his hand.

The servants passing by didn't dare to disturb his thoughts, but just passed by quietly.

In this personal letter, Prince Daolang explained that he told wesselis that he hoped he would not misunderstand by listening to some news.

The matel family really has no reason to refuse the engagement proposed by the royal family.

Now wesselis is not ready to cross the narrow sea for an expedition to seven countries, and Donne can't turn against the Iron Throne now and bear Robert's anger alone.

Dorn now put on a wavering posture is the best choice, which can stabilize the pressure on King's landing.

Even if Donne now puts on a posture of breaking off contact with tangaryan and taking refuge in the iron throne, it will arouse the other party's vigilance.

Wesselis can understand Prince Doran's choice, but it doesn't mean he can accept it.

If one day he wants to land in Westeros, Dorn chooses to turn back, and the cost at that time is unbearable

The setting sun lengthened wesselis's figure. The silver haired boy's facial features were three-dimensional and the lines were soft. A pair of lavender eyes always glittered with quiet light.

Then a breeze blew, and the silver hair in front of his forehead slipped over the bridge of his nose to block his sight. Wesselis slowly recovered.

In this letter of Prince Daolang, in addition to the meaning expressed on the surface, there are many obscure points.

He believed that a wise man like wesselis should be able to understand.

Prince Doran was never a simple person to deal with. Although the two were thousands of miles apart, wesselis seemed to see an outline of the man from this simple letter paper.

"Forget it."

Then wesselis's eyebrows relaxed slightly.

I don't think too much about it. After all, it's too early to think about it.

Although he has been in this world for so many years, his world outlook has not been changed too thoroughly. In some aspects, wesselis still maintains his former ideas.

Then wesselis did not continue to think about it, and then returned to his bedroom.

This magnificent palace is much better than his castle in andalos.

The palace covers an extremely wide area and is located on a hill in the city of pantos. From here, you can see the sea and have a panoramic view of the whole city-state. The courtyard is clean and tidy, with carved beams and columns, and even exquisite reliefs on the walls, recording the history of pantos.

Wesselis's plan is, of course, to relocate tangaryan's administrative center to pantos in the future. Pantos has very strong economic and war potential and can become the engine of the chariot of the kingdom.

The palace was intended by wesselis to be designated as the royal castle in this rich city-state.

However, its name wesselis has not been decided yet, and there was no name here.

Wesselis wanted to give him a name that was not inferior to the Red Castle, and try to be simple, simple and magnificent at the same time.

"Dragon Castle..."

"Or Dragon... Dragon palace?"

Thinking of this, wesselis suddenly felt speechless and couldn't help scratching his hair.

Then he put the handwritten letter from Prince Daolang under the book on the bedroom table and opened his mouth to the door.

"Come in."

"Your Majesty."

The guard outside the door heard wesselis's call and immediately pushed the door and came in.

"Go and get Ramses."

Wesselis took out a piece of paper and sat at the table with his head down. He didn't know what he was writing. It looked like a waste manuscript, and then opened his mouth without raising his head.

"Yes, your majesty."

When the guard heard wesselis's order, he immediately nodded and agreed, and then slowly closed the door to find the mysterious commander-in-chief of the Ministry of internal affairs.

Ramses suddenly came to andalos with a letter from his father count Bolton, and then was secretly appointed to a special position.

The closest guards who followed wesselis did not know much about Ramses.

Every day, mysteriously, I don't know what I'm busy with, but I just know what dirty work is. Wesselis always thinks of him at the first time.

And Ramses didn't dislike his dirty hands, even complacent about it.

For him, the dirtier his hands are, the more important it will be for wesselis, and the more power he will have.

Wesselis's guard went out to find Ramses and went straight to the kennel in the palace.

This is a piece of land that Ramses asked wesselis for. It is an underground cell, not far from the cell where Gregor krigon, the demon mountain, and the original tavern waitress were held.

Wesselis killed the faceless man disguised as a prince in rags, and the remaining tavern waitress was handed over to Ramses for interrogation.

Later, however, wesselis heard that some unpleasant things had happened to his cronies who had been placed in the Ministry of the interior to monitor Ramses.

It was probably because Ramses didn't take care of his lower body. During the trial, he adopted some special punishment for the tavern waitress.

Wesselis frowned when he heard the news, but he didn't say much. After all, the other party was the criminal who assassinated himself. He would be executed the next morning to warn the remaining faceless forces in pantos.

After that, ramus seemed to be aware of wesselis's displeasure and became more cautious. He didn't dare to appear in front of wesselis.

Until then, wesselis found him again.

Ramses was found by the guards from the underground kennel, and then hurried to wesselis's bedroom.

"Your Majesty."

Ramses saw wesselis kneeling on his knees again, like a dog wagging its tail.

In the whole forces surrounding the tangaryan family, except Ramses, no one else would see wesselis make such a big gift.

Although there was nothing on the surface, the others secretly expressed their contempt for the bastard in the North who was hidden in the dark all day.

These messages were brought to him by Ramses' subordinates, but Ramses ignored them and went his own way.


Wesselis heard Ramses' voice, finally stopped his pen, raised his head, and spoke calmly.

Then he handed the note in his hand to the other party.

"It burned after reading it."

Ramses got up from the ground, took the note in wesselis's hand, just looked at it, and then was stunned.


Then he looked up at wesselis with some disbelief.

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