Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:49 AM

Chapter 244

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He had a chance to experience the feeling of flying in this era.

Wesselis sat on the dragon's back, breathed out a gentle breath, loosened the scales tightly held with one hand, and then looked down at the ground.

He saw the long caravan on the dirt road below and the little people like ants. At the moment, they were looking up at the sky. They looked frightened, and their horses were frightened.

"It looks like they saw you for the first time, bellerian."

"You scared them."

Wesselis withdrew his eyes, then breathed softly.

"Ho -"

When bellerian heard wesselis's words, his wings still raised the wind, his hair turned slightly, and a low hoarse dragon roared, as if he were responding to wesselis's words.



The Dragon flapped its wings faster and rushed straight into the sky, and its huge body even rushed to the clouds.

"Continue to rise."

Wesselis did not dare to hold it up, and his other hand firmly grasped the raised scales on the dragon's back.

Now he stepped on the sky and clouds.

On the ground, the caravan ready to sail to pantos, everyone stood in place and watched the Dragon disappear above the clouds.

"Is this... A dragon?"

They're from kohor.

Not long ago, I heard about the upheaval in pantos. The Dragon King of tangaryan captured the city. The Dragon burned the palace and burned all the governors.

They even wondered if they could see a real dragon in pantos on their way here.

However, unexpectedly, the dream came true. The Dragon appeared in front of them. At the same time, many sharp eyed guards also saw that there seemed to be a man riding on the dragon's back.

"Dragon Knight?"

"Is he wesselis targaryan?"

"It's a miracle."

After a short shock, the guards of the caravan began to communicate with each other without hesitation.


And in the city of pantos.

Wesselis is missing.

This news should be regarded as big news, but it did not cause an uproar. The forces of all parties in the city who had just stabilized did not jump out to do anything.

Because the palace with three dragon flags is still calm in the attention of all pantos.

The guards who followed wesselis knew that his majesty flew away on a dragon, and they chased him on the ground for some time.

However, the Dragon flew to the clouds and soon disappeared without a trace. How could they run on the ground with these four legs fly fast in the sky, so they lost it.

The guards then returned to pantos and reported the matter to Jon Clinton.

Now illyrio presides over the restoration of pantos's economic problems, and Jon, as the king's personal adviser, has nothing to do now.

So he managed the large and small affairs in the palace, equivalent to a big housekeeper.

When he heard that wesselis had boarded the dragon and flew away, his first reaction was not worry but excitement.

He believes wesselis can do better.

In fact, Jon and wesselis haven't known each other for a long time. However, Jon has been quietly paying attention to the development of wesselis a few years ago.

Jon had seen wesselis, who had been a prince in the Red Castle. At that time, wesselis

Jon didn't see any good in him to tell the truth.

However, perhaps stimulated by the death of his father and brother, wesselis changed his temperament after fleeing the king's landing.

In Jon's opinion, at least, wesselis is very different from the prince who was angry and scolded the guards of the Red Castle.

He showed his courage with his young body, showed his strength step by step from the initial forbearance, and finally created such a huge foundation.

Jon sat behind his desk and looked at little Egan, who was sitting next to him and learning to deal with his business.

"AEGON, you should learn from your uncle in the future."

The boy with silver hair sat in the chair and heard Jon's words. His eyes suddenly showed longing.

"Can I ride a dragon, too, father?"


Jon was slightly stunned when he heard what little AEGON said.

I was speechless for a moment.

He didn't expect little AEGON to say such words.

But every child has a dream of riding a dragon, not to mention that Egan is still rega's child, a pure tangaryan.

However, ideal belongs to ideal, reality is reality, honor... Is honor.

On the bloody night, Jon found wesselis and swore allegiance to each other. Jon took care of Egan and sent him back to tangaryan is completely his righteousness, and he must be loyal to wesselis in the future.


After all, AEGON has been raised by him for so many years and is also calling him father. Although there is no blood connection between them, they have the feeling of father and son.

"Well... Maybe."

Jon hesitated for a moment and did not directly agree or refuse, but gave an ambiguous answer.

Facing the boy's eyes, Jon, as an adoptive father, really couldn't bear to say anything to beat the child.

But... Now Jon knows the situation of the tangaryan family.

Wesselis took Renes from the Red Castle, and queen Leila left him a sister. The relationship between wesselis, Renes and danilis must be stronger than gold.

Even if AEGON is reneth's brother, there is no relationship between them except blood, and reneth will not choose little AEGON between supporting AEGON and wesselis.

The three dragons of the tangorian family have been divided up by their brothers, sisters and a niece. There can be no place for AEGON at all.

Unless he begged his sister

Jon thought about these things slightly, then shook his head.

He looked up at his adopted son and said in a low voice.


"If you really want to ride a dragon, you'd better find a dragon egg by yourself."

"Then try to hatch him."


In the city of pantos.

The news of wesselis's disappearance did not cause much waves, because there was a dragon around his majesty, which was the greatest guarantee.

And in andalos.

The sky has gradually darkened, the lights in the castle have been lit, and the whole city has not fallen into a deep sleep.

Wearing a loose Nightgown, the girl with long brown hair was bending over the cold stone window and looking up at the night sky outside the window.

And at this time.

A huge shadow came from afar and appeared in her vision.


The wings spread and fanned, and the scales reflected the metallic luster in the cold moonlight, which was particularly clear.

Behind this huge figure, there seems to be a figure sitting upright.

Reneth was slightly stunned when she saw the huge shadow, but she reacted.

"It's bellerian!"

The girl with long brown hair was overjoyed, and then she ran down regardless of wearing only a nightgown.

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