Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:36 AM

Chapter 249

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Robert's voice fell.

It was still snowing outside, the world was covered with silver, and a group of black crows fell from the sky.

Flapping edge——

Fell on the eaves of the room, his scarlet eyes glittered, his head turned slightly to the left and right, and then pecked his feathers.

I don't know whether the crow is looking at the three kids below or the tired woman who has just given birth in the house.

Ed Stark's back was gone, and he naturally knew the news that the ghost had reappeared earlier than wesselis.

In fact, he had received the news as early as his brother Banyang led the Rangers to retreat from the ghost forest.

This is the first time in human history that a strange ghost has been confirmed for thousands of years.

Although sightings of strange ghosts were reported every few years before, most of them were characterized as rumors, which can be traced back to some rare animals that have not been seen.

Therefore, people no longer believe in ghost stories.

However, after returning to the desperate Great Wall this time, Banyang immediately reported to the night watchman commander-in-chief, Jao Mormon, but the commander-in-chief was skeptical.

Then ban Yang wrote a letter and entrusted others to send it to Lindong city.

The old bear didn't believe what he said, but ed stark believed that his brother wouldn't be aimless.

Therefore, Winterfell began to make active preparations long ago, hoarding grain and grass and stepping up the training of soldiers.

Then came the expedition of the night watchman corps, which was attacked by strange ghosts and returned with great defeat, which confirmed the existence of strange ghosts.

Ed received the bad news all night and stayed up all night. After careful consideration, he wrote a letter for help again and sent it to King's landing.

His good brother Robert received the help from the north. Naturally, he believed ed unconditionally and was ready to organize soldiers to support the north.

However, his decision was jointly rejected by the rest of the nobles of the seven countries. Of course, they did not openly violate the king's call, but found various reasons to shirk it.

Even the Tyrell family, who had just made an engagement with the royal family, politely refused. Only the two brothers of the baratheon family were clearly willing to support their brother.

Although the other families find a variety of reasons, the final reasons and ideas are also very simple, all for self-protection.

News of strange ghosts' recovery has been popping up for 8000 years, but strange ghosts have never really recovered.

Besides, it was a hard winter in all places except Donne. We didn't have the energy to play the game of "strange ghosts" with the north.

Even if the dorns are not affected by winter, the dorns who are used to living in the hot environment cannot go to support the north. Otherwise, I'm afraid half of them will freeze to death on the way, and the other half will take the opportunity to slip away.

However, when King Robert was denied face, and was annoyed by the nobles who sent people to test his mouth and persuade him not to listen to the lies of the people in the north.

The help letter from Mormont, the commander-in-chief of the night watchman corps, was sent to all parts of the country again. This time, old Mormont firmly determined that the strange ghost had really reappeared.

If the other families don't believe it, they are willing to catch a strange ghost to King's landing, and his help letter has been endorsed by Xuecheng.

The doctors in Xuecheng are ready to set off for the desperate Great Wall to witness the existence of strange ghosts.

With a series of affirmations from the stark family, King Robert, the night watchman corps and so on, the major families of the seven countries were somewhat skeptical this time.

So they sent out some troops and gathered in Junlin, but the number of this coalition army is still not very large.

In the absence of a real life and death crisis, the major families still have the idea of preserving their strength.

After all, war costs money. Soldiers' lives, food, armaments and even a trip to the North cost a lot of money.

However, although the number is not many, it is better than nothing. King Robert himself actually had such an idea, and he did not bring out too many King led soldiers.

The crisis of strange ghosts was 8000 years ago, and people have long forgotten the threat of strange ghosts.

Even if it is really a strange ghost making a comeback, the seven countries do not pay much attention to him. I believe there is a great wall to stop it.


Robert baratheon personally led the coalition forces, and the royal family marched north to support the Northern Territory, while his adoptive father Jon Erin stayed at Junlin to preside over the overall situation.

Now the mighty army stretches out for several kilometers. It seems that it has just reached Jingze along King Avenue. It is still a very long distance from Lindong city. Along the way, there are troops from the West.

The army held high the flags of all families of the coalition army, among which was the symbol of the golden crown bucks of the baratheon family.

As the royal family, the baratheon family paid the most money this time and supported their good brothers.

And ED stark, Duke of Winterfell, has been training for a long time. He didn't even spend much time with his wife during childbirth. When he saw that his wife was safe, he didn't waste any time.

Because according to the night watchman's report, more and more savages have been expelled outside the desperate Great Wall during this period.

Some savages even tried to cross the desperate Great Wall, but they were beaten back by the night watchman corps with additional manpower. The two sides broke out several fierce conflicts here.

But this is not the main force of the savage army, just some wandering savage tribes.

Hundreds of thousands of free people gathered in the real savage Kingdom outside the Great Wall. They were divided into hundreds of different cultures, clans and villages. They once fought separately and fell into a fratricidal war.

Today, however, hundreds of thousands of free people and hundreds of different tribes have all been united under the command of a king beyond the Great Wall.

Mans Reid.

He united all the savage tribes and created a magnificent free people kingdom.

The savages found the trace of strange ghosts earlier than the night watchman Legion hiding behind the Great Wall, so they were driven towards the desperate Great Wall.

Hundreds of thousands of savages from the real big army, the free people's Kingdom, are on their way.

The front line of the night watchman Corps was tight and faced great pressure, and the dark cloud of the war was almost imminent.

Therefore, ed stark also had to order the conscription. Now two northern troops have been stationed on the great wall of despair, which has greatly supplemented the seriously understaffed night watchman Corps

In an instant, soldiers can be seen everywhere on the Great Wall, which is 700 feet high and 300 miles long.

Although this is still not enough to prevent a small group of savages from climbing secretly, more people fall and die than are killed by the night watchman.

But in the future, it can stop the attack of savage troops.

"Keep all the savages out of the Great Wall!"

There are not many strange ghosts, but the dark clouds of war between the savage Kingdom and the seven countries have enveloped this land.

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