Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:34 AM

Chapter 250

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Far north.

A baby boy named Brandon stark was born.

There is also an increasingly fierce conflict between night watchmen and savages near the desperate Great Wall, and the upcoming war can not affect the scenery across the narrow sea.


The waves still beat on the rocks, and the cold wind roared from the sea.

A few days have passed since wesselis returned from andalos. What happened a few days ago can only be regarded as a false alarm.

When his majesty disappeared on the first day, everyone didn't take it seriously. After all, there was a dragon beside him.

However, the next day wesselis did not come back, so there was some worry.

Jon sent soldiers out of the city to look around. At the same time, he also met with the prince in rags. He hoped that the brothers of the wind blowing regiment could go together to find the whereabouts of his majesty.

The prince in rags began to wriggle, but when he saw Jon's appearance of pulling his sword, he had to agree at last.

However, the next day, after a whole day's search, we still couldn't find the whereabouts of wesselis.

When various forces in pantos city have some mental activities. Late that night, wesselis fell from the sky on a dragon and returned to pantos.

With the young king riding the Dragon appeared again, all the restless voices and thoughts disappeared.

Wesselis returned to pantos in a high profile, holding a letter of the help from Monsieur IMON, but did not ask his staff for advice.

He decided to wait quietly for the news from the other side of the narrow sea.


A few days passed.

Wesselis was dealing with some business. Jon Clinton suddenly came to his room and brought wesselis unexpected news.

"Golden regiment?"

At the top of pantos's nine tower palace, the sea breeze blew in along the windowsill.

The boy with scattered silver hair was slightly stunned when he heard Jon's words, then put down his pen and raised his head.


Jon Clinton, sitting opposite him, put his hands in front of his knees, looked serious and spoke seriously.

"The current head of the gold regiment, black heart MIS toin, entrusted me to convey his request to you."

Mister toyne contacted illyrio and Jon first, and then asked Jon to convey this intention to wesselis.

As if he were still in Rhys today, he led the gold regiment to fulfill the contract with Rhys, but sent a close friend to take a message. He hoped to come to pantos one day to meet the real heir to the Iron Throne of the real dragon.

Wesselis heard Jon Clinton repeat what he had just said to make sure he heard it correctly.


The head of the gold regiment sent someone to see him... It's a little interesting.

Wesselis rubbed his chin slightly and leaned against the back of the chair. He didn't speak for the first time, but meditated for a moment, and then said.

"As far as I know, Jon."

"The golden regiment was founded by the noble illegitimate son of AEGON IV, the 'Yong King'."

The first leader of the golden regiment was "cold iron" IgE Hewen.

Others may not be familiar with the name, but wesselis knows it very well. You can see it from the family history of the tangaryan family or the history of the seven countries.

Egan calendar 196.

Damon heihuo and his followers set off the first "heihuo rebellion", both illegitimate children legalized by AEGON IV, and "cold iron" IgE Hewen also participated in the heihuo rebellion.

He joined Damon Blackfire and wanted to challenge the orthodox existence of the tangaryan family. Later, after being suppressed the rebellion, he fled to ESSOS and established the golden regiment.

Until now, the golden regiment is full of descendants of knights and lords who once participated in the "black fire rebellion" and lost their titles.

It is interesting enough that the current head of the gold regiment, MIS toyne, suddenly wanted to visit wesselis.

"Of course I know the background of the golden regiment, your majesty."

Jon Clinton took a deep breath and nodded.

He once became the right hand of MIS toyne in the golden regiment, equivalent to the identity of deputy head.

Later, it was because of wesselis that he left the golden regiment and came to pantos.


However, Jon Clinton said there was some hesitation here, then considered the language and continued.

"Since its establishment, the gold regiment has been making a living in the disputed land. It has been employed by the mils, Reese or telosi to carry out endless harassing wars for them."

"But in fact, they have always dreamed of recapturing their parents' homes."

"They are the descendants of exiles. They have nothing and have never been forgiven, but they are also a strong armed force."

Jon Clinton was silent again and spoke.

"Now the nobles of Westeros have also betrayed tangaryan."

"The golden regiment may want to help his majesty regain the iron throne to wash away his sins."

"At the same time, I hope to get your Majesty's forgiveness and return to the home of my parents."

Jon Clinton advised wesselis not to directly refuse the request of the gold regiment.

Although he wanted to say that the red dragon and the black dragon were still a family after all, he finally stopped talking.

Because the red dragon is a dragon, while the black dragon is a 'Dragon' that is not recognized by the tangorian family.

Although he has the same blood, in the final analysis, it depends on how wesselis decides.

Wesselis thought a little, but he didn't agree with or refute Jon's point of view.

The man with grayish red hair secretly and carefully observed the expression on wesselis's face, but unfortunately he didn't see anything.

Then wesselis nodded and suddenly said.


"In that case, it doesn't hurt to see you."

Wesselis suddenly agreed, and Jon Clinton was not surprised.

Although tangaryan and black fire are sworn enemies because of several "black fire rebellions", after all, both sides share the same root and flow the same blood.

"Red or black, the dragon is the dragon."

Jon Clinton suddenly thought of such a sentence.

Moreover, the golden regiment has tens of thousands of elite soldiers, 500 cavalry, 500 attendants, 1000 archers, and even terrible war weapons such as elephants.

Then Jon Clinton stayed in wesselis's room for a long time. The two sides talked for a few days. Jon stopped disturbing wesselis and stood up to leave.

Not long after Jon Clinton left, however, there was another knock outside the door.

Wesselis's room is very lively today.

Then pushed the door and came in Dorn's girl, Yalian Martel.


The girl came in wearing a simple sand dress wrapped in a tempting fragrance.

He sat very familiar on the arm of wesselis's chair, then leaned down and kissed him gently on the side face.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!