Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:27 AM

Chapter 255

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Then wesselis thought for a moment and spoke.

"Jon, keep it a secret."

"Then tell the prince in rags and those families to pay for what should be paid."

Said wesselis.

The governor's family of pantos was slaughtered, but some escaped rich merchant families came back trembling when they saw no follow-up.

After all, their assets, business and the foundation of generations are here, which can not be easily transferred in a moment and a half. Therefore, wesselis is not afraid that they will run away again when they know the news.

However, it was all used by wesselis at this time.

Because wesselis believed that they all knew that if pantos was really captured by the doslaks, it would be the real disaster.

I'm afraid something more terrible than the "bloody night" will happen. It's not impossible for the city-state of pantos to become history.

"I see."

And Jon Clinton nodded slightly.

He once personally commanded the war, and although the final result of the "bell ringing battle" was the defeat of the Royal Army, the reasons for this are very complex, and the crime of non war can not deny that Jon Clinton is an excellent commander.

Finally, iris II deprived his title and expelled Jon, which indirectly led to the tragic outcome of the fall of King's landing.

The next moment to resist the menacing doslacks was Jon's time to prove himself again.

Now the thought of these men with long gray red hair can't help boiling blood.

What he was waiting for was such an opportunity. Since he was expelled from King's landing by the king, he wandered on the AESOP continent and could only mix with mercenaries such as the golden regiment.

Although Jon won several victories in commanding operations with his excellent ability, he finally climbed to the right hand position of commander MIS toyne.

However, Jon was still not satisfied with this. He changed from thrift to extravagance, and from extravagance to thrift.

After all, Jon Clinton once became the count and king of eagle nest castle when he was only a few years older than the current wesselis. Now he has been reduced to the commander of a mercenary regiment. How can he be reconciled?

Therefore, he led Egan, the son of reggae, to viseris. First, he wanted to return the prince with honor and loyalty, and second, he wanted to get a chance to prove himself again.

He is a loser, but he is not willing to fail.

He's not old yet. He's still in his prime.

Wesselis seemed to be able to see the flames gradually burning in his heart from the hand and face of the king who had been his father.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and then said.

"In that case."


"You are my most reliable right hand in pantos. I need to rely on you for more efforts in the next war."

Wesselis saw Jon's burning ambition.

Everyone has his own wild hope, but what everyone pursues is different.

Just as the prince in rags wanted to monopolize power, AEGON wanted to be recognized by his uncle, while Jon longed for honor and reputation. Even power came second to him, and money was not worth mentioning.

Some people love power, some are lecherous, while others want honor.

Although wesselis seemed to be only sixteen years old, his ability to observe words and colors far exceeded his apparent age, so he threw himself into his favor and arranged a suitable position for Jon.

As the king and the core of tangaryan power, wesselis doesn't just need to dress up, pick up girls and spend money every day.

The king of a country spends his time enjoying flowers and drinking every day, which can't support a huge empire.

In particular, the founding king, wesselis's goal was almost to rebuild an empire.

On the contrary, there are many things he needs to consider. There are no details in all aspects. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with his subordinates.

After all, no one owes him, and so does Jon.

Fully grasp the mental activities and demands of each subordinate, so as to unite everyone and become an indestructible team and force.

This is the experience that wesselis has summed up from his previous post, and has made use of it to make him a king with some "courteous and virtuous corporal" and "different" in the eyes of others.

Sure enough, the voice of wesselis fell, Jon's heart beat violently, and then raised his head and looked at wesselis.

Although Jon had experienced several ups and downs in his life, and his heart had long become as hard as iron, he had to say that wesselis's words were just right, and he was stabbing the only softness in his heart.

There are both moving and disappointed emotions.

Jon remembered the past eight or nine years ago and finally sighed.

"Your Majesty, your brother was once a man like you."

Then the man stood up, revealed his true feelings and acted on the occasion, clenched his fist on his chest and hammered it heavily.

Then he knelt on one knee.

"Willing to stop more than 80000 slaker troops for your majesty."



Another two months passed in a hurry.

More than 80000 slaker riders came to the western world, and there was no way to stop such a movement.

Although wesselis got the news a long time ago and strictly blocked the spread, the news gradually spread and became popular.

People have fled pantos to find another way out, and some people who can't live without pantos are also worried. They don't know what the future will be like. Can wesselis hold pantos.

The tangaryan family army has been actively preparing for war since a long time ago.

Jon Clinton worked hard and gave full play to his command and control ability as the king's hand.

Decrees were distributed from his hands.

Collect grain and grass, store fire oil, build weapons, equip urban defense weapons, rolling wood and stone throwing machines, strengthen the city wall, and temporarily employ a large number of mercenaries and wandering knights.

The number of pantos city garrison has doubled.

And far away in Ge DoHo.

Now the first regiment stationed in the newly built soul castle is also sending snow like information to pantos every day.

Yinghunbao was built on the site of Ge DoHo.

Close to the river and the mountains, Jianfeng locks all the possibilities of invading andas plain from the southeast. The geographical location is extremely important. It is a water and land transportation hub, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

The loina people once chose to build a city here for such considerations.

Now, with five CAOS and 80000 doslaks, the front has appeared in the control area of the first Corps.

More than 10000 andar soldiers of the first Legion contracted their defense lines under the command of army commander Bessie and shrank into a dangerous pass that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The cloud of war gradually shrouded the earth.

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