Published at 24th of June 2024 06:28:21 AM

Chapter 258

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Two days later in the afternoon.

The gates of pantos are already overcrowded, mostly refugees driven by the doslaks.

Their homes were destroyed, their wealth was plundered, and they were forced to flee their homes. Driven by the doslaks, they fled in a hurry in the direction of pantos like pigs.

Many slow runners died one after another under the bow, arrow and machete of the doslak people, and then burst out laughing and speaking obscure doslak language.


Then he hurried forward and pulled a woman out of the refugees, directly onto the horse's back, and then slapped the horse's ass and left.



The woman's husband seems to be an honest farmer and seems to want to take back his wife.

However, before he rushed over, he was cut by two other doslaks with machetes.


Blood splashed out.

The husband covered his throat and watched his wife be robbed, and then fell into a pool of blood.

Such small episodes continue to occur on this land.

These roaring warriors seem to be playing a killing game, and several doslaks are not fast.

Riding a horse and pacing leisurely in the rear can drive hundreds of unarmed refugees to escape in the direction of pantos.

From time to time, he urged his horse to go up and kill several slow "sheep people", or draw a bow and arrow to take people who support each other with their families as living targets, but these people don't even have the courage to fight back.

Now the doslak army has arrived, and a large number of people in towns near pantos have been driven here.

This is one of the tactics of the doslaks. If pantos refuses to accept these refugees, he will lose his morale, and accepting them will cost his own food.

However, the doslak army is not far from here, and the bleak and melodious horn can be heard from a distance.

But wesselis still resisted the pressure and opened the gate to let the poor refugees escape into the city of pantos.

The doslaks who drove the refugees stopped their horses not far from the city gate.

Seeing the black refugees crowded at the gate of the city, he laughed and provoked the tangaryan soldiers at the head of the city.

Jump off the horse and pee at the head of the city. Let them watch as they pull their bows and shoot the refugees fleeing towards the gate.

The tangaryan soldiers at the head of pantos, including the mercenaries of the once windblown regiment, clenched their fists when they saw this scene.

"Shit! These bastards!"

"I'll kill them!"

Will from the woodland held the long sword tightly. Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt that his blood rushed to the top of his head. He wanted to rush down and kill all these damn bastards now.

But just then.


The side door next to the main city gate of pantos opened wide, and a team of heavily armed tangaryan knights rushed out.

The doslaks who drove the refugees were completely unprepared, and suddenly encountered tangaryan cavalry.

Perhaps they did not expect that these iron cans hiding in the stone house dared to rush out directly at this time.

You know, the doslak army is behind them, and now it is not far from pantos.


The doslaks who drove away the refugees shouted in surprise. This is the "man in iron clothes" in doslak language.

But although they were a little caught off guard, they were not afraid.

Instead of running away, he pulled out the yarac machete at his waist and greeted it with a loud howl.


In an instant.

The cavalry of the two sides collided violently and made a huge sound in an instant. Gold and iron collided, flesh and blood squeezed together, and there was a sad scream at the same time.

"Kill all these bastards!"

Jon Clinton, dressed in bright armor, wearing a helmet and holding a long sword, led tangaryan's knights into the enemy line and killed several doslaks in a row.

Dang Dang——

The sound of violent collision between gold and iron was mixed, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Although the dothraks were proficient in riding, they still suffered a great loss in the frontal collision of cavalry. After all, the first priority of cavalry combat is speed.

The Knights of tangaryan came in a fierce manner, while the roaring Knights of the doslaks held their horses in place. When they saw someone rushing out, they drew their knife to meet them.

However, in terms of speed and impact, it fell into the downwind in an instant.

Moreover, the doslaks do not have advantages in weapons and equipment. Their machetes are difficult to split the plate armor worn by tangaryan soldiers, and even cut it only with a white seal.

Then he was cut to the ground by tangaryan soldiers with a sword and a shield. In an instant, the horse's hooves were chaotic and trampled into meat mud.


The horses hissed.



The two sides have just engaged in war.

The voices of "stop" and "retreat" came from the doslak formation in an instant.

Although the doslacks are reckless, they are not fools. This kind of iron can head is really difficult to deal with.

But not everyone in tangaryan's army is qualified to wear such iron cans.

This time, the doslaks were still forbidden. With the cry of retreat, they retreated like a tide towards the main force of the distant army.

Jon Clinton, who had been covered with blood shortly after the war, gasped slightly, wiped the blood on his face, and watched the doslaks flee to the distance without pursuing.

It's a wave.


"Go back to town!"

Step, step

Then the tangaryan knights who covered the refugees into the city turned their horses and retreated towards the city of pantos.

And at this time.

Far away.


The bleak horn suddenly sounded like a wave.


Then the endless doslaks appeared in the eyes of the soldiers at the head of pantos.



The horn at the head of pantos also sounded, and the bell sounded to warn the whole city.

"Close the gate!"

The city commander conveyed the order.

"Close the gate!"

The soldiers in charge of the gate began to pull the rope, the winch creaked loudly, and the gate was slowly closing.

The refugees who had not yet had time to enter the city rushed like crazy at the gate of the city.

Jon Clinton and his knights who covered the refugees were even stopped at the end.

I can only watch the doslak people sweeping in the distance like the waves approaching gradually.


The earth trembled under the hoof of the horse, and the howling sounded.

Jon felt that he had even smelled the disgusting smell of the doslacks.

"Damn it!"

Then the man with long gray red hair bit his teeth slightly and pulled out the bloody sword again.


"Turn the horse's head!"

"Prepare to meet the enemy!"

Jon Clinton spoke loudly.


All the tangaryan knights who came out of the city turned their horses' heads and put on a pair of knights who looked at death as if they were at home.

However, Jon didn't shout out his last words to protect the people. Suddenly, he felt that the sky above him became gloomy.


There was a strong wind and dust, and Jon was a little embarrassed.

"This is..."

Next second.

A huge dark figure spread its wings, flew over the Knights' heads and dived directly towards the doslak army in the distance.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!